

This Group celebtrates Boring, ordinary, dull, commercial Postcards that feature aspects of our everyday life – such as streets, roads, houses -- and are, in a strange way, interesting because they are so uninteresting. Join in and share your Postcards of our Boring world.

Location: Sigean, France
Members: 41
Latest Activity: Feb 27

Discussion Forum


From time to time we have outbreaks of whether a Postcard is Boring, or not.“Yes it is”. “No it isn''t.”“All Postcards are Boring.” “All Postcards are interesting”.And so on, and so forth.So, LET'S TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENTAnnouncingINTERESTING…Continue

Started by Valentine Mark Herman. Last reply by Francis Lammé Aug 17, 2022.


DULL OR BORING?I am a member of the British-based Dull Men's Club (DMC) – which also includes women, and, indeed, claims to…Continue

Started by Valentine Mark Herman. Last reply by Gerald Jatzek Nov 27, 2021.

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Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on July 6, 2020 at 10:47pm

Yes, indeedy, Val, that one postcard from Canada was sent to me when I was in high school , (it is postmarked 11 July 1961) and I was living in the town of Cicero, which borders on the Chicago city limits.

Sooo, let's say that it is "sent from Cicero" Sigean :-)

Boring postcards can have such fascinating stories!

Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on July 6, 2020 at 4:11pm


Three (or Four?) sets of thanks, Katerina.

1. Jasper Park Lodge, Alberta, Canada

The Lodge is in the Jasper National Park...."A renowned resort in the Canadian Rockies, the Lodge offers the finest in Western hospitality with superb lake and mountain views."

Katerina says that it was sent -- to her?? -- in 1961 by Cicero, of Chicago

2. Holiday Inn of Cambridge, Mass

At 1651 Mass Ave, and .."Handsome in Harvard Red Brick and enameled steel, the 135-room motor hotel offers an expert blending of hotel services and motel informality. Restaurant -- Cocktail Lounge -- Banquet facilities -- Free Parking -- Air conditioning."


Katerina got this in 1977

3. (and 4?) Carte postale verso-verso, by Tony Mazzocchin

Here's the first 'verso'

And here's the second 'verso'

The difference? The figure bottom left -- in one a post-person riding on a pen, in t'other a postperson riding on a scooter

Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on July 3, 2020 at 10:52am


Kiitos No Idea!

Identifiable Old Car and ultimately unidenifiable Dog

The car is a 1902 Beaufort (racing model). The photo was taken in The UK.

I asked IDID (our International Dog Identification Department) what sort of Dog was in front of the car. After several hours of research, several glasses of wine, and and a failed attempt to charge me $1.99 for their work, I was told that 'It was a big brown hairy dog, aka a long-haired golden retriever.'

Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on June 30, 2020 at 6:10pm


Where does he keep finding them, i wonder?

Thanks Mikel...keep on finding them, please.

1. Mahablipuram, Madras (India)

This elephants is obviously quite stoned.

2. Peak Tower Restaurant, Hong Kong

An old postcard, but the Restaurant seems still to be there.

(Jennifer: another Hong Kong one. Can you shed any light on the naming of the Restaurant, that is neither a Peak nor a Tower [looks like the top of a big boat, methinks])

Extra marks, as usual, for identifying the cars

3.  Vilha Velha, Brazil

'(Etat de Paiaia). Erosion éolienne' it says on the back

Comment by Sabrina S on June 29, 2020 at 11:03am

I am so sorry to read that your family lost so many members in the Holocaust. So many people, from just one family... Insanity. I've no words.

Knowing the background I also think the postcard with the shoes is not boring. I guess, context is everything.

And regarding the dAdA postcard: I think the connotation is a bit different. The literal translation is "dAdA is word", not "dAdA is a word". I think the meaning is dAdA is religion because "ist Wort" is a phrase I only know from the bible (In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God). 

Not that it really matters, just noticed it... 

Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on June 29, 2020 at 9:21am


Three Postcards from the Holocaust Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, Berlin

(Please forgive me for this personal note. Until we started talking about the Hungarian Memorial, I hadn't considered these Postcards -- which I got on a visit to the Memorial in 2014 -- at all Boring. But, for family reasons, I certainly find them moving. At least 33 members of my famlily -- most of them from the Netherlands -- were killed by the Nazis in concentration camps in Germany and Austria during WW 11. I say 'at least' because many of their depndents -- parents, siblings, and numerous children -- just disappeared. No-one knows what happened to them, or whether they survived the Holocaust or not.)

Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on June 29, 2020 at 4:30am

Thanks Scribe. Hope you are well (and that your postal service returns to normal one day soon). Val

Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on June 29, 2020 at 4:29am

Thanks Mim, Thanks Mr Celery Stick,

I agree with both of you that the Hungarian Postcard is (as I said) moving.  I posted it because I found the image Boring, but certainly not what it represented. Hence I think that, in the context of this Group, a distinction has to be made between the boringness of the image(s) on the picture side of the postacrd, and what it/they may be of on the reverse side.


Comment by Richard Canard on June 29, 2020 at 3:35am

28.06.20.....Memorial at Duna-Parton.....Mim is right. ("Very moving. Not a boring card at all")     ....& still yet, another insane tragedy to add to the long, long list.  

Comment by Mim Golub Scalin on June 28, 2020 at 7:58pm
Oh Scribe. Sorry to hear that your postal system isn’t functioning now. Stay in touch digitally.

Members (41)



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