What a wonderful world it can be... (my life in song lyrics?)

As some of you know, I sing and write music as well as make mail art.  I've noticed lately that I often respond to questions with song lyrics!  Does anyone else do that?  I don't do it on purpose, it's just that there seem to be song lyrics to fit any and all occasions!  


My grandmother once told me that she was going to stop speaking in anything but aphorisms since they could cover anything she wanted to say and I'm starting to understand her.  


Anyway, it's 2011 and I'm sort of done with hibernating so I thought I'd post a 'hello - I'm still here!' sort of blog message today.  Hope all is well with all of my mail art compadres!




PS Here is a link to my latest song - it is also about coming out of hibernation I suppose though it's called The Winter's Not Over - the next line is 'but I feel a breath of spring starting to blossom'.  Some interesting vocal experimentation in the middle and towards the end, otherwise a nice straight-ahead jazz standardy sort of song. :D



Views: 25

Tags: happy, hibernation, new, song, spring, year


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Comment by Carla Cryptic on January 25, 2011 at 9:28pm

Here's a link to the new group!  Song Lyrics Story


I've sent out an invitation to all of my IUOMA friends.  :D

Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on January 25, 2011 at 5:59pm

"It's only make believe", Conway, I mean Carla. Go...why don't you start the thread, and I'll join in? Then you won't be 'Only the Lonely'.


Comment by Carla Cryptic on January 25, 2011 at 5:45pm

Yes, music and art groups seem hard to get off the ground, let alone keep alive.  I tried starting one at the music site where I play most often and, although there are tons of musicians who also do visual art, no one would sign on!  My friend Djev/Makena (a boy becoming a girl) has been trying to get a website dedicated to artist/musicians and musician/artists for a couple of years and it's very difficult to get going.  


Maybe we should just make our song lyric exchange something here at IUOMA, a discussion group, where people could post their bit as a reply...?  Those kinds of threads seem to work here pretty well.  Anytime it got bogged down, we could keep it going till the story seemed complete.  I'll start one up.


My musical references are from all over the place and I couldn't begin to try and quantify them!  It's amazing you're clear on where yours are coming from, to me - I'm not a very linear person in that sense.  I like the idea of your book - fun!  


I'm sorry to hear that you can't hear the song!  Even with a download?  So sad!  I know how harsh that can be.


Thanks Bifudus! :D



Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on January 25, 2011 at 9:38am

Ah Carla!

"Hello, Goodbye"

"All of My Life/ All of My Kissin'/ You Don't Know What You've Been Missin'."

Me: Your 'Funny Valentine'.

Yes, like you I often rely on song titles and lyrics. A couple of years ago, I self-published a book called 'My Sporting Career' -- a romp through my very undistinguished efforts in 25 different sports.

One chapter per sport.

Each had a title, eg 'Athletics' and then a few lines from a song: 'Keep on runnin'!Hey!Hey/All right!/Keep on runnin' (Spencer Davis Group, "Keep on runnin")

Another, for Equestrianism, 'Wild horses, couldn't drag me away/Wild, wild horses, couldn't drag me away' (Stones "Wild Horses")

Last one: Table-tennis, 'Ping-pong's cool, ping-pong's cool/I think I'll miss school/ I'll play table-tennis on a bar-stool; (Annoying Pedestrians, "Ping-pong")


Musically, I draw 95% of my reverences from the late 50's --very early 7à's, but mostly from the rock'n'roll days of the 60s.

I once started to write a short one act play in which all the lyrics came from song titles. It got stuck. then I decided I''d include a few lines from various songs. For some unknown reason, I stopped it.

Here's a suggestion: Let's try and recruit some other IUOMA folks (wanna play, Bifidus?) and co-edit a Boy Meets Girl short story. You send me a line -- a title or a verse --, and then I'll add the next one, then you, then someone else, then another soleone else, then me, etc? You can choose whether to be the first boy or the girl, 'cos Het Carla, 'You've got IUOMA in a whirl/ She's not sure if you're a boy or a girl/ Hey babe, you're hair's alright/Hey babe, let's go out tonight' (Bowie, "Rebel, rebel".)

Somewhere along the line, we could get some art included.

One important thing: IUOMA writing efforts get horribly bogged down, and I'd only be interested in this if we could get everyone to keep it moving very quickly --  folks will only have 24 hours, maximum, to add a bit too it, otherwise Carka/Val will take over and keep it moving.

We'd have to work out the rules of the game a bit more clearly.

"Love is the ballet where the dancer falls/Love is the game where the loser calls/Always make sure that you know the/Rules of the game/The rules of the game" (Buck's Fizz [sorry!] "Rules of the game")

Sadly, I can't play music on my ageing computer, so can't listen to your song.

I've been trying for ages now to get a Music and Art Group set up, but two people haven't delivered as promised. Interested?


Hello, Goodbye, Val


"You say yes, I say no
You say stop and I say go, go, go
Oh, no
You say goodbye and I say hello
Hello, hello
I don't know why you say goodbye
I say hello
Hello, hello
I don't know why you say goodbye
I say hello"

Comment by Bifidus Jones on January 24, 2011 at 9:53pm
Great work--perfect title too


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