February 21, 2011 to December 12, 2012 – Planet Earth As many of you know, rumor has it that the world will end in 2012. To celebrate this auspicious event, I'm establishing a Mail Art Call - the theme will be "The End of the World." Only 2D work will b… Organized by liketelevisionsnow | Type: mail, art, call
February 23, 2010 at 6pm to December 31, 2011 at 7pm – The World Hello. I've got two mail-art calls going on right now, and I'd like to invite you to participate. Thanks David Aronson http://www.alchemicalwedding.com Honoring the Shadow The Shadow is a psychologi… Organized by David Aronson | Type: mail, art, call
July 28, 2010 at 7pm to July 31, 2017 at 7pm – Hell Mail art sent to Hell burns before it gets there. We just foreward mail to Hell for you so we may be able to document some of it and put it on a blog Organized by Lex | Type: on, going, mail, art, call
January 4, 2011 at 6pm to July 12, 2013 at 7pm – PUERTO DE SANTA MARIA LIBRO- Art * EL CUERPO HUMANO* Tema: CUERPO HUMANO Tamaño: Din-A5 -,14,8cm x 21cm . Vertical Copias 30 +, 2. P/A = 32 Ejemplares, Firmados del 1/30 al 30/30., mas 2 Pruebas de autor P/A ( para la B… Organized by FELIPE LAMADRID | Type: libro-, art
January 22, 2011 at 6pm to November 30, 2011 at 7pm – Argentina “THIS MOUTH IS MINE” Betwen Dicember 6th and 9th 2010, two works of mine from the “Doscientos” serie “desappear” from the Exhibition Gallery. With some fragments of the photos I`d taken I made stamps… Organized by Marcela Peral | Type: mail, art, call
January 24, 2011 at 6pm to February 29, 2012 at 7pm – President Obama The White House The polar bear graces the 28 cent stamp for postcards within the USA: http://www.virtualstampclub.com/2009/polarbear.jpg But the polar bear is in danger! Legislation has been introduced that would se… Organized by Tamara Wyndham | Type: call
February 11, 2011 at 6pm to February 18, 2012 at 7pm – California I would like peopleto send me Mail Art that is influenced by the music that makes your heart go BOOM. I am interested in either creating a piece that featues musicians you loveor you can send me Pla… Organized by Elizabeth Rose | Type: playlisting, the, mail
March 1, 2011 at 6pm to March 31, 2012 at 7pm – Lemon Street Gallery and Artspace 3/1/2011-12/1/2011 What do you see when you look out your window? What do you see when you look around the room you are in? What is the best view in your city? Seeking art inspired by your surroundin… Organized by jeanine ferguson | Type: exhibit
March 8, 2011 to March 1, 2012 – Southern Hemisphere This is a project for people who live in the countries of the southern hemisphere. This exchange process begins by assembling a collection of 100 participants in a list arranged by their Longitude.… Organized by Perdita Phillips | Type: photocopy, mail, art, project, call-for-participants, southern, hemisphere
April 16, 2011 at 6pm to April 15, 2012 at 7pm – Florence, Italy In occasion of the CREATIVA meeting that is to be held 28 May 2011 in Annigoni square in Florence, we invite you to participate in the exhibition of Mail art on the topic: “Mail Art , spring of the a… Organized by Gianni Broi | Type: mail, art, call
April 17, 2011 to May 21, 2012 – Mail of the Living Dead Zombies have invaded our popular culture!! What is the meaning of this obsession with the living dead? Send us your thoughts, expressed through freeform art, poetry, short fiction, or however you… Organized by i'm a superhero i can like fly and shit. | Type: mail art call
May 27, 2011 at 6pm to December 2, 2011 at 9pm – The Arts District - Haverhill, Massachusetts USA Send me black & white drawings, small black & white paintings on paper, black & white photos, newspaper clippings, poems, black & white stickers, artistamps etc...I am going to creat… Organized by Sharon Silverman | Type: live, mailart, performance, piece, with, visuals
June 11, 2011 at 6pm to November 27, 2011 at 7pm – Spazio Ophen Virtual Art Gallery SPAZIO OPHEN VIRTUAL ART GALLERY MOSTRA RETROSPETTIVA di VINCENZO NUCCI “Illuminazioni: “Tra Luce, Memoria e Malinconia” (Retrospettiva Collat… Organized by Giovanni Bonanno | Type: arte, contemporanea
June 15, 2011 at 6pm to December 31, 2011 at 7pm – PUERTO DE SANTA MARIA LIBRO- Art * EL CUERPO HUMANO* Tema: CUERPO HUMANO Tamaño: Din-A5 -,14,8cm x 21cm . Vertical Copias 30 +, 2. P/A = 32 Ejemplares, Firmados del 1/30 al 30/30., mas 2 Pruebas de autor… Organized by FELIPE LAMADRID | Type: libro-, art
June 19, 2011 at 6pm to June 19, 2012 at 7pm – Iowa City, IA A Mail Art Call for Self-Portraits! As realistic or abstract as you would like to make them! Originally devised as a Calendar Girl-esque group by my friend Val, he has since asked me to take over t… Organized by i'm a superhero i can like fly and shit. | Type: mail art call
July 20, 2011 at 6pm to December 31, 2011 at 7pm – Turkey ‘Art on the Road’ Traveling Mail Art Project was started under the name of ‘Ultima Mail Art Project by Şakir Özüdoğru for the purpose of supporting the Ultima project which is located in the Rog Auto… Organized by Şakir Özüdoğru | Type: mail, art, project
August 2, 2011 to December 23, 2011 – Trinidad and Tobago The first Mail Art event that will happen in Trinidad. So everyone is invited to send their postcards. Postcards will be exhibited at the National Museum. So I hope everyone get creative and want to… Organized by La Koki | Type: postal, art
August 15, 2011 to November 30, 2011 – Argentina Send to me two bottles, one for the collection that I will exhibit at MAC Museum, and the other one to forward to another mailartist. Also you will receive a bottle! Exhibition: since Dicember 23 -… Organized by Rosa Gravino | Type: mail, art, call
August 19, 2011 to November 30, 2011 – Argentina CONVOCATORIA PARA LA 2DA. MUESTRA DE ARTE CORREO POR EL CUIDADO DE NUESTRO MUNDO Tema: Ecología Cotidiana Técnica: libre Formato: hasta A4. Incluir datos personales. SIN JURADO Y SIN SELECCIÓN Plazo:… Organized by Rosa Gravino | Type: mail, art
September 12, 2011 at 6pm to January 31, 2012 at 7pm – Free Range Gallery As part of Processed!, a small festival under the umbrella of the inaugural Fringe World Festival in Perth, Western Australia, I am running a Mail Art Exhibition/Workshop. The workshop will take plac… Organized by Molly McGrath | Type: exhibition/workshop
September 22, 2011 at 6pm to September 21, 2012 at 7pm – tulsa oklahoma i would to put out a call for art for a little boys room. my grandson drake and my daughter brittany have moved to there own home and now he has his own room he like spaceship and planets ,stars ,out… Organized by viola may rollins | Type: house, warming
September 24, 2011 to December 31, 2011 – Sede del Centro Studi L'IPPOGRIFO AZZURRO L'Ippogrifo in festa: Arte, musiche e invenzioni per stare bene insiemeVILLA FILIPPINIvia Viarana 14 - Besana in Brianza llustrazioni di Monica Michelotti abbinati a disegni di bambini della provinc… Organized by Claudio Romeo e Luciana Versolatti | Type: mostra, e, laboratorio, di, mail, art
September 29, 2011 at 6pm to September 23, 2012 at 6pm – St Gilles's Culture of House Call for artists/ International Exhibition of Mail Art Theme: I love Brazilian Culture Theme: I love Brazilian Culture As part of the 3rd Biennale des Arts Brésiliens of Brussels, we are conducting… Organized by Inêz Oludé | Type: exhibition
October 1, 2011 at 6pm to December 31, 2011 at 7pm – Geelong, VIC ReSite is an assembling publication where pages have an element of audience participation or interaction. ReSite is part of the tradition of Fluxus editions where anyone can perform a Fluxus action o… Organized by David Dellafiora | Type: publication
October 3, 2011 at 3pm to February 29, 2012 at 10pm – Cura Malal THEME: Horizons TECNICHS: free SIZE: 15 x 4 cm (only this size, landscape) EXPOSITION: between January and Febreuary 2012 at La Tranca [Cura Malal] DOCUMENTATION: All works in the exhibition wil… Organized by Vortice Argentina & Corral de Piedra | Type: mail, art, exhibition
October 4, 2011 at 6pm to November 30, 2011 at 7pm – online submissions http://www.woman-defined.com Project: WOMAN DEFINED I am asking women to define the word WOMAN, not based on what a dictionary says, but on the woman’s personal experiences. I will incorporate these… Organized by sblase1 | Type: collaborative, writting, project
October 17, 2011 at 6pm to November 30, 2011 at 7pm – TUCUMÁN - ARGENTINA UNA PÁGINA, UNA VIDA En la era de la globalización, de lo digital a pleno, te invito a enviarme en una página real (bidimensional) lo que quieras decir, contar, mostrar de tu vida (textos, imágenes… Organized by Monica Vallejo | Type: libro
October 23, 2011 to June 15, 2012 – Schondorf am Ammersee Please send your artwork regarding our theme "traces". All entries will be documented on our website and presented in an exhibition in July 2012 in our ATELIER 5B in Schondorf in Germany. Pls send… Organized by 5Blanks [Cristina] | Type: mailart, project
November 4, 2011 to September 29, 2012 – Russia Respected international Fluxus-artists we Invite you for participation in the international project first in the south of Russia «Fluxus there lives» in the parallel project within the limits of Fest… Organized by Svetlana Pesetskaya, Victoria Barvenko - Fluxus group Belka&Strelka | Type: «fluxus, there, lives», in, the, parallel, project, within, limits, of, festival, modern, art-2012, (rostov-on-don, russia).
November 8, 2011 at 10am to February 19, 2012 at 6pm – Seoul, Korea Please send Secrets in any medium.(secrets, about secrets, your secrets, other’s secrets, secrets that please, secrets that release, secrets that make you free,) THE ENVELOPE IS YOUR PUBLIC PERSONA,… Organized by Terry Reid | Type: mail, call
November 8, 2011 at 6pm to February 19, 2012 at 6pm – Seoul, Korea Info at not.terryreid@hotmail.com new info 은밀한 교환 You are invited to pARTicipateby sending secrets by mail to the gallery project The SECREt eXCHANGEThe SECREt eXCHANGE is displayed at the Tell Me… Organized by Terry Reid | Type: the, exhibiting, and, exchanging, of, secrets, in, korea
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