Mail Art for Peace, Equality, Love, Respect .... forever


Mail Art for Peace, Equality, Love, Respect .... forever

This group, wants to pick up all those people, whom they think that the Mail Art both a tool to spread in the world the peace and the love, for a best world.

Location: Italy
Members: 120
Latest Activity: Jan 16

Mail Art Project 2022 by M.A.M.S. Mail Art Museum Space

Mail Art Project 2022.Tema:Il pianeta dei ricchi e potenti, dei loro servi e schiavi.Il pianeta degli idioti globali.Termini invio opere:inviare solo copia, delle opere alla email: macchia.ale@tiscali.itLe opere verranno esposte sul sito del M.A.M.S. Mail Art Museum Space.Ai partecipanti verrà rilasciato un Diploma d'onore e merito.

Discussion Forum

joining group 5 Replies

Hello, friends!I am happy to see my own ideas are co-streaming to ideas of others involved inside and outside mail art society.Love and Peace are forever bound to be addressed spread to everybody…Continue

Tags: art, nature, animals, love, peace

Started by Maria Fedorchuk. Last reply by Steven Fossiant Oct 15, 2013.

SAND BOOK Collaborative Project 8 Replies

I´ll be making a Sand Book by the Paraná River, at Rosario´s public beach in May.There´s a Perfomance meeting 5, 6 and 7 th May and I´ll be writting along the riverside all the words related to the…Continue

Tags: project-book, Collaborative-

Started by Marcela Peral. Last reply by Marcela Peral Mar 4, 2011.


Started by Elizabeth Rose. Last reply by Elizabeth Rose Mar 2, 2011.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Mail Art for Peace, Equality, Love, Respect .... forever to add comments!

Comment by Steven Fossiant on June 22, 2010 at 1:10pm

Comment by mad madge on June 16, 2010 at 9:33pm
I love the matchbox!!!!
Comment by Samuel Montalvetti on June 16, 2010 at 8:57pm

Comment by Sabela Baña on June 7, 2010 at 8:27pm
Yo pienso que hay un refran que es cierto: " Lo que siembres cosecharas"
Comment by Steven Fossiant on June 7, 2010 at 1:00pm
Hi Sabela,
I thank you for the beautiful words and it is a pleasure to know that so many other people agree with this thought and I hope that the number of these people grows more always.
Comment by Sabela Baña on June 6, 2010 at 9:12pm
I happy of that your own ideas are co-streaming to ideas of others. You ideas are wonderfull. The best wished.
Comment by Steven Fossiant on June 6, 2010 at 3:35pm
I have read this book and suggestion to whoever to do as many….
A regard to everybody!

Clipboard drawn from" to Educate with the art" of Herbert Read 1943.

The teacher teaches without imposing.

The to learn is to often know without giving him the punishment to feel and to do.

The art is spirit that moulds the subject.

The art has been a strength in the life of the nations.

The art is way of life.

In the figurative art spiritual sensibility is in direct contact with the subject. All the other are expressly immaterial.

Not the teacher, but the artist is the true teacher of school. (Caldwell Cook).

The reduction of the organic fullness of the existence to a system of ways of act alternatively determined from the pleasure or from the pain it is the source of the neurotic illnesses.
Example": what is good for me it is what the society it approves, and it is bad what the society it disapproves."

The artist discovers in the world that surrounds him/it (what its first subject is) relationships, order, harmony, just as a musician it finds these things in the world of the sounds. This cannot be served as an aware mind, that face schemes and plain. The art no it is an effort of wish but a gift of grace, at least in his child, that is the simplest and natural thing of the world. The art can spring wherever there is sincere people, free. And' therefore that the happiness or less than his child in front of the teacher is of extreme importance, and the school is or you should be the ideal place for the childish art. It is not excessive to affirm that, if the relationships between teacher and child don't reach the affection, the art is impossible. How is it able, this affection, to translate him in action? The job as we intend him to us it generally is not what it calls" free expression", and that you/he/she can be only unaware imitation, but an activity disciplined in which the imaginative dowries of the teacher have an important part. Every teacher finds his solution to the problem and how much, they visit the schools they will be stricken from the variety and elasticity of the modern methods. An essential thing is by now certain. The good teacher will take seriously always his/her children and their sketches. Perhaps this is the thing most important, since it induces his/her children to do better than theirs. Especially when they draw near to the auto-conscience, they has need of the authority of one that persuades them some value of their job and prevents them to accept the second-hand models, that surround them from every part. These words are been written thinking about the teachers of sketch, but they are also worth for the other kinds of the education: music and dance, theater and work. The increasing trust, the elimination of the fear, the charming strength of the affection and the tenderness; these macaws the elements with which the teacher owes to work.

The art of his/her/their child declines, after the age of eleven (11) years because it is only not attached from every direction, and eliminated by the curriculum of studies, but from the mind through the logical activities, that call arithmetic and geometry, physics and chemistry, history and geography and even gives the way, with which is taught, the literature. The price that we pay for this distorsion of the mind of the teen-ager is dear more and more; a civilization of hateful subjects and human beings ache formed, of sick chins and of unhappy domestic lives, of separated society; a world taken by destructive folly. We feed these processes of dissolution with our knowledge and our science, with our inventions and discoveries. Our educational system tries to slow down the footstep of the destruction; but the creative activities that could cure the mind and beautiful render the world that surrounds us, and the united man with the nature and the nations with the nations, these we despise as vain, irrelevant and useless.

Plato says that: an aesthetical education is the alone one that gives grace to the body and nobility to the spirit, and that we have to set the base art of the education because it operates in the infancy, during the sleep of the reason; and when the reason will arrive unexpectedly, the art will have prepared her the road, and he/she will remain for the spirit as a friend whose features have been for a lot of time family.
Comment by Steven Fossiant on June 4, 2010 at 6:47pm
The thought of the mail art, according to me …

Comment by mad madge on May 22, 2010 at 11:10pm
Hi All,
I just discovered a site that sells peace related rubber stamps. Thought I'd share.
Paz y solidaridad,
mad madge
Comment by Xtina Solano on May 22, 2010 at 10:03pm
hello, i was just thinking this exact thought 30 minutes ago!
bonjour a tout le monde, c'est ma pensee exacte il y a 30 minutes, je vous jure, un gros bonjour a tous de californie!!!

Members (120)



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