Morning dear IUOMA-ites! I received this lovely piece in the post yesterday, but I have no idea who it's from. Can someone help me identify the artist, so that I can thank them properly?
The stamps are Russian, and there is a return address on the envelope, but I can't read it!
Help! ;)…
ContinueAdded by Sarah Churchill on July 3, 2012 at 10:13am — 4 Comments
Added by Guido Vermeulen on July 3, 2012 at 2:17am — 2 Comments
Added by PIRO on July 2, 2012 at 11:29pm — 2 Comments
Look who arrived here after a long travel from Old Orchard Beach to Heidelberg! Nancy sent this slow owl (say that ten times!) ages ago. I love it and I'm laughing about it. It has everything good mail art needs: eyes, rust, fringes.…
ContinueAdded by Svenja Wahl on July 2, 2012 at 9:00pm — 6 Comments
This is beautiful. It is number one of a series of two monotypes, created by Michalis Kotsaris. I am really curious about the technique. The paper is handmade, I guess. Thank you, Michalis.
Added by Suus in Mokum on July 2, 2012 at 8:23pm — 1 Comment
About 200 cards have been distributed for the Millennia Mail Art Project. There is one last batch left. If you haven’t gotten one and want to participate, send me a message (via my website) and these will be mailed out on a first-come-first-serve basis. Learn about the project here.
Added by Tofu on July 2, 2012 at 8:19pm — No Comments
Added by Rebecca Guyver on July 2, 2012 at 3:55pm — 2 Comments
Katerina asked why my birthday is not on the IUOMA birthday "list" and I have no answer for that, other than, I never knew where or how to do that. But today is MY day, or at least for me it is. I've been swimming in a salt water pool this morning, and had coffee and a blueberry scone in my own back yard, and am going to post images of some of my favorite things on my blogger blog. What a day, so far. How's YOUR day going?
Any one else with a 2 July birthday?
(from Richmond,…
ContinueAdded by Mim Golub Scalin on July 2, 2012 at 3:28pm — 7 Comments
Straight outta the mean streets of Heidelberg comes Svenja's Mail Art Nuns and Running Man with Camel. Svenja, like so many others, has sent me two (2) things before I could even blog one....(insert sound of smitten brow here). I love Svenja's wrap around technique and I'm going to try it soon. I can hear those national geographic maps a callin' me. I will need some help deciphering the text here, Svenja as my German (like my French) is limited to Woe est der toiletten. …
ContinueAdded by David Stafford on July 1, 2012 at 8:11pm — 5 Comments
Another exhibit from the museum of small things by curator Theresa Williams. Weaving a story around an old Cracked card that depicts Brooklyn of long ago, Theresa reimagines the scene as it might unfold with the current residents of the contemporary epicenter of the hipness. I don’t envy Jimmy in his wonderment. Thank you, Theresa.
A small story:…
ContinueAdded by David Stafford on July 1, 2012 at 7:14pm — No Comments
This small postcard reached me yesterday....not sure what to do with it an Add n Pass? or just a hello!
if it is and Add n Pass, please let me know the originator so it gets back to them once it's been in the wind a while...
ContinueAdded by Amy Irwen on July 1, 2012 at 6:15pm — 4 Comments
A fantastic piece from Roberto....Very cool texture with the brown paper bag background *!* AP originated from Tofu with adds from Roberto so far...mine will be Layer 3, so will post when I finish with it...…
Added by Amy Irwen on July 1, 2012 at 5:58pm — No Comments
Poor white couch-she needs higher self esteem I think white is always stylish and classic. Wait, why I am worried about an object? Because Claudia's has frankenfurnitured them and made them real. Thank you Claudia=very…
Added by DKeys on July 1, 2012 at 5:47pm — 5 Comments
Angie has been steadfast in sending me her pieces WBOB (without benefit of blog). Here are just four of the things I've received since April including but not limited to: A pair of ATCS featuring a beautiful babe (possibly Jean Shrimpton) and a blue footed booby. The model has a haptic noose around her face, the booby seems content to sit aukwardly upon his continent. Also an alphabet card constructed from signage and a large breasted lingerie model proudly deploying her voting franchise. I…
ContinueAdded by David Stafford on June 30, 2012 at 9:52pm — 2 Comments
Today I received this very pleasing card from Suus. A really nice surprise - really really nice. Thank you :>)
Added by stripygoose on June 30, 2012 at 7:00pm — 3 Comments
Erni is fast becoming one of my favorite people here at IUOMA. Not only is he talented, intuitive and wise... He is most GENEROUS!
We've recently been learning more about one another. In one exchange, I told him simply that I loved a piece of his work, "Straight Red Tango." Imagine my surprise when a package arrived from Erni, containing said piece of art!…
ContinueAdded by Lynn Radford on June 30, 2012 at 3:31pm — 8 Comments
Luckily my neighbours were home so they could take this Giant-Supermega-very-interesting-parcel from the postman. I don't know what to say! The parcel itself is already fantastic. So thinks Troels, the ginger one.
I love the drawing in the middle and the…
Added by Suus in Mokum on June 30, 2012 at 10:26am — 1 Comment
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