Bruno Cassaglia
  • Male
  • Savona
  • Italy
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Bruno Cassaglia's Friends

  • Palettentheater Kollektiv
  • Biljana
  • Vlado Goreski
  • Danielle James
  • James Kellis
  • Fulgor Silvi
  • Luna Leandro
  • Helmut Aichele
  • Véronique
  • Cassandra Elyse
  • Michael Bauer
  • Kiyasu
  • Susan Beth Janicke
  • Margarita Lizcano Hernandez
  • Travis Medford

Bruno Cassaglia's Groups

Bruno Cassaglia's Discussions

mail art

Many mail artists, perhaps, will not agree, but since 2020, I hear theneed to change, even the way to do mail art, not more advance,for the moment.Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you…Continue

Started Dec 17, 2019

"planetins project"
4 Replies

With "planetins project", I would like to bring my work of Mail Art to maximum freedom, go beyond the theme projects, and send as much as possible to mail artists. This is to complete a network of…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Bruno Cassaglia Apr 22, 2020.

planetary installation

planetary installation, has already begun, but officially, will begin in 2020. poetamailartfluxusContinue

Started Dec 2, 2019

add & return digital
2 Replies

Dal 2020 cambierò un po' il modo di fare Mail Art.ho anche anche trasformato in miei gruppi in gruppi interattivi con aggiungi e ritorna. poetamailartfluxusFrom 2020 I will change the way of making…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by annie Nov 8, 2020.



Latest Activity

Bruno Cassaglia posted a status
6 hours ago
Bruno Cassaglia posted a photo
20 hours ago
Bruno Cassaglia commented on Bruno Cassaglia's group caffè Italia
"If Picasso or Van Gogh had lived in this era, what would they have produced? Would they have become equally great artists? Perhaps... Maybe Van Gogh would have become a land artist, since he loved nature, and Picasso, multifaceted as he was, would…"
23 hours ago
Bruno Cassaglia commented on Bruno Cassaglia's group caffè Italia
"Se Picasso, o Van Gogh fossero vissuti in questa epoca, cosa avrebbero prodotto? Sarebbero diventati ugualmente grandi artisti? Forse... Magari Van Gogh sarebbe diventato un land artista, visto che amava la natura, e Picasso, poliedrico…"
23 hours ago
Bruno Cassaglia left a comment for SACS Arte
"A Mail Art project dedicated to nature will soon start, organized by S.A.C.S. (Spazio Arte Contemporanea Sperimentale) Quiliano (SV) Italy."
23 hours ago
Bruno Cassaglia commented on Bruno Cassaglia's group caffè Italia
"A Mail Art project dedicated to nature will soon start, organized by S.A.C.S. (Spazio Arte Contemporanea Sperimentale) Quiliano (SV) Italy."
23 hours ago
Bruno Cassaglia commented on Bruno Cassaglia's group caffè Italia
"Presto partirà un progetto Mail Art dedicato alla natura, organizzato dal S.A.C.S. (Spazio Arte Contemporanea Sperimentale) Quiliano (SV) Italia."
23 hours ago
Bruno Cassaglia left a comment for Rachel Carter
"Arrivata Mail Art fa Rachel Carter!!! Grazie ...un fraterno abbraccio.   Bruno "
Bruno Cassaglia commented on Bruno Cassaglia's group caffè Italia
"Ermete Severino is a new critic invented by Bruno Cassaglia, who will write about contemporary art, but not about Cassaglia's work, about which Gina Isrehg will continue to write."
Bruno Cassaglia commented on Bruno Cassaglia's group caffè Italia
"Ermete Severino, è un nuovo critico inventato da Bruno Cassaglia, che scriverà di arte contemporanea, ma non del lavoro di Cassaglia, del quale continuerà a scrivere Gina Isrehg."
Bruno Cassaglia updated their profile
Bruno Cassaglia left a comment for Nick Tauro Jr
"Felice delle tue parole Nick!!!! un fraterno abbraccio. PACE FRA I POPOLI!!!"
Bruno Cassaglia commented on Bruno Cassaglia's group caffè Italia
Bruno Cassaglia left a comment for Vlado Goreski
"Grazie Vlado. un fraterno abbraccio.. pace fra i popoli ..."
Zorica Obradović commented on Bruno Cassaglia's group Pittura digitale in cui intervenire liberamente
Bruno Cassaglia commented on Bruno Cassaglia's group Pittura digitale in cui intervenire liberamente

Profile Information

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
because I love free art.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Bruno Cassaglia
Via Brandini 11/6
17047 Quiliano (SV)

Bruno Cassaglia's Photos

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Comment Wall (341 comments)

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At 4:27pm on March 18, 2025, Nick Tauro Jr said…

Sono profondamente legato alle mie radici italiane e ci viaggio spesso. Sono molto felice di unirmi a questo gruppo!

At 1:13am on March 14, 2025, Danielle James said…

Thank you, Bruno.

You are very kind.

Warm Regards,


At 11:00pm on March 12, 2025, Ilya Semenenko-Basin said…


Felice della tua lettera. Viviamo senza molti cambiamenti; faccio molto lavoro scientifico e aiuto molto i genitori nelle faccende domestiche. 

At 5:06pm on March 12, 2025, David Stafford said…
la tua solidarietà
At 3:49pm on March 12, 2025, David Stafford said…

Ciao Bruno...

Trump is: Un uomo assolutamente mediocre che è arrivato al potere perché abbiamo ignorato l'infelicità di troppe persone per troppo tempo.


At 5:56pm on January 9, 2025, Mail Art Martha said…

Good idea Bruno. I shall do more doodles on my tablet.

At 11:25am on December 23, 2024, Zorica Obradović said…

thank you B.

happy holidays to you too.

I wish you all the best and the best.


At 11:53am on December 15, 2024, Maggie Makri said…

Hi, thank you for your kind comment. It's a sketch I made last year.

At 6:22pm on December 13, 2024, Zorica Obradović said…

thank you ...for sharing your artistic visions with us... greetings from Zorica

At 6:21pm on December 13, 2024, Zorica Obradović said…

хвала ...што сте поделили са нама своје уметничке визије... поздрав од Зорице



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