  • Female
  • Woodlawn, IL
  • United States
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Sarah's Friends

  • Pam Chatfield
  • DollyDotBoo
  • Francis Lammé
  • Penny Reinecke
  • Ebru
  • Julie Dennehy
  • BoozyBarb
  • Jayne Barket Lyons
  • emily louise
  • Susan Barton
  • Toni Hanner -- tonipoet
  • Erin Young
  • Erin Morse

Sarah's Groups


Sarah's Page

Latest Activity

Ann Tracy and Sarah are now friends
Oct 3, 2024
Sarah updated their profile
Aug 9, 2022
Thomas Pratt left a comment for Sarah
"hi Sarah, I would be glad to share mail art with you"
Feb 25, 2022
DollyDotBoo left a comment for Sarah
"I would like to do an art supplies swap with you."
Jun 16, 2021
Sarah commented on Erica Durante's group Swapping Art Supplies
"I have boxes of random papers, cancelled stamps, etc. Let me know if you want to swap."
Jan 5, 2021
Sarah posted a status
"Sorry, I haven't been on here in like forever. My mom and then my brother passed away. Just haven't been in the creative mood. I'm back now."
Mar 12, 2020
Erin Young left a comment for Sarah
"Hi Sarah! Sorry for the late reply! I would love to exchange art with you :) I make ATCs (Artist Trading Cards) they are 2.5 x 3.5 inches in size. I am currently working on an ATC exhibit that will be open in 2020 !  See you in the mail!!"
Nov 11, 2019
Bruno Cassaglia left a comment for Sarah
"Bruno Cassaglia- tutta l’opera digitale online all digital work online"
Nov 10, 2019
Kayenderes left a comment for Sarah
"Do you not live at 7854 E. Boyd Rd?  I sent mail there and it was returned???   Now is this box good for you?  Please advise me of same    thank you  I will try resend"
Sep 26, 2019
Sarah joined Valentine Mark Herman's group

Group for Cat-Lovers

A group for people who love Cats -- everyone's invited to join, and their cats, of course. We welcome all Cat lovers and any and all Mail Art that features anything about Cats or Kats. Group formerly known as Katerina Nikoltsou.See More
Sep 12, 2019
Sarah replied to Maggie Mize's discussion Is anyone still doing one card jams? in the group ATC REBELS
"I'm new here. What are jams?"
Sep 11, 2019
emily louise left a comment for Sarah
"Hi Sarah and welcome!  Yes my address is current.  I'm happy to exchange mail art, whatever you are moved to send.  And since it often takes me a looooong time to get ittogether to send my own mail art, take your time!  see…"
Sep 8, 2019
Bruno Cassaglia left a comment for Sarah
"Ciao Sarah!  W la Mail Art!  W IUOMA! e W LA PACE FRA I POPOLI! ti abbraccio . b"
Sep 7, 2019
Jokie X Wilson left a comment for Sarah
"Yes, my address is current. Welcome!"
Sep 7, 2019
Sarah joined Jean Jackson's group


Where the envelope is the art and the art is the envelope.  Identify as such with a DO NOT OPEN, CONTENTS NOT ENCLOSED, or other such warning...See More
Sep 6, 2019
Sarah joined Karen Champlin's group


A place where ATC lovers trade easy and often.  We stay in contact!  Let's Trade!
Sep 6, 2019

Profile Information

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
It's fun! Started pen palling at 10 years old. Swapped Friendship books, stickers, postcards, ATCs, etc. It's all fun.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
818 N. 6th St
Mt. Vernon, IL 62864

Comment Wall (14 comments)

You need to be a member of International Union of Mail-Artists to add comments!

Join International Union of Mail-Artists

At 2:51am on February 25, 2022, Thomas Pratt said…

hi Sarah, I would be glad to share mail art with you

At 7:20pm on June 16, 2021, DollyDotBoo said…

I would like to do an art supplies swap with you.

At 4:53pm on November 11, 2019, Erin Young said…

Hi Sarah! Sorry for the late reply! I would love to exchange art with you :) I make ATCs (Artist Trading Cards) they are 2.5 x 3.5 inches in size. I am currently working on an ATC exhibit that will be open in 2020 !  See you in the mail!!

At 4:56pm on November 10, 2019, Bruno Cassaglia said…

Bruno Cassaglia- tutta l’opera digitale online all digital work online

At 8:47pm on September 26, 2019, Kayenderes said…

Do you not live at 7854 E. Boyd Rd?  I sent mail there and it was returned???   Now is this box good for you?  Please advise me of same    thank you  I will try resend

At 12:49am on September 8, 2019, emily louise said…

Hi Sarah and welcome!  Yes my address is current.  I'm happy to exchange mail art, whatever you are moved to send.  And since it often takes me a looooong time to get ittogether to send my own mail art, take your time!  see you in the mail

At 12:52pm on September 7, 2019, Bruno Cassaglia said…

Ciao Sarah!  W la Mail Art!  W IUOMA! e W LA PACE FRA I POPOLI! ti abbraccio . b

At 4:17am on September 7, 2019, Jokie X Wilson said…

Yes, my address is current. Welcome!

At 1:28pm on September 6, 2019, Nancy Bell Scott said…

Hi Sarah, welcome. The only preference I have is for mail artists to send me whatever they're moved to make, whenever they feel like it, and let me be surprised. Freedom! Thanks.


At 3:51am on September 6, 2019, LuEllen Joy Miller - Giera said…


are you on Facebook?  If so find me on group. I run a monthly APC Exchange. 

Pls contact me to exchange art



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