All Blog Posts Tagged 'David Stafford' (25)

An Apex of Picturesque Postal Card Pleasantries

MailArt postal cards arrived from (clockwise from top): David Stafford of New Mexico, USA; David Stanley Aponte of New Jersey, USA; Susan Gnaedinger of Illinois, USA; and Stripygoose of England...

Your correspondence and artwork is appreciated!  Thanks to…


Added by Thom Courcelle on February 9, 2024 at 5:22pm — 4 Comments

A Bevy of Beautiful Board — Postcards from Afar and Farther

 Hand-made postcards from  amazing artists...

(from top left, clockwise...): James Chester's (California) astonishingly beautiful botanical gel plate print; a cut-and-collage geometric "postcard quilt" from Zack in France; Tyler Hannigan's (New Mexico) hand-colored Linocut print "Flight #2"; and Coco Muchmore (Kansas) finds her political voice with a very creative use of rubber stamps…


Added by Thom Courcelle on August 18, 2023 at 2:00am — 4 Comments

What Does One Serve at the Last Potluck Before the Rapture?

Just ask David Stafford!!!

Yes...but what KIND of casserole, God's chosen want to know... I mean, it's the Last Supper, after all. The reverse of the postcard goes into even greater detail...

If I didn't know better, and if the postcard weren't so stiff, I might've guessed that this piece was an old used paper napkin on which David…


Added by Thom Courcelle on November 20, 2016 at 7:55pm — No Comments

Late Summer Hoard of Magnificent Mail Art

Here is a gallery of some of the wonderful, amazing mail art that has hit my mailbox recently...

Jack of Cascadia Artpost has been generous to me this summer. This is the second in a series that I have received from Jack titled "Commodity Civilization," with some pretty astonishing collage work, and some of the most genius artistamps I've…


Added by Thom Courcelle on August 29, 2016 at 2:36am — 1 Comment

"New Luck Powder" Postcard is Over the Moon

This "anonymous" postcard arrived providing me with much delight. By the style and humor I'ma gonna say this is a David Stafford creation. Unfortunately, it looks like the postal machinery has once again altered a piece of mail art from the artist's original intention...whatever chaise or tuffet or…


Added by Thom Courcelle on June 26, 2016 at 7:00pm — No Comments

Keeping Up with David Stafford

Ever had one of those humbling "trying-to-keep-up-with-the-Joneses" days with the mail art you receive? Well, David is always keeping me on my toes and upping the ante on how to be hilarious...

Not only great mail art… but prolific, too!!…


Added by Thom Courcelle on February 4, 2016 at 3:47pm — 5 Comments

Recently Received Mail Art: Autumn 2015

Enjoy some of these documentation photos of the pieces I've received from some very artistic friends:


Mail Art by David Stafford PETA might get after David Stafford for this one (I heard that Tara is ring-toss game challenged! She has to swim with the "slow" whale pod! Tara is restricted to the shallow end of the pool!) but David's absurd and hilarious sense of humor is giving me the giggles. (Thanks for the cow, David. I can affix it to future mailings I wanna send…


Added by Thom Courcelle on October 22, 2015 at 3:38am — 1 Comment

Dr. Dave: "You CAN Be Less"! Check it out!

Did you know David Stafford is a doctor? Nope, didn't think so. But here we have two proofs: 

Really, it's always been obvious that Dave has a lot to offer, but who knew he has managed L.O.S.E.R. retreats for the past three years? And possibly does it all…


Added by Nancy Bell Scott on May 7, 2014 at 4:30am — 5 Comments

Red-hot special from David Stafford ages ago

Well, months ago. Many months. And I mean special. Designer: David Stafford. Producer: David Stafford . . .…


Added by Nancy Bell Scott on October 29, 2013 at 12:00am — 3 Comments

Are these bullet marks? Yes ...

... and they were extremely lovable until David Stafford told me this. But then they remained lovable. Sometimes a line can be drawn between art and life--or is it that they're so juxtaposed as to be indistinguishable?

