Mail-Art Projects List


Mail-Art Projects List

This is group for all general Mail-Art Projects. Includes a link to a blog where 99 authors publish their projects. Want to see all projects: follow the link for Website.

Please only comments about mail-art projects or announcements. Other comments will be removed.

Location: Worldwide
Members: 615
Latest Activity: 5 hours ago

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Discussion Forum

MailTrainArt 151 Replies

Started by Paulo Alexandre Rocha Teles. Last reply by Paulo Alexandre Rocha Teles 5 hours ago.


Started by Hikmet Şahin May 31.

Performative mail art project -Word and Movement! 9 Replies

Started by Dorina Harangus. Last reply by M. Mouser DiGerlando Mar 26.

Mail Art Egg Project 2023 3 Replies

Started by Éva Mosonyi. Last reply by Tamara Wyndham Aug 31, 2023.

swapping made fun group! 3 Replies

Started by Stephanie Lentz Morrison. Last reply by CtlAltDel Feb 23, 2023.

Mail Art Egg Project 2022 3 Replies

Started by Éva Mosonyi. Last reply by Éva Mosonyi Feb 5, 2023.

Cow mail art. 1 Reply

Started by claire humphrys-hunt. Last reply by Keith S. Chambers Jan 22, 2023.

Miss Maxima’s Big Book of Samhain 1 Reply

Started by Maxima Strange. Last reply by Ficus strangulensis Aug 24, 2022.

Miss Maxima’s Goth Emporium 7 Replies

Started by Maxima Strange. Last reply by Maxima Strange Aug 23, 2022.

new mail art call 12 Replies

Started by JAC MAIL. Last reply by Mikel Untzilla Dec 5, 2021.

Bug [e]Mail Art Show 6 Replies

Started by Mick Boyle. Last reply by Chorianopoulou Maria Aug 31, 2020.

Mail Art Call: MONOCHROMATIC 8 Replies

Started by Sequoia Postal Art. Last reply by Jennifer Wallace Apr 7, 2020.

"Bodies" mail art 2 Replies

Started by Aca Carle. Last reply by Aca Carle Apr 4, 2020.


Started by Johannes Groß. Last reply by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) Apr 3, 2020.

Flat Stanley the Gnome Project 38 Replies

Started by Minneapolis Gnome. Last reply by Minneapolis Gnome Feb 12, 2020.

Comment Wall


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Comment by MoriceMarcuse on September 6, 2017 at 10:19am

Hello to every one ,

the project that i want to start its very simple.

I will prepare small size poster (27x22cm) HANDMADE that the receiver will posted any were in is town walls car doors trash bin up to you (i hope not in wall like religion places orrgovernament or cultural) unless its possible to do so and will take  photo to send me by email or post in histogram at #tanukicc. if interest pls

contact me or on my page on IUMA 

Comment by servat c on September 4, 2017 at 11:20pm


1) A convocatória VOCÊ NÃO ESTÁ SOZINHO oferece a seguinte frase como ponto de partida / disparador para gerar as suas próprias peças de Arte Correio. O autor poderá fazer uso da palavra tanto quanto do conceito para criar a sua própria obra.
2) Tamanho máximo 10 x 15 cm. Técnica: qualquer meio escolhido para se expressar, sob o suporte papel. 
3) No verso, dever-se-á escrever: nome e sobrenome ou apelido do autor, mail, endereço postal.
4) A participação é gratuita e aberta ao público (não precisa ser artista)
5) Enviar um máximo de 5 (cinco) arte postal a:
“Estoy con vos”- Julieta Rockera
Calle 6 n° 1374// CP (1900)
La Plata - Bs. As - Argentina.
6) As obras recebidas não serão devolvidas. 
7) As imagens das obras enviadas poderão ser utilizadas por Julieta Rockera- Cecilia Codoni- Espacio Benteveo da forma e para fins considerados convenientes, sem pretensão econômica nenhuma por parte dos artistas convidados. No particular, é reconhecido o direito de utilizá-las em materiais de comunicação e publicidade. 
8) Não existirá seleção, júri, nem venda.
9) Data limite: 21 de setembro 2017, e os cartões postais recebidos com carimbo postal da mesma data. 
10) É solicitado aos participantes estrangeiros respeitar o tamanho e o peso do papel, devido a problemas com AFIP no ingresso postal. 
11) Para mais informações, pode escrever a:
Facebook: Julieta lamenza (Julieta Rockera) ou via mail:
A mostra está prevista para o dia 21 de outubro no Espacio Benteveo. La Plata. Argentina-

Agradeço particularmente ao Centro de Arte Experimental VIGO pelo apoio e o aval recebidos. Ao nosso querido mestre no seu aniversário n.20. “Morrer não é ausência, mas fazer nascer uma nova presença”. 
Todxs xs mail art recebidxs serão expostos. Exceito as mail art pornográficas, racistas, militaristas, homofóbicas, nazistas, irreverentes, sexistas.

