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A Blog for Lauriana Glenny (South Africa) : Project 26 C

Mail art received 25th January 2011

Ok, just because 1) - I may be the first to actually received something for this project :-) 2) - its fantastic and 3) the more glamorous Glimmer Twin did, I'm blogging Lauriana's Project 26 contribution and  No, its not going to become a habit :-(  as ALL the work has exceeded expectations.…


Added by cheryl penn on January 25, 2011 at 2:26pm — 14 Comments

RECEIVED: Zenobit 26 Menace Mail-Art from Lisa Iversen (North Manchester, Indiana, USA)

Mail-art book chapter for the 26 Project by IUOMA member Lisa Iversen (North Manchester, Indiana, USA)


January 24, 2011 - Lisa Iversen is distributing her chapter for the 26 international mail-art book project to…


Added by De Villo Sloan on January 25, 2011 at 12:12pm — 3 Comments

The family puzzle / Tapestry of life - from Cheryl Penn

Another super-galactico mail from Cheryl Penn has made it to my lucky mailbox. No angry in here, says the envelope (laugh!). I hear you, Cheryl...

The puzzle of family unfolds, complex and rich, beautiful and mysterious. This is another one of those pieces I just couldn't stop taking pictures of. Gorgeous!…


Added by Marie Wintzer on January 25, 2011 at 11:30am — 3 Comments

My project for 2011 ... update

  I have decided that, as part of "documentation" for this little project, I would add a posting here every month or so - a sort of progress report - and a record of how the project grows or changes, choices made and decisions taken.  I have already started posting scans of finished, or near finished pages in a photo album on this site and I am making plans for some sort of written documentation for the projects end, so things are sort of coming together.

  At the moment, one month in…


Added by MaryAnne on January 25, 2011 at 9:10am — No Comments

Received from Valentine Mark Herman-France, two sided curius art-collage!

Thanks Val!

Added by Michalis Kotsaris on January 25, 2011 at 2:32am — No Comments

Received this great retro piece from Stephanie Blake. Couldn't get a good picture of the back but it has an awesome vintage button.

Received this great retro piece from Stephanie Blake. Couldn't get a good picture of the back but it has an awesome vintage button. Continue

Added by DKeys on January 24, 2011 at 9:14pm — 3 Comments

Tags from Likeatelevisionshow and Gabby Cooksey

Likeatelevisionshow sent this well designed tag,



















Gabby's tag has 5 tiles attached that form the drawing of the tea cups. Also check out her envelope, with the cut out design glued onto the…


Added by Larned Justin on January 24, 2011 at 7:33pm — No Comments

What a wonderful world it can be... (my life in song lyrics?)

As some of you know, I sing and write music as well as make mail art.  I've noticed lately that I often respond to questions with song lyrics!  Does anyone else do that?  I don't do it on purpose, it's just that there seem to be song lyrics to fit any and all occasions!  


My grandmother once told me that she was going to stop speaking in anything but aphorisms since they could cover anything she wanted to say and I'm starting to understand her.  


Anyway, it's…


Added by Carla Cryptic on January 24, 2011 at 4:39pm — 5 Comments

Received from Jen Staggs - Usa, "Cycladic Post". Greek art line!

Added by Michalis Kotsaris on January 24, 2011 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Extreme Mail-Art from Jeanine - USA

The Extreme Mail-Art group causes some funny mail. Jeanine from USA sent me this parcel with art-materials typical for a mail-artists. Made the photo before unpacking the funny looking parcel. It arrived without any problem. Thakn you Jeanine!… Continue

Added by Ruud Janssen on January 23, 2011 at 5:25pm — 4 Comments

Small things, good things! Mail received from Lin Collette.

I had meant to blog this yesterday, but sometimes life just gets in the way, right?

I received this lovely ATC from Lin Collette. This is the first artist card I have ever received and, frankly, I have to say I'm falling in love with the idea of artworks that are small and delicate. Thank you so much for your mail, Lin!


Why do psychics have to ask you for your name?




Added by Louise Kiner on January 23, 2011 at 4:56pm — No Comments

Chinese postal ephmera pick-a-mix

musty old bookstores, with all their glories, are common in China. something extraordinary, however, is a marvellous stash of postal ephemera which i found hiding amidst the books today!

first is a packet of some 200+ documents; the backs of which are covered with (cancelled?) stamps from the 1980s. the fronts bear what looks like inventory lists from 'Shanghai Da Jiang Co'. i am entirely unsure of why the stamps were applied to each page.....…


Added by ejva:nsva on January 23, 2011 at 12:00pm — 15 Comments

Received from Deborah Davidson, Japan--Celebrating the Year of the Rabbit Etegami Style

Deborah's etegami is always a treat to receive. Etegami means picture letter in Japanese. It's a traditional yet informal, freestyle method of mail correspondence among friends that has been going on for ages--before mail art got labeled as a movement outta New York. The key element of etegami is that the image and message be sincere. Thanks for the New Year wishes, Debbie. Great… Continue

Added by Bifidus Jones on January 23, 2011 at 1:13am — 1 Comment

Tokyo nights nr1,2 - for Michalis Kotsaris, Carla Cryptic

I have of bunch of A3-size photos of Tokyo that I used for a couple of small exhibitions a few years ago. They are just uselessly lying in a drawer since then, I think it's time to cut them up and send them around. There will be a lot of those in the mail in the next weeks.…


Added by Marie Wintzer on January 23, 2011 at 12:33am — 4 Comments

Bookmark and ATC - for Susanna Lakner @ Planet Susannia

Year of the Rabbit and Out of Order ATC…

Added by Marie Wintzer on January 23, 2011 at 12:28am — 2 Comments

Received Ejva letter from China! Today!

Added by Natasha Jabre on January 22, 2011 at 10:14pm — 2 Comments

Happy New Year from Jennie!

I really like this Rabbit New Year card from Jennie. I especially like the FORTRAN Statement paper she used on the address side for I am quite the geek... From the days when each character of every FORTRAN line had to be in a specific column.




Added by Kris Naylor on January 22, 2011 at 9:27pm — No Comments

Received from Valentin Dolgov, Russia--tribute to Yuri Gagarin

Valentin's admiration for Gagarin's accomplishment is evident in this terrific mail art ensemble. Gagarin was the first person to journey in space… Continue

Added by Bifidus Jones on January 22, 2011 at 4:48pm — 3 Comments

More RED mail from Jeanette

Jeanette is making a RED book so she is swopping RED work with several people. Jeanette is a fibre artist so she draws with her sewing machine.....… Continue

Added by Lesley Magwood Fraser on January 22, 2011 at 9:44am — No Comments

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