

This Group celebtrates Boring, ordinary, dull, commercial Postcards that feature aspects of our everyday life – such as streets, roads, houses -- and are, in a strange way, interesting because they are so uninteresting. Join in and share your Postcards of our Boring world.

Location: Sigean, France
Members: 40
Latest Activity: Jun 22

Discussion Forum


From time to time we have outbreaks of whether a Postcard is Boring, or not.“Yes it is”. “No it isn''t.”“All Postcards are Boring.” “All Postcards are interesting”.And so on, and so forth.So, LET'S TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENTAnnouncingINTERESTING…Continue

Started by Valentine Mark Herman. Last reply by Francis Lammé Aug 17, 2022.


DULL OR BORING?I am a member of the British-based Dull Men's Club (DMC) – which also includes women, and, indeed, claims to…Continue

Started by Valentine Mark Herman. Last reply by Gerald Jatzek Nov 27, 2021.

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Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on March 3, 2020 at 7:47pm


60's  Fluxus? I recognise your knowledge of (Mail) Art recent history Ben and Tony and Uncle Tom Cobley, but... Yawn again.

Perhaps we could get back to Boring Postcards in March 2020?


Comment by Richard Canard on March 3, 2020 at 3:55pm

03.03.20 ...."idee originale: Tony Mazzocchin"---...."Who dat?"  Surely everyone knows this is a 60's Fluxus item by Ben Vautier entitled "Postman's Choice" ??? 

Comment by John M. Bennett on March 3, 2020 at 1:19pm

Ha!  one should address and stamp it on both sides, and let the post office decide which address to send it to!  not boring to me, but sdurely boring to some folks. 

Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on March 3, 2020 at 1:16pm

This postcard cannot be "strange" or "boring" it is empty?

From Tony Mizzochin and on it's way to Sigean soon

(but do use an antibacterial "wipe" to disinfect it :-)

Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on March 3, 2020 at 12:22pm

So sayeth Marilyn Monroe:

'It's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.'

Comment by John Gayer on March 3, 2020 at 7:20am

Hear, hear!!

Comment by Alan Brignull on March 2, 2020 at 9:18pm

Indeed, Mister Hairman. And to whit.

Let us misremember the words of Francis Bacon, “There is no true boredom that hath not some strangeness.”

Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on March 2, 2020 at 8:06pm

Merci Monsewer le Duck,

I partially agree with you.

Alan Brugnall said a while back: 'I think this group will have to be closed down as we all discover that nothing is truly boring'. And, in the words of No Idea, 'Boredom is in the eye of the beholder.'

And yet, the more I look at Postcards, and the more I look at Martin Parr's original Boring Postcards books, the more my understanding/definition of what is a Boring Postcard changes. And I keep finding ones in my collection of rubbish stuff that I think I may as well share with y'all, just to keep the Group moving along.

But it ain't all my fault. The Group has almost 50 members, but half of them haven't posted a card here and/or sent me a Postcard (Boring or otherwise) for the planned exhibition: I wonder why they joined the Group and/or what they expect from it, and/or what they intend to contribut?.

Last, and what probably led to your comment, surely a Postcard can be both Boring and Strange? 

And finally (which comes after last) are we --well, primarily moi -- not in danger of over-intellectulising this whole thing?

I remain, Sir, your Obedient and Devoted Servant.

Comment by Richard Canard on March 2, 2020 at 4:11pm

02.03.20 Dare Mister Valentine Mark Herman,  This theme discussion seems to have wandered away from what I understood to be it's original goal. i.e. "Boring Postcards"( & how "interesting" that alone can be). & now includes the  sporadic "Rather  Strange". ....but I'm certainly not complaining as you had me just @ "Postcards" .  SinCelery, Richard Canard

Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on March 2, 2020 at 3:35pm


1. The Dinsosaur Museum, England

2. A Bird on a Windowsill

3. A Bird that Has Got off a Windowsill and is Thinking About Stealing the Peanut from the Squirrel

4. This is called 'Headquarters' (and your guess is as good as mine)

5. This is called 'Training for a Better World' (and it is quite obvious why, in this Better World, you need to run around naked with a blanket over your head)


Members (40)



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