Heleen de Vaan



Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
2009 (and not aware being mailarting since 1979)
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Making illustrations is my life. Love rubberstamps, coloured pencils, watercolour, black fineliners.
And how great to see other people's creative outbursts, creative additions to envelopes. Including those by the postal services (even a pen cancellation can have it's charms). I love the small pictures stamps show. And like to communicate via art works. And isn't it fascinating how snail mail works? We put a stamp and address on an envelope and a whole system of people and transportation means is bringing that single envelope to other places.
Count up all previous words and see: Mail Art is inevitable.

P.S. If you want to create and send me mail art about your favourite (weird or common) animal I will be most happy; I'll like to post it on my http://realweirdanimals.blogspot.com blog.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Postbus 581
1180 AN Amstelveen

Comment Wall:

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  • Mary J. Grellner

    I just received a bird from someone named Heleen and you were the only one I could find in the Netherlands. Did you send this?

    Mary J. Grellner

    254 Green Summit Dr.

    Wentzville, MO  63385   USA

  • Mail Art Martha

    A fantasticly well drawn horse  Heleen, beautiful background too. Nougat is a good model and you are lucky to have it, I haven't got any horses at hand at the moment, boo hoo! Soon it will be on show.

  • Mail Art Martha

    Kevin was very happy with your message on the envelope, he is enjoying all this attention and doesn't mind if he has to wait for me to get to the door as he spends the time looking at the show. Always finds something new, he says.

  • Valentine Mark Herman


    I like sheep....

    So, if you're looking for a place where your late sheep can go....send it to me?

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    I need a new foot, badly! Thank you.

    No I didn't get the addressless envelope. 'Addressless'? Mmm;

    I once sent an envelope to myself with just 'Herman, Sigean' written on it. It got delivered, but the Post Office now knows me well -- and I'm the only Herman (that I know of) in Sigean. If you tried something similiar, it might get here eventually, but I suspect that you'd need something like 'Herman, 11130-Sigean, France' for it to have any chance of arriving if you sent it from Amstelveen

  • Mail Art Martha

    Nougat's friend is so very cute! Eclipses him. When I said ' lucky you have a horse' I think,  I meant 'access to a horse' . I used to have two horses nearby, not mine,  which I sketched many times but eventually they were sold. Boo hoo...

  • Valentine Mark Herman


    Is the alpaca called 'Piet'?

    Before he comes my way, please play him this record which is called 'Piet Mondrian discovers Vinyl Art'.

    If he likes that and is a 'down under' alpaca, then he might like to listen to another record which is called 'Piet Mondrian discovers Vinyl Art AND Dots':

    There is a very good contemporary art gallery about 6 kms from here. One of the works in the permanent collection is an early Mondrian -- non linear, very dark, and almost areverse colour Turner. It's really good!

  • Lorella

    Thank you for greeetings and information World post day .Don't worry for reply because often I 'm very busy too so cannot answer early .
    Take care!

  • Musée du Petit Format

    Thank you for your comment on the wall...

  • Mail Art Martha

    Heleen, thanks for the postcards, mine and Kevin's. He is away at the moment and the girl who replaces him is very taken with mail art. I love the snail to colour up, which I will do when I can get a quiet moment to truly enjoy it. The horse is so good and so is the horse stamp. Cannot take photos of the door at the moment  because the weather is terrible.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thank you, Heleen! 

    blogged here:

    I so enjoy your painted "postage stamp"postcards :-)

    Let me know when some "snail" mail arrives from Greece :-)

  • Suus in Mokum

    Graag gedaan!
  • Ruud Janssen

  • FinnBadger

    I'm glad the 2015 snail arrived in good shape!

  • Servane

    Thank you Heleen. Glad it arrived ok. 

  • Tamara C

  • Kym Wolfe

    Glad to hear my little birds completed their journey safely.
  • Regan Shrumm

    Thank you Heleen! I just received your drawing. Funny enough, I am the proud owner of four walking sticks myself. I'm glad my drawing inspired your's!

  • Prairie Kittin

    Thank you for the "Zendoodle" postcard! I will be abandoning it today at the mental health facility. (If anybody needs a bit of cheer, it's them! LOL)

  • stripygoose

    You're welcome Heleen. Glad she arrived safely. The background was in part chalky pastels and I had to find a spray to stop it all floating away in transit! :>)
  • Keith S. Chambers

    Wrench seems to have taken its time . . . I guess there's a lot of fire-hydrants between here and there.


  • Denise Souray

    You are very welcome Heleen I'm happy you like it and that it made it there in one piece. And thank you for posting it where you did! It fits in perfectly there ;) I painted him blue for you :)

  • Thanks Heleen, that was quick huh?!

  • Mail Art Martha

    Thanks Heleen for publishing the rubbing portrait of nobody. The music is from Google Images, I am hopelessly unmusical so i do not think we will be doing beautiful music together any time soon, hee hee!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thanks for letting me know it arrived, Heleen...

    as I sent it from the seaside village post office and not knowing how 

    often they pick up to send out

    Thanks for blogging, too. and it is 

    "summer SWING time"

    ...no need to rush with mail art now...just relax

    and enjoy the summer! xxx

  • SamaLama

    Heleen!! Thank you for the wonderful mail art and add and pass. I will work on these and send them around of course. Thanks again. I will post photos soon. To be an owl of course. (: Cheers
  • paloma paprika

    hello heleen. finally posted yr mail. please let me know when it arrives

  • Tulio Peraza

    Hello Heleen!!!! Your nice artwork is already with us!!!! Thank you very much!!!!

  • Tulio Peraza

    Hello Heleen!!!! you can see your artwork at the camel's blog

    Thank you again!!!!! :-)

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Loving blogspot, Heleen, thanks for adding my ChocoPo!

    I enjoying seeing your blog and all the critters that others send you!

    Happy mail arting, xxx

  • paloma paprika

    yr welcome, heleen! so glad it arrived safe and sound. thanks for sharing the pics

  • Ungala

    You are more then welcome! So glad you liked it!
  • Toni Hanner -- tonipoet

    you are most welcome. thanks for the lovely blog post!
  • Carlos I. Botana


    Las Meninas by Diego Velázquez
    Size: Free
    Technique: Free
    Deadline: August 15, 2016
    Exhibition: September, 2016
    No sales. No jury. No return
    The work is publisehed in the "blog": mailartlasmeninasdecanido.blogspot.com
    Send your work to:
    Carlos I. Botana
    C/. Javier López López
    Nº 11 - portal 2 - 3º E
    15009 - A Coruña - Spain
  • kay rodriques

    Looking forward to receiving your mail art! I will also send you something, but probably not until the weekend. Just took my dog for his nightly walk -- as we get ready for bed you are about to begin a new day!
    Have a good one.
  • Toni Hanner -- tonipoet

    Heleen I LOVE my new 29 February crow and monkey. Your envelope is perfect. AND a special treat -- an Add & Return! I'm already thinking about "what she sees." Thank you!
  • Ruth Tapp

    Thank you Heleen.... Trying to get my bearings....!! Happy to be a part of the site! :-)
  • Minneapolis Gnome


    Ruth Tapp posted a photo of your graceful triceratops and I went gaga over it, here's a link.  I've been an admirer of your art on IUOMA for awhile!

  • Ruud Janssen

    Hi Heleen. Did this card arrive? I sent it on 29th Feb, in the hope it gets the special date stamped. haven't published the card anywhere yet, but sure hope it arrived at your place safe.....

  • Grethe Bjørnhaug

    Hi Heleen. Thank you so much for the card you sent to me, it is really beautiful and I just love it :)  I'll send the other card back to you ASAP. I'm just being curious - where in Jutland have you been? Grethe :)

  • Jade H

    Hi helen I will be sending out something for you today! :-)

  • Grethe Bjørnhaug

    Thank you Heleen. I think it's an impressive work you have done with your blog :)

  • Ficus strangulensis

    Thanks, Heleen. I also found out who it was on Google which referred me to an IUOMA post. And then De Villo Sloan sent a note spilling the beans on Keith. Y'r [new] ol' Bud,      Fike

  • Alana Schlotter

    Thank you so much for the knitted mail art! I love it. Knitters of the world unite!

  • Alana Schlotter

    Yes I did find the sheep and mole! :)

  • Petrolpetal

    mail out!

  • Carina

    Hi Heleen, your sweet banana mail has arrived! Thank you. Your clever add&pass girl looks like someone from Pieter Bruegel's paintings! I will try to figure out what she is looking at...

  • kay rodriques

    You're welcome for the mail art, Heleen. Hope you didn't mind that I altered your lady's dress!
  • The Post Whisperer

    How lovely indeed! :-)

  • FinnBadger

    Glad it arrived, Heleen, I had fun putting it together.