The first TrashPo Bubbles posted on Friday, prompting the question, "What is a TrashPo Bubble, anyway?"

A little back story is needed here: The first piece of mail I ever sent to Nancy Bell Scott announced that I love to repurpose the beautiful packaging from my art supplies. (See her original blog post of that piece here: Long have I hoarded the prettily printed cardstock backings... I still love using them in my collages.

That being said, the natural progression came when I joined DKult. (Thanks to DK, KDJ, DVS, Angie & Snooky and the rest for showing me what I was missing!) I began looking at all the cool packaging I'd been hoarding in a brand new way... The plastic bits took on new life as I saw their potential to be so much more than just pieces for assemblage art.

This was my first TPo Bubble composition:

I began building collage compositions of trashpo within the plastic "bubbles" which originally held consumer goods. The trashpo told a story, as it always does. Thus, the TrashPo Bubbles were born.

The first piece was spawned from my three-part series on TrashPo Mindfulness and became a three-part series entitled, "Be GENTLE with yourself." This is the second piece in that series:The third in the series is not quite finished. I need some time at the Shrine for further enlightenment. 

So as not to become stagnant, I moved onto single, stand-alone bubbles like this one:

So, simply put, a TrashPo Bubble is a self-contained ecosphere of trash with a message. (Yes, you had to go through all that to get a simple, one sentence, answer!)

Any questions, class?


Views: 96

Tags: Bell, Carina, DVS, Granlund, Nancy, Scott, TrashPo, bubbles, collage, consumer, More…dkult, ecosphere, goods, packaging, rustpo, self-contained


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Comment by Lynn Radford on June 26, 2012 at 3:35am

A DKultist Metamorphosis if you will... Thanks for your unwavering support, DKosmic Kindred! :D

Comment by Nancy Bell Scott on June 26, 2012 at 3:09am

Nice blog, Lynn--yes, your idea of trashpo has changed lightning fast, I'd say, the result being many interesting turns in your work. We are witnessing transcendance via trashpo! May your journey continue and inspire!

Comment by Lynn Radford on June 25, 2012 at 6:33pm
Suus, thanks for stopping in to read this blog post. The answer to your question: Very Carefully. :D
Comment by Suus in Mokum on June 25, 2012 at 6:30pm

I had to look and read twice... trice before I understood. It is a great idea! How did you manage to open the package-bubbles in the first place? A nightmare, if you ask me.


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