
post your Fluxus - remix/collaborate with others

  • Mick Boyle

  • John M. Bennett

  • Mick Boyle

    Thanks John. It is lovely. Also the text at the top reminds me of a leg.

  • Michael Leigh

    Thanks for the invite Mick.  I thought I was on a Fluxus group here at IOUMA  but maybe I imagined it?  Anything that involves collage is always high up on my aggenda ( whatever that is?).  A bit like a veranda maybe? or one of those things they grow roses up?  Anyway, good to be here. Hopefully find something Fluxus enough to post soon!

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    Thanks,Mick, for this FluXus group,

    Greetings from Thessaloniki, Greece...

    Happy FluXus 2021!

    (there is also a Fluxus Embassy, too)

  • Ruud Janssen

  • Mick Boyle

    Dear fellow mail artists welcome/ I am glad to see you all here and I can't wait to see what you post. 

    Michael Leigh - You are welcome. I always enjoy seeing your collages. Thanks for joining. I felt inspired tonight to make some new collages.

    Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)  - You're welcome. Thank you for posing your fluxus. I'll check out the Fluxus Embassy too.

    Ruud Janssen - Nice to see you in a classic Fluxus Heidelberg photo.  I am glad you are here.

  • Mick Boyle

    Welcome new members! I'm excited to see your Fluxus art.

    Bibiana Padilla Maltos 

    Ilya Semenenko-Basin

    Mel Anie 

    Stephen Rife


    Mikel Untzilla

  • Michael Leigh

    This was a for a theme on the communal collage blog I do "2020" .  Hard to come up with anything other than the virus. Some evidence of masks and things we did to occupy ourselves whilst in lockdown - making stuff- radio - TV - mail etc.

  • Jason C. Motsch

  • Jason C. Motsch

  • Jason C. Motsch

  • Mel Anie

    How to Make a Bucket List Fly with 28 Envelopes. A Mail Art call project earlier this year; 28 different envelopes with a score, sent out by me. This is one of them.

  • Mick Boyle

    Fantastic mail art from  Jason C. Motsch  Thanks!

  • Mick Boyle

    Mel Anie Thanks for you mail art/ score. It looks really interesting.

  • Mick Boyle

    Welcome to this group Jokie X Wilson and Crystal S You are both welcome to post anytime.

  • Bradford

  • Michael Leigh

    Playing around with hand carved rubber stamps last year-

  • Mick Boyle

     Bradford Thanks for the mail art. I used to live in West Palm Beach in the 80's I like seeing that postmark.

  • Mick Boyle

    Michael Leigh Do Fluxus spiders eat Fluxus flies?

  • Mick Boyle

    Two new collages [ Trashpo / recycled materials ]

  • Mick Boyle

     new collage [ Trashpo / recycled materials ]

  • Mick Boyle

    I can't find a way to edit these comments.

  • Michael Leigh

    https://iuoma-network.ning.com/profile/MickBoyle Yes, I expect so! Part of the World Wide Web!

  • Michael Leigh

    How do you highlight someone's name in red with a link?   I'm useless at such things!

  • Mel Anie

    I don't know either, Michael, but Ana Kawajiri does. 

  • John M. Bennett

  • Mick Boyle

    Michael Leigh I copy and paste their name into the comment. Also good wordplay world wide [Fluxus spider] web.

    Mel Anie I need to ask Ana Kawajiri then. 

  • Mick Boyle

    I wish Richard Canard would join this group.

  • Mick Boyle

    Thanks John M. Bennett . 

  • Mel Anie

    Oh, you know how to do it too, Mick Boyle ! We don't have to ask Ana; even I can do it if this worked. It's old school blogging. But did it work, Michael Leigh

  • Michael Leigh

    https://iuoma-network.ning.com/xn/detail/u_00nc753u56jsn  When I copy and paste I get this?   What am I doing wrong?

  • Mick Boyle

    Hi Michael

    I go to the persons page, then I use the mouse to highlight the person's name in a comment It is just the name that is underlined. I use the mouse to select the name and then copy. next in the comment I am making I click the cursor and past it in the comment.

    I hope this helps

  • Michael Leigh

    Mick Boyle  .  Sorry , still not got the hang of it?!   Where in the persons page do you go to find the name with the line underneath?   I can't find anything like that on your page.  Sorry for being so thick!

  • Michael Leigh

    Mick Boyle  Ah, I think I've sussed it.  Blimey - that took so long to figure out!  I blame Covid !

  • Michael Leigh

    Here's a few of Yoko Ono's bottoms to make ammends for my stupidity!