I've sent her to various colleague mail artists.

And great 'this is what she sees' returned home.

Of course new visions still are welcome.

Thank you very much, all of you!

Views: 2766

Tags: add-and-return, she, what is she staring at?


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Comment by Heleen de Vaan on May 27, 2020 at 7:41pm


”A wonderful party with a monkey as DJ and partying people on the holy grail of music.”

Thank you very much, Armin deV/Z, superbedankt voor deze verrassing! :-)

Comment by Heleen de Vaan on May 6, 2020 at 7:44pm


Beautiful artistamps by Carien van Hest.

Thank you very much, hartelijk dank, Carien!

Comment by Heleen de Vaan on May 6, 2020 at 7:42pm


Colourful circles by Johannes Gross.

Thank you very much, herzlichen Dank, Johannes!

Comment by Heleen de Vaan on May 6, 2020 at 7:38pm

After a break, a broken scanner and meanwhile building up a backlog, in all of which 11 pieces of received ‘what or who is she staring at?’-mail art succeeded in hiding somewhere in my piles and files, I am back to blog! Starting at nr 94, and I’ll post nrs 82 and 84 to 93 as soon as I’ll have re-found them. (Which may take some more time, I’m afraid :-) )

Comment by Linda Rogers on September 19, 2018 at 1:21pm

Great idea. 

Comment by Heleen de Vaan on July 29, 2018 at 6:45pm


It has been months ago that I posted received WoWiSsA mail art. But be sure that I didn't forget you! Meanwhile I received beautiful new works from various folks. Old (well-known to me) folks and new (to me, of course they existed for longer time) folks. Love the works and love you all!
However, due to too much tasks and some computer problems I didn't have the time nor opportunity to scan the received mail art. I hope to manage this in one of the coming months. Documentation might wait a longer time, I hope to make that the coming (northern  hemispheric) winter. Thank you for understanding :-)

Comment by Heleen de Vaan on February 21, 2018 at 11:08pm


( 82 coming soon - I hope; has gone for a walk ) 

Happy Banana Day to all!

And thank you very much, Katerina! 

(posted also there)

Comment by Heleen de Vaan on February 21, 2018 at 11:03pm

Dear Dare Mr Canard,

I am hapy to read that you enjoy the contributions also. I hope that meanwhile the great-etc-daughter has landed in your place. I've sent her to you soon after your message here, some weeks ago.

Concelery and sincerely,


Comment by Richard Canard on January 29, 2018 at 12:59am

28.01.18 Dare Ms. Heleen  de V., ...Whistler's Mother's great-great-great granddaughter continues to be a fascinating I.O.U.M.A. artful game to play &  I have enjoyed witnessing the many contributions. I have come to the conclusion however that this young lady is involved in some variable of yoga meditation.  SinCelery, Richard C.

Comment by Heleen de Vaan on January 28, 2018 at 11:31pm


Watching eyes... Who are watching, too!

Great Banana Post from Anna Banana, sent from Canada.

Thank you very much, Anna! 


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