Comment by servat c on September 4, 2017 at 11:19pm

1) La convocatoria NO ESTÁS SOLO, ofrece la siguiente frase para que sea punto de partida/ disparador para que generen sus propios Arte Correo.
Lxs autorxs podrán hacer uso tanto de la palabra como así del concepto para crear su propia obra.
2) Tamaño máximo 10 x 15 cm. Técnica: cualquier medio por el cual se quiera expresar bajo el soporte papel. 
3) Al dorso deberá escribir: nombre y apellido o seudónimo del autor, mail, dirección postal
4) La participación es gratuita y abierta a todo público (no es requisito ser artista)
5) Enviar un máximo de 5 (cinco) arte postal a:
“Estoy con vos”- Julieta Rockera
Calle 6 n° 1374 // CP (1900)
La Plata - Bs. As - Argentina.
6) Las obras recibidas no serán devueltas
7) Las imágenes de las obras enviadas podrán ser utilizadas por Julieta Rockera- Cecilia Codoni- Espacio Benteveo de la manera y con los fines que estime oportuno sin ninguna pretensión económica por parte de los artistas invitados a participar. En particular, se reconoce el derecho a utilizarlas en el material de comunicación y publicidad.
8) No habrá selección, ni jurado, ni venta.
9) Fecha límite: 21 de septiembre 2017 y las postales recibidas con matasello con la misma fecha.
10) A los participantes del extranjero, se les pide respetar el tamaño y peso papel debido a los problemas que contamos con el ingreso postal actualmente con la AFIP.
11) Para mayor información se podrán dirigir a:
Facebook: Julieta lamenza (Julieta Rockera) o vía mail:
La muestra está prevista para el 21 de octubre.En Espacio Benteveo. La Plata. Argentina-
Agradezco particularmente al Centro de Arte Experimental VIGO por el apoyo y aval recibido. A nuestro querido maestro en su aniversario número 20 “ Morir no es ausencia, sino hacer nacer una nueva presencia”.
Serán expuestas todxs lxs mail art recibidxs.
Excepto las mail art pornográficas, racistas, militaristas, homófobas, nazis, irreverentes, sexista.
más info en

Comment by Ruud Janssen on September 4, 2017 at 5:33pm

Comment by Ruud Janssen on September 2, 2017 at 12:46pm

On the link: you will find the archive of ALL mail-art projects. You can also sponsor the IUOMA by clicking on some advertisings on that website.

Comment by Ruud Janssen on August 29, 2017 at 7:12pm

Mail Art Call 2017: Expo 92 Seville

The 1992 Seville Universal Exposition was held in the capital of Andalusia in 1992, and was popularly known as “Expo’92”. This year marks the 25th anniversary of that wonderful event, which we want to celebrate with this mail art call.



Subject: Expo 92 Seville.

Small format (10x15cm). Free technique. Send by airmail. Do NOT use ENVELOPE (must have postmark)

Deadline: October 1st, 2017.

The postcard will be published on this blog ( ), making reference to the author.

Offensive material will not be published. No returns. Documentation will be sent to participants.

Please, indicate your name, address and email on each postcard.

Send to:

J.L. Hernández Galán ( igakusei )

PO Box 6236. Zip Code 41080.

Seville. Spain.



Convocatoria Arte Correo 2017: Expo 92 Sevilla

La Exposición Universal de Sevilla 1992 se celebró en la capital de Andalucía en el año 1992, y fue conocida popularmente como “Expo’92”. Este año se cumple el 25 aniversario de aquel maravilloso acontecimiento, el cual queremos celebrar con esta convocatoria de arte correo.



Tema: Expo 92

Pequeño formato (10x15cm). Técnica libre. Enviarla por correo, SIN SOBRE (debe tener matasellos).

Fecha límite: 1 octubre 2017.

La postal será publicada en este blog ( ), haciendo referencia al autor.

El material ofensivo no será publicado. No se devolverán las postales recibidas. Se enviará documentación a los participantes.

Por favor, indicar nombre, dirección postal y correo electrónico en la postal.

Enviar a:

J.L. Hernández Galán ( igakusei )

Apartado de Correos 6236. Código Postal 41080.

Sevilla. España.

Comment by Amy Irwen on August 28, 2017 at 6:34pm
Thank you Ruud!!!
Comment by Ruud Janssen on August 28, 2017 at 6:11pm

Comment by Ruud Janssen on August 26, 2017 at 6:05pm

Dear International Union of Mail-Artists, 


My name is Jesse & I'm reaching out with respect to who you are and what you do. Regarding mail art, I organized an online auction for a Waldorf (arts) school for indigenous students in Guatemala, and one of the items for bid is 13 weeks of mail art from an artist, Katie Christian. She is not a member of IUOMA (yet), but she is a talented and reticent artist friend that I wish to encourage to create more.


My request is whether you could look at the link to her mail art prize for charity, consider it, and either spread the word internally or as some form of public PR? I share it in full so you can see evaluate it and see it is not spam:


Guatemala sadly has NO postal service but I ask if there is anything I could do in return for this request for exposure among your community. I would also be grateful to know other PR avenues to whom I could reach out. 


Thank you for your time and for the work you do. Big Ray Johnson fan here! 




Jesse in Guatemala



Jesse Leaneagh 

Gerente de Recaudación y Comunicación

/Fundraising & Communications Manager 

Escuela Caracol •

+502 5993 1975  •  +502.5883.1609 (oficina/office)


Comment by carl baker on August 26, 2017 at 2:34am


for the black&white mail art project,

the e-mail for info gets returned, is unknown,

maybe let them know......



Want to support the IUOMA with a financial gift via PayPal?

The money will be used to keep the IUOMA-platform alive. Current donations keep platform online till 1-september-2024. If you want to donate to get IUOMA-publications into archives and museums please mention this with your donation. It will then be used to send some hardcopy books into museums and archives. You can order books yourself too at the IUOMA-Bookshop. That will sponsor the IUOMA as well.










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