That is plain old gorgeous.…


Added by Nancy Bell Scott on June 18, 2013 at 5:00am — 2 Comments

Tammy and the Secret Temple

by David Stafford: 

Slowly trying to catch up on blogging months' worth of most-worthy mail art, I briefly considered scanning "only" David's story and not the picture side of this card. Another glance at it, though, said: That hair is…


Added by Nancy Bell Scott on June 9, 2013 at 7:35am — 5 Comments

KDJ, David Stafford, Grigori Antonin, and Diane Keys

Is KDJ missed or what? Yesssss. She sent this piece in November, as well as a most generous gift of a well-known collage book I'd not yet obtained. It became an instant favorite: KDJ, since you're not forgotten, why be gone? Ack, not to pressure, but as you can see it is sorely tempting to try. ...

KDJ started the IUOMA group "I'm Enchanted With David," and here is but…


Added by Nancy Bell Scott on May 13, 2013 at 4:30am — 19 Comments

GrimMan's Head -- A Tough Nut to Crack

HOw much merriment could some mail art make if some mail art could make merriment?  Turns out... A LOT!!

Gosh DANG IT, David Stafford!!  A smile on my face has offically CRACKED--unlike the head of GrimMan, but possibly like the tooth of the Green Dragon.  A better shot of the "episode" to be able to get a sense of the drama...…


Added by Thom Courcelle on January 16, 2013 at 3:41am — 2 Comments

David Stafford explores the feelings of this woman missing a tooth ...

Here she is, and her dilemma actually speaks to universal human experience:  According to David, the tooth problem "tilted her joy, skewed it to poignancy, made it complicated, and finally cast a heavy shadow over its sincerity." If that doesn't sum up well what the terrible cosmetic traumas we all experience do to us, I don't know what would. The perceptiveness is…


Added by Nancy Bell Scott on August 24, 2012 at 10:00pm — 4 Comments

Groanings from David Stafford and The Institute for Lowered Self-Esteem

If you get to receive detritus from David's desk now and then, you are lucky too:  David says this is from circa 1992. David's history continues to prove that he didn't just grow an imagination yesterday. This thing had me in stitches, and my only complaint is that the "informal evening of frank, open whining about life in Santa Fe" was restricted to life in Santa Fe. Why not…


Added by Nancy Bell Scott on August 8, 2012 at 9:53pm — 2 Comments

David Stafford's life

These two cards, from very different moments in David's life, are just the tip of the iceberg:    …


Added by Nancy Bell Scott on July 9, 2012 at 9:27pm — 6 Comments

Mr. Twig and his Big Step, the Mr. Twig Studies, his artist's vision, and his artist's as-yet fruitless instructions: by David Stafford, who has the patience of a saint

David sent me a huge box with the incredible following items back in March. The tale's main subject, Mr. Twig himself, reveals a tentative but brave grace as he starts up David's watercolor-painted stairway into a cave marked The Secret of the Ages: 

The painting is 14"x14", and Mr. Twig is haptic. He is real and strokable. And he is on his way up into something many of…


Added by Nancy Bell Scott on June 18, 2012 at 7:00pm — 28 Comments

blogjam 16: Thanks again to Diane Keys and to David Stafford

Old book from David, c. 1943: …


Added by Nancy Bell Scott on April 4, 2012 at 1:00am — 6 Comments

2012 by David Stafford

This one was indeed too late for Christmas, but no worries, enchanting David, you still made it on time for New Year's wishes. That's some amazing Water Dragon there, and I love the way the card is aged. As for the little quote, exactly what I needed to hear. Just perfect. Thank you for sending, I love it!

And I couldn't help uploading your rejected…


Added by Marie Wintzer on January 15, 2012 at 12:17am — 33 Comments

Kanji Puffs ga oishi desu ne - from David Stafford (looking suspiciously like the Kanji Fairy)


You might remember Kanji Puffs. One of the girls on Angie's blog had to get several of them excised from her throat I think (the girl's throat, not Angie's). But no worries, it's a minor surgery and absolutely routine. Today we learn a bit more about those wondrous little things filled with wholesome goodness.



Added by Marie Wintzer on September 12, 2011 at 11:50pm — 23 Comments

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