Marie Wintzer's Blog Posts Tagged 'received' (215)

A Sunset with Death - from David Stafford


I was rather puzzled by this card when I opened my mailbox and had to actually ask David if he was sick and dying :-))

I was relieved to hear that all was well for him. After reading his message I thought that he had indeed sent it to the right person. Some people think about death much more often than others do. About the constant threat that is lying upon…


Added by Marie Wintzer on June 29, 2011 at 11:38pm — 5 Comments

Stick Shift Poetry - from Bifidus Jones

I've been longing for an envelope from Bifidus for quite a while, but this one was well worth the wait. I am so completely impressed by this piece (including the hilarious envelope). A stroke of genius crafted with such talent I can barely keep my eyes off it.…


Added by Marie Wintzer on June 26, 2011 at 11:36pm — 3 Comments

Honolulu garden - from Linda Ward

My first ever card from Hawaii, thank you Lisa!…


Added by Marie Wintzer on June 24, 2011 at 11:30pm — 2 Comments

Super Heroes vs. Peter Rabbit - from Thom Courcelle

Thom Courcelle is sending me this cute little bookie, the story of a camping weekend, a weekend when niece and nephew take a few drawing lessons from Uncle Thom. Or is it the other way around? :-))

I'll let you enjoy:…


Added by Marie Wintzer on June 23, 2011 at 11:15pm — 4 Comments

To Mère Ubu from Le Grigstaire

The other day I picked up an envelope from Le Gristaire. It wasn't for me, it was for that rock star Mère Ubu (I know there is also a Père UHU walking around, laugh!). She doesn't live here anymore but I bumped into her at the supermarket today, she says thanks!…


Added by Marie Wintzer on June 20, 2011 at 11:31pm — 27 Comments

Local Lowdown - from Andy T. Geezer

A nice news collage from Andy T. Geezer, with an Asian twist. My first postcard from him, thank you very much Andy!…


Added by Marie Wintzer on June 20, 2011 at 11:28pm — No Comments

Corgi Feet Greetings - from Angie and Snooky


There seems to be a trend, very often when I leave a comment on a picture I like I find one of the same series in my mailbox a few days later. The same thing happened with this card from Angie and Snooky the Amazing mail art dog.

Corgi greeting are…


Added by Marie Wintzer on June 18, 2011 at 11:50pm — 6 Comments

Re-white 1 - from Bruno Neiva

From one Re- to another Re- (we should find a Re- term for that process).

This is my first mail from Bruno and a much awaited one as I am a big fan of his work. He is currently working on a series of Re-, and his Re-blue is well worth the detour to his blog. This one is the first in the Re-white series.

Bruno is not only a master of Re-,…


Added by Marie Wintzer on June 15, 2011 at 11:36pm — 4 Comments

Re-writing Marie - from Cheryl Penn

I have learned a little bit more about Cheryl with every piece she sent me. Over the months I got some insight into the way she works, which was also fabulously summarized in the "Overlapping (paper/thread/space)" piece, and I became acquainted with the fascinating concept of Re- .



Added by Marie Wintzer on June 12, 2011 at 12:39am — 7 Comments

Puzzleposta - from Ahmet Demir

A beautiful new set of envelopes miraculously found their way to Japan again (I'm always expecting Ahmet to stop sending me his puzzles because those I send him back are so dreadful). It's gorgeous work as usual, nicely framed by the matching artistamps. Thank you…


Added by Marie Wintzer on June 10, 2011 at 11:26am — 2 Comments

The boy who wanted to be a fish - from Jen Staggs

I am the very happy owner of one of Jen's vintage book covers, The Boy who wanted to be a FISH (to the greatest puzzlement of his sister and his dad).

The back of the hardcover is a vintage potpourri with extreme layering which all seems to fall in place so perfectly. The color tones are beautiful, the composition is just fab. And it comes with a very very sweet…


Added by Marie Wintzer on June 6, 2011 at 11:43pm — 4 Comments

I envy the wind - from Karen Champlin

Once again the postal system slaughtered one of Karen's mail (with apologies, I guess, I hope so!). I don't understand, because the envelope is very thick, and the art piece inside was damaged. Did they actually open it on purpose? It came in a plastic bag, like a piece of evidence!…


Added by Marie Wintzer on June 3, 2011 at 11:51pm — 2 Comments

Two fabbies from Lesley Magwood Fraser

The most beautiful envelope and card arrived yesterday. Handmade paper with an amazing texture. Did you make this paper yourself Lesley? The dried flowers seem to be partly embedded in it, and the print of the feather looks like a petroglyph, a precious archaeological finding. The rough/smooth textures are all kinds of wow, I wonder how she printed the feather to get this…


Added by Marie Wintzer on May 31, 2011 at 12:23pm — 5 Comments

Overlapping (paper/thread/space) - from Cheryl Penn


Most Days happen just like that. Most days are just Blanks and Fragments of Days, proportions variable. 

What happens in the Zalop Space inbetween? Is life happening in bursts of Time?



Blanks - Maybe just Time…


Added by Marie Wintzer on May 23, 2011 at 10:00am — 11 Comments

Rare choco mail - from Katerina Nikoltsou

New developments in Haptic World. I am honored to get this rare piece of choco glam from Katerina, number 212 of her project 365. I think this greek chocolate is way too rare to be eaten :-)) and it looks great on the card, so I think I shouldn't be too greedy this time.

Pencil shavings, what a fab idea, Katerina. It must be hell to get them glued on the card though...…


Added by Marie Wintzer on May 20, 2011 at 11:56pm — 6 Comments

Seasonal metaphor - from David Stafford

Spring is a bit sad on this side of the lawn, and it is well known that sadness unleashes all kinds of metaphors. This one is by Liu Tsung-yuan and translated by... Mitzi Gaynor? You mean Mitzi Gaynor the dancer? :-)) Who would have thought?!...

Thank you David, nice combination of text and illustration! And funny as usual...…


Added by Marie Wintzer on May 19, 2011 at 11:30pm — 5 Comments

Birthday card - from Nastia and Luc

My brother and his girlfriend surprised me with a very nice birthday card, arrived right on time! They are not involved in any mail art business but I'm really happy to put up this card on the blog, I think Nastia is very talented (I hear it was mostly her work) and they are sweet kids, I like them. Merci les kloufis! (and when are you joining IUOMA?)…


Added by Marie Wintzer on May 18, 2011 at 11:27pm — 6 Comments

Heart/Matters - from Cheryl Penn


The other day I broke into a Building. A deep scarlet Building, a human Habitation. That Building got broken in several times before, I could tell, even though it was very well kept. It was a Secret place.



Added by Marie Wintzer on May 14, 2011 at 3:45am — 6 Comments

The Windmills of Your Mind - Lauriana Glenny

Lauriana sent two a-mazingly beautiful chapters (one red, one blue) in two a-mazing envelopes. I need to find a way to include the envelopes in the book, I think they belong there. These chapters have a wow factor of about a million and I'm lost for words to describe them, so I'll just let you enjoy some pictures. Lauriana, you know those are fabies, thank you so much for…


Added by Marie Wintzer on May 5, 2011 at 6:30am — 3 Comments

Spirit of Place - from Helen Amyes

Helen's handmade paper envelope with stitches all around was so beautiful, I first thought that this was it, it wasn't meant to be opened. The Spirit of Place stamp on the thick paper with dried leaves could easily pull it off as a piece on its own. I almost missed the snip, snip, snip instructions. I almost missed the little sandpaper booklet! A precious haptic booklet with…


Added by Marie Wintzer on May 4, 2011 at 11:30pm — 3 Comments


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