November 27, 2009 at 6pm to March 31, 2010 at 7pm – Sinnai (Ca) - Sardegna - Italia Convocatoria of Mail Art. MAIL Art in THE World" 2010." formed cm. 13x18 postcard Free theme but not offensive expiration March 30 th 2010 All the works will be inserted on the blog to the address… Organized by Steven Fossiant | Type: convocatoria, di, mail, art.
May 8, 2010 at 7pm to May 16, 2010 at 10pm – ARTEBO ASSOCIATION Mostra di Arte Contemporanea ARTEBO Via San Petronio Viecchi. 8.a Bologna. Italy Segui. Sometimes at Night. Trilogy. Painting, media mixed, 2010. 50 x 50 cm. Organized by Curator Roberto Lacentra | Type: mostra, di, arte, contemporanea
September 24, 2011 to December 31, 2011 – Sede del Centro Studi L'IPPOGRIFO AZZURRO L'Ippogrifo in festa: Arte, musiche e invenzioni per stare bene insiemeVILLA FILIPPINIvia Viarana 14 - Besana in Brianza llustrazioni di Monica Michelotti abbinati a disegni di bambini della provinc… Organized by Claudio Romeo e Luciana Versolatti | Type: mostra, e, laboratorio, di, mail, art
February 28, 2012 at 6am to February 29, 2012 at 12:30pm – Salerno, Italy PROGETTO INTERNAZIONALE DI MAIL ART A SCADENZA (Sala 1 - 45 / Collezione in corso di opere di Mail Art) I FASE: Scadenza 30 Settembre 2012 "AR… Organized by Giovanni Bonanno & Sandro Bongiani (Italy). | Type: progetto, internazionale, di, mail, art
November 25, 2012 at 6pm to January 5, 2013 at 7pm – La Galleria Caffè Letterario La Galleria Caffè Letterario di Cefalù espone le opere grafiche del maestro Enzo Napoli a cura di Michele Principato Trosso. La rassegna ideata nel lontano 2005 ha presentato in questi anni solo ope… Organized by michele principato trosso | Type: mostra, personale, di, grafica, del, maestro, enzo, napoli
December 22, 2012 at 6pm to March 30, 2013 at 7pm – SPAZIO OPHEN VIRTUAL ART GALLERY “IN FORMA DI FRANCOBOLLO D’ARTISTA” A cura di Giovanni Bonanno (Mostra dedicata all’artista Marcello Diotallevi in occasione dei 70 anni). In occasione dei 70 anni dell’artista Marcello D… Organized by Giovanni Bonanno | Type: mostra, collettiva, di, mail, art
December 22, 2012 at 6pm to March 31, 2013 at 8pm – SALERNO/ SPAZIO OPHEN VIRTUAL ART GALLERY (Italy) ARTISTAMPS / IN THE FORM OF A STAMP IN THE FORM OF STAMP / 70 Years of Marcello Diotallevi Space Ophen Virtual Art Gallery of Salerno was founded in 2009 as an experimental space now trying to m… Organized by Giovanni Bonanno | Type: mostra, collettiva, internazionale, di, artistamps
June 1, 2013 at 6pm to August 31, 2013 at 8pm – Spazio Ophen Virtual Art Gallery SPAZIO OPHEN VIRTUAL ART GALLERY Via S. Calenda, 105 - Salerno ”WUNDERKAMMER ARTISTAMPS” -And Of Cabinet Curiosities- 70 Years di Marcello Diotallevi MOSTRA COLLETTIVA INTERNAZIONALE DI… Organized by Giovanni Bonanno | Type: collettiva, internazionale, di, artistamps
May 13, 2019 at 6pm to August 24, 2019 at 12pm – Spazio Ophen Virtual Art Gallery Pavilion Lautania Virtual Valley / Spazio Ophen Virtual Art Museum Shozo Shimamoto - Guglielmo Achille Cavellini - Ryosuke Cohen IDENTITY OF ARTIST / Marginal Active Resistances Tre proposte … Organized by Sandro Bongiani | Type: mostra, personale, di, shimamoto, cavellini, cohen
August 25, 2019 at 6:30pm to November 21, 2019 at 11:45pm – Space Ophen Virtual Art Gallery Pavilion Lautania Virtual Valley / Spazio Ophen Virtual Art Museum Carl T. Chew - RCBz - Reid Wood IDENTITY OF ARTIST / Marginal Active Resistances Two Tre proposte internazionali indipendenti con… Organized by Sandro Bongiani | Type: mostra, personale, di, carl, t., chew, -, rcbz, reid , wood
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