What are your thoughts about this project? Would be interesting to know what you think. Do you participate. Since when, How much times. Do you know the concept? Will also try to publish a few samples here (or others can help me with that)

Tags: Brain, Cell, Cohen, Japan, Mail-Art, Project, Ryosuke

Views: 2824

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a bit of a detail from Brain Cell # 763
April 23, 2010...
the planes are flying and the mail is arriving!

Yay! That's my "flux assembly" sticker... :-)
A brain cell was may very first experience with mail art. A pen pal said I should send something to Ryosuke and when I got my first Brain Cell I was alone in the house. I just looked at it and knew I had found my people but there was not one to show it to. I walked out of the house and showed it to the first random neighbor who emerged. We puzzled over it for a long time. At that moment I decided to send something to everyone on the list and see what happened. A lot happened and is still happening. Thank you Ryosuke! Hurray for Brain Cell!
Brain Cell 764
has just arrived in my mailbox!
It is always full of amazing surprises!
Oh boy (and oh girl!)!

Way to go Helen. It may take 2 to 3 months to get back to you, as the process is time consuming on his part. He does a new one of these every 10 days, so send him something else on the 11th of June.
Many of the artists that participate in Brain Cell, send Ryosuke something 3 times a month, 36 times a year, every 10 days - year in and year out.
Brain Cell 766 arrived today. A reaction to my mail-art 2 weeks ago. That is how fast ryosuke Cohen is working with his sheets.... Incredible.


His invitations ask for 1 image or 150 stickers.

You can send him just one design.
He takes your image and makes a screen with 4 or 5 other people's designs and prints it 150 times.
He repeats this process until all 50 or 60 participants are printed.
The small silkscreen printer Ryosuke uses is called a Gocco system.

Or you can send him 150 stickers.
He will add them to the sheets at some point during the printing process.
The color from later printed images will end up on the edges of the stickers.

It is up to you, send one or send 150, he will use either.
Stickers might take more work for him to add to the sheets but he has not expressed a preference for single image.
Brain Cell #767
came in today's mail!
Some good things from Tiziana, Oh Boy, and many others!

I have contributed to this project many times over the years.
It is ( for me ) always
and altogether one of the more profitable projects I have been involved with.

I appreciate the element of chance involved, the craftsmanship, skill and, dare I say it, Vision. Also the continuity.

May it long flouruish!
I am back in Greece from Chicago and found Brain Cell 773 in my mail box!
Fluxus Breda and Fluxus Thess, and Rod summers , too!

other half of Brain Cell 773,
with arttower and many others...
may it continue and "long flourish" indeed!



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