  • 73, Male
  • Somerville, MA
  • United States
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  • Maxima Strange
  • Chorianopoulou Maria
  • Jacqueline Koch
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  • Yvonne Neldel
  • Jokie X Wilson
  • Mao Huan (lazybunny)
  • Ander Morlando
  • Michael Leigh
  • Samantha Bragg
  • Terrance Osborne
  • William Evertson
  • Melvin S Stanforth
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Bruno Cassaglia left a comment for Stangroom
"Bellissima immagine Stangroom! tu sulla grande poltrona!  un abbraccio , b poetamailartfluxus Stangroom beautiful image! you on the big armchair! a hug, b poetamailartfluxus"
Sep 25, 2019

Profile Information

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
An effort to correspond with all the artists of the world
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
243 School St. #1
Somerville, MA 02145

Comment Wall (40 comments)

You need to be a member of International Union of Mail-Artists to add comments!

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At 11:50am on September 25, 2019, Bruno Cassaglia said…

Bellissima immagine Stangroom! tu sulla grande poltrona!  un abbraccio , b poetamailartfluxus

Stangroom beautiful image! you on the big armchair! a hug, b poetamailartfluxus

At 6:49pm on September 21, 2017, Chorianopoulou Maria said…

Dear friend,

I just received a card, you found 12 c & 10 cents euro!!!

When I looked more carefully I saw that it was actually 10 cents of drachma!

The drachma was used from ancient Greek times until the beginning of 2002 that have been abolished!!!

Your card refreshed my memory...!

Thank you so much for your card!!!


At 1:55am on October 23, 2014, Mim Golub Scalin said…

Received $5, Jennifer found $5.01 and you got 72¢ but I really lost $20 the other day so I was happy to get your card. It made me feel better.

At 8:56am on November 16, 2013, TIZIANA BARACCHI said…
At 10:32pm on November 29, 2012, Susan McAllister said…
Hi, I received your postcard. Thanks so much.
At 7:35pm on August 14, 2012, Susan McAllister said…
Thank you for the card.
At 2:51pm on June 6, 2012, Michael Orr said…

I got some change. Thx you.

At 12:49am on February 20, 2011, Sharon Silverman said…

I invite you to send a piece of mailart in to The Face of Jesus Gallery Exhibition. Check out my profile to see the details and to view some of the 250+ pieces of art for this Gallery Exhibit. You're not far from the actual Exhibit. I hope you can come to the opening on

March 25, 2011 at The Angles & Art Gallery , 80 Wingate Street , Haverhill, MA

At 7:59am on September 11, 2010, Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) said…
Stangroom, the NOVEL
must return "home" to Alex in England.