Le Musée du Petit Format is a Belgian museum. Petit Format means Small Graphics Forms in the first acceptation.
During thirty years, Le Musée du Petit Format has
given himself the mission to offer modern art in different places (schools,particulars, others museums, public places…).That’s the reason why the museum is also called
" The suitcase Museum ". The museum collection
consists of gifts given during our main event :
The International Biennial of Small Graphics Forms. The aim of this event is to invite personally artists to participate to the biennial. Each artist that agrees to participate send us by mail a work he wants
to be shown during the event. As you can see, the museum
has the culture of mail with artist in its DNA. In this framework, this year, we would like to pay tribute to mail-art artists by organizing a school project and an exhibition. We would like to know if the mail-art network is always efficient.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Rue Bassidaine, 6
5670 Nismes
Maria José Silva - Mizé
Seuls les artistes mentionnés dans l'annonce participent?
Apr 2, 2015
Tulio Peraza
Dear mailartist, here an invitation for you, thanks in advance!!!!
"The Camel” International Mail Art Project Tenerife, Spain 2015
Sep 7, 2015
Carlos I. Botana
Dec 24, 2015