David Stafford's Blog (201)


Here is just a portion of the stuff I've received since ...April? Bad, bad, Dave....(He smites brow mightily.) Maybe the oldest piece of mailart in my inbox was Katerina's birthday greeting. (Still smiting). But I think I have a pretty damn good excuse. Sorta....not so much...…


Added by David Stafford on July 7, 2013 at 11:58pm — 5 Comments

The Boekie, The Dirigible and the Sloth

I've got a ton o' stuff to blog and I will get to everyone but here's some recent acquisitions...sort of recent. Ana Karina from Florida sent me a collection of things in this envelope.

The cool contents…


Added by David Stafford on June 24, 2013 at 1:26am — 18 Comments

Moan Lisa at the Whitney

This is just an artist's rendering so don't get all excited. Moan Lisa has a little problem with presentation ie these beauties came stapled together like a stack of receipts. Please, people. This is your art and it's pretty cool...do not staple...if you have to tie something together bike down to Hobby Lobby and get some raffia, or green duct tape or…


Added by David Stafford on June 18, 2013 at 6:19am — 5 Comments


Okay, let me say at the outset that I've received a lot more stuff since April which is not included here because it's basically just trashy crap. It's a joke, people! Oh my, I could almost feel the hackles rising around the world like the ridge on a Rhodesian Ridgeback. No, the reason it's not here is that  time runs out. But I will blog them and soon. As the…


Added by David Stafford on June 10, 2013 at 10:54pm — 10 Comments


Actually I found it under my bed. Several months ago I horrified Nancy by losing her artwork immediately after it arrived and then blaming the disappearance on our overzealous cleaning person, Consuelo. Oh, I am evil to the core. Anyway, I was cleaning up the filth next to my nightstand and thar she blew, the smell of Kordite was in the air. Consuelo, forgive…


Added by David Stafford on May 26, 2013 at 10:23pm — 5 Comments

KDJ: The Rest of the Story

It's so hard to be heartfelt twice in one day but I'll make the effort for my good friend, KDJ. Let's start with the envelope.

Even worse that second hand heartfeltness is rewriting a joke. I am so peeved...He smites brow for emphasis...and continues...It seems likely that "That is a sock" will be found on my tombstone. For the mystified please…


Added by David Stafford on May 24, 2013 at 7:41pm — 5 Comments

Results Not Typical: The KDJ Files

He opened with a song. (Use Bobby Rydell voice here if available) I've got a lotta bloggin' to do. (song ends here) But before I get to that and I hope to this holiday weekend, I want to share a package I received this week from KDJ who is taking a sabbatical from the scene. Among other things, KDJ started the Enchanted with Dave Group so I owe her big…


Added by David Stafford on May 24, 2013 at 7:00pm — 4 Comments


Received mys·te·ri·ous package. Probably fine but regulations require me to submit to our one-man freelance bomb squadron leader Bob. Once Bob gives me the thumbs up I'll give full details. In the meantime, thank you for your patience.…


Added by David Stafford on May 4, 2013 at 12:19am — 13 Comments


In my continuing effort not to get behind here's another blogathon for the last two or three week starting with:

This is the envelope Taidgh sent me his work in, embellished with the colorful creatures that leap out of his…


Added by David Stafford on April 6, 2013 at 11:14pm — 11 Comments

Recent Acquisitions

The mailbox was groaning with acquisitions the past three weeks. Lots of artist stamps this time out. You people will have to tell me where you get your supplies. I have shopped at Olathe Post before but I'm not fond of that guy's politics though I'm sure he's a fine fellow. (He likes to hunt him some coyotes.) Nuff of that. Let's see, if there's a theme for…


Added by David Stafford on March 23, 2013 at 11:30pm — 15 Comments

Entertaining Mr. Sloane

So I'm following this guy out of DeVillo's Parking Garage. Some Eldorado or somethin' I dunno. Maybe it was a Monte Carlo? All cars look alike to me. Anyway, he's stopped waiting for traffic and I'm readin' the license plate...except, it's not really a license plate...I guess it's a bumper sticker. Anyway, I can't believe it....I see this name Richard…


Added by David Stafford on March 12, 2013 at 4:00am — 12 Comments


Okay here goes another blogathon...This may be three weeks worth so it's quite a haul. First off....MomKat weighs in with three, count 'em three cards from the old country. Birthday greetings and a surrealistic collage that features a guy that is a dead ringer for a childhood friend of mine, Danny Cubiciotti who died at 27 so it's strange to see him creeping…


Added by David Stafford on March 10, 2013 at 12:33am — 13 Comments


Ground Hog Day!

And the the mailbox is bursting with exotica from around the world. I got two pieces from South Africa on the same day from two of my favorite South Africans. What are the odds?…


Added by David Stafford on February 2, 2013 at 9:48pm — 10 Comments


Incoming....Week of January 14

First off, Diane Keys continues to document the decline of western civ through the detritus that comes her way. On the front: the battle of former tenants continues…


Added by David Stafford on January 20, 2013 at 9:59pm — 6 Comments

Year End Haul

Got a million things to do but I wanted to quickly acknowledge the week’s haul....First off, a variety pak from Kerri Pullo enclosed in her trademark metallic blue envelope.

Kerri, who lost her couch in a recent…


Added by David Stafford on December 30, 2012 at 9:01pm — 14 Comments


Incoming! First off Wenchkin, fellow New Mexican, sent me a pair of cards with her unique process of rubbery silk screening that is the perfect medium for her Posada Meets Sears Roebuck sensibility. I see now that I have posted Corn Dog Man upside down which turns him into a spidery alien. Sigh. I hope Wenchkin is making a living off these creatures…


Added by David Stafford on December 16, 2012 at 6:17pm — 11 Comments

More Sighs From New Mexico

I haven't been present here much and I would like to say that I had Beri Beri or a bout of Scurvy or some other exotic excuse but the truth is I have fallen behind...way behind in my gratitudinal offerings. This is a chronic problem for me as many of you know. I have received art in the past few months from (in no particular order) Marie Wintzer, Marie Wintzer and Marie…


Added by David Stafford on October 6, 2012 at 7:07pm — 19 Comments

Helder, Janine and Nadine

Janine was kind enough to send me a postcard from her journey to Neuchatelatel which is just outside of the Land that Time Forgot and east of The Lost World. There's obviously lots to do there but the don't miss item is the Pterodactyl Airshow in which they create a skyborn tableau vivant based loosely on James A. Michener's "History of the World." It's not…


Added by David Stafford on August 18, 2012 at 9:30pm — 2 Comments

Michael Harford's CD

Michael and I have been exchanging music and various other things and he always manages to include some mail art in his packaging but the CD was first art-only project. And, as it turns out the first CD he's sent through the mail which came through without incident or cancellation. He's make good use of some of them old Time mags ads when men always wore suits and came…


Added by David Stafford on July 28, 2012 at 9:05pm — 1 Comment

Dean Marks vs the Queen of England

The story I'm telling myself is: I haven't blogged this before because I was waiting for the spectacular Olympic opening to give it a little extra push for relevance. That's my story. For those of you who did not see the four hour over the top extravaganza (all three of you) it's worth a youtubation to see the Queen parachute into the stadium, her dour smile as…


Added by David Stafford on July 28, 2012 at 8:41pm — 8 Comments


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