Ficus strangulensis

82, Male

Charleston, WV

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
http://the 'blog' here at IUOMA
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I like to see what people are doing as art and share what I am doing. I like to meet people and get to know them. [DISCLAIMER: tho I am called a mail "artist", I 'cannot' draw due to a lack of proper mindset.]
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
538 Hanson Hollow Rd.
Charleston, WV 25311-8025 usa

Comment Wall:

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  • Terry Reid

    Ficus Strangulensis, here is a live link:

  • Neil Gordon

    Ficus and Alfred Jarry! Pataphysical!!!!!

  • Mail Art Martha

    Dear Panjandrum, I am honoured that Your Booingness remembered our previous postalities and made contact again. Your magnificent selfportrait is already hanging on the Clouds together with the pictures of flowers and electric sheep. I am bowled over by your Usonian flora and fauna; it is out of this world and out of all the parallel ones I know, I feel like taking a trip to Usonia to admire them personally. Likewise I hope Your Strangulation may consider visiting the Queendom, where you shall be most welcome.

    PS; Winnie the Poo sends his regards

  • Neil Gordon

    Fike! Thanks for the beautiful envelope w/ Peony seeds,photos of you, fried soup and the cutup! I love the way you write; kind of like a cross between Herman Melville, Mark Twain and Phillip K. Dick! So glad to here from you! See you in the Mail Man!

    Its all about Pataphysics !

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Thank you! For the 5 postcards. What a range of techniques (he thinks): fractal, photomicograph(y?), and straight-up photography -- and all very cool, and whether they are post cards are not (they are postcard size) all going in my "L'Art de la Carte Postale' Exhibition.

    I'll be mailing you something back soon.

    Thanks again & regards, Val

  • Mail Art Martha

    Great package to receive and it is all blogged now here. I particularly love the fractals but I must confess I am not into sci-fi', rather more into science itself, which is even more unbelievable.Nowadays so many great scientists condescend to write for the likes of me, it is great. You may like ' The amazing story of quantum mechanics ' by James Kakalios who uses pulp fiction and sci-fi comics to illustrate the latest discoveries of science.

  • Mail Art Martha

    I always meant to ask, is your photo Edgar Allan Poe?

  • Mail Art Martha

    Thanks for the latest post, great art as always. I went to see what was Medhi's kaleidoscope and found some exciting plugins. And from there some more in other links.  So much to explore.I shall be in touch soon.


    waiting your participation:
  • Mail Art Martha

    Last mail beautiful and serendipital useful, I needed a hibiscus for a little funny book on the Amazonian Jaguar I am writing.How did you know? Big thanks!

    Her Majesty would appreciate a white (albino? ) fruitfly if you create one, for her Zoo. This coming February we start the Year of the Horsefly.

    Regretably Tom the tomato plant has been euthanasied as he got too big and ugly for the living room. It also stopped producing tomatoes. It was probably exhausted as it produced about 200 cherry toms over all. I was tempted to keep it because I found out tomatoes are perenials really, as an experiment. Probably it would not have been as fructiferous as this past season.

  • Petrolpetal

    Your work fascinates me completely.I don't understand it - but I'll do a bit of reading about fractals and the fractal explorer program you use before I jump in with stupid questions! 

  • De Villo Sloan

    Fic, count me in on NotSo. Thanks.

    Left you a message some time back somewhere enquiring if you had been upstream or downstream of the toxic spill in WVa. Looks like you're still hydrated.

    Will be in touch - DVS

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Amy Irwen

    Ficus, your fractals are just fabulous. Artists on Facebook are also doing fractals that are amazing... *!*
  • Lisa Marie Mencke

     Hi Ficus,

    I love your name! WOW!  I have many Lithuanian relatives.  Really, You are awesome.

    Thanks. chuckle chuckle. Would love a bit of art mail.


  • Lisa Marie Mencke

    Thank you for friending me
  • Guvenc Uguz

    nice fractals..

  • purpleferret

    thanks for sharing.


  • Lester Philip Jenkin

    fractals fractals everywhere in the stars in our hair .

    In our cells devide one two three four . who knows what lies beyond the electron flow. Can you capture stills from generating show if so would love a galaxy please. yours in life LESTER.

  • Jessie

    THANKS! I shall come up with an unusually shaped postcard to send to you!

  • Jessie

    I received your mail art today! Love it!!!! I will post pictures soon!

  • Mail Art Martha

    Ficus, thanks for fantastic collection of postcards. They are on my blog. I hope to have some time now to create something worthy of posting to you, amy be even a fractal or two? who knows... 

  • Mail Art Martha

    oops forgot to link to the blog

  • Petrolpetal

    Thanks for your mail art! Love your photographs - and also the fantastic stamps you used!

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Not so?

    Here's my latest 'pet peeve':

  • Mail Art Martha

    Ficus! thanks for all the mailings. interesting to find out what a ficus strangulensis is and do. It is all on my Front Door Gallery and published in my Photos

  • Mail Art Martha

    The fractals look so exciting in your photos, better than printed. You can send your postings by email to me, I love electronic mail art. It is time that eArt should be accepted alongside traditional stuff. By the way there is an eMail art group here where they would shine!

  • Linda French

    Dear Fike,

    Thanks for the explanation. I think I'd rather you did it than me.  --Linda

  • Linda French

    By the way, I love the science of fractals. Should have known there would be artists exploring them, too.  --Linda

  • Mail Art Martha

    Happy Christmas! I haven't heard from you for some time and wonder how you are. Wishing you a greatly creative New Year, buddie!

  • Mail Art Martha

    When I hear anything about fruit flies I think of you. We saw a lecture by Al-Khalili a British scientist which was amazing. This is the link to his paper, enjoy!

    Life on the Edge: The Coming of Age of Quantum Biology

    Jim Al-Khalili, ‎Johnjoe McFadden - 2014 - ‎Science

  • Lord Fugue of SKY CITY

    Howdy Uncle Fike! Happy to be a part of this site! I just joined last week so it may take a little time to learn my way around.

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Patricia Guzman

    Thanks for the welcome!

  • Ray Johnson Estate

    Some juicy postings indeed! Start with our tumblr:

  • Lynn Radford

    Will do, (new) ol' Bud! :D

  • Nikki Soppelsa

    Hi again, Ficus!

    you might have forgotten that I sent you this long long ago ...

  • jim leftwich

    hi ficus,

    good to be getting back in touch.

    i don't use IUOMA very much.

    actually i don't use anything all that much any more, but i'm probably on facebook more than anything else.


  • Erin Young

    Wonderful! Thank you for joining The Gashlycrumb Tinies Theme. I hope you have a lot of fun! Enjoy and see you in the mail my friend :)

  • Miss Iowa

    Thank you for the welcome, Ficus.  Woodbine is quite a drive from where I live.

  • John M. Bennett

    OK let's see that miss noma distortion!

  • Minneapolis Gnome

    Yay!  New Friend!

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Ficus strangulensis

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

  • Bruno Cassaglia

  • Richard Canard

    24.11.15 Dare Ficus s., is of course not my place to make suggestions or requests for or from F.S., but I just saw  Ms. Mailart Martha  make reference here at the I.U.O.M.A. to " Carmen Miranda" & couldn't help but wonder what Ficus strangulensis might do with such a subject????...  I just saw this past Sunday a spot on t .v. concerning Bananas. The statement was made that people in the U.S.A. eat more bananas than apples & oranges combined...don't think that I would have guessed that one. Ave uh nez dae. Richard Canard... Post Scriptum: Does that make us a "Banana Republic" as well???


  • Toni Hanner -- tonipoet

    Ficus, I love your cut-ups. Esp Yin-Tumes--"before your body has knees" -- brilliant.