Erni is fast becoming one of my favorite people here at IUOMA. Not only is he talented, intuitive and wise... He is most GENEROUS!
We've recently been learning more about one another. In one exchange, I told him simply that I loved a piece of his work, "Straight Red Tango." Imagine my surprise when a package arrived from Erni, containing said piece of art!
A BIG THANK YOU, Erni! I fear that the piece I am working on for you cannot compare...
How many of you feel the way I do about Straight Red Tango?
Two thumbs up, yep.
Any Enlightenment I've received thus far has come in its own time. So Zen of it to do so, don't you think, Erni? We definitely have to wait and see....
Gotta love the world wide web! :D Straight Red Tango for all! There's more than enough Erni to share! :D
Sweet, KDJ! Didn't know it was avail. on Netflix.... Will head there next! Your return could not have been better timed. The Universe is in sync once again!
Erni, as always, you are a wealth of information. :D Thanks for posting the other L.S. packages! Keep your mind open to possibility, as I continue to pursue all levels. Experimentation often yields unexpected results. My faith in all that is unknown keeps me searching for answers, explanations and enlightenment. :D
Excellent Lucky Strike observation, DVS. I wish I had known Ray. The more I learn, the more I feel I would have liked him very much. As it is, I have a tremendous amount of respect for him. I'm with Erni as to obtaining and maintaining the 9th Consciousness level. Awareness and meditation continue in hopes of further achievement in that area... Maybe one day, Erni and I will have such telepathic communication as you suggest and when that happens, I look for it to transcend all language barriers. (We may require Neil's assistance in this endeavor.) Until then, I will continue to reach into the far away and dusty corners of my mind to access what H.S. German is stored there, as communication is essential. :D
Erni, I spoke with my eldest daughter yesterday. I was reminded that I did not tell you that she was near fluent in Deutsch and lived there for a short time as an exchange student. She gave me a micro-refresher which has helped a bit. I'm thinking that a language course for me is not out of the question, in the near future. Dean is in the know... I found that tidbit of great interest. :D
While my father was stationed in Germany, he smoked Lucky Strikes. (Back here in the States, he smoked Pall Mall's) I assume that is a popular brand there. I was impressed by this kraft brown package, as it was so much heavier and more durable than the classic read and white pkgs. we're used to here. I am not a smoker and rarely take notice of such things, but I'll be curious to know if the same is available here. :D
The Lucky Strike packages are much nicer in Germany.
Erni's German Lucky Strike art is superb! (I assume there was some conscious choice to invoke Ray Johnson's renowned Lucky Strike pieces.)
DharmaDaDa Lynn & DharmaDaDa Erni - I also assume you must maintain constant 9th Consciousness-level telepathic communication channeled through the Eternal Network. Your more tangible communication through mail-art is a wonder to behold.
Danke! Das Deutsch ist RUSTY. (But little by little, bits are returning. You'll have me chattering away in no time!)
I did see where you obtained the title for this piece, Erni. "Straight Red" is in reference to the cut of the tobacco used in Lucky Strike cigarettes. The word tango in the lower left was inconspicuous at first, but revealed itself upon close inspection as I poured over it. I love the textures and colors, the way they blend so masterfully into one cohesive whole. This piece will be receiving a place of honor in my studio. :D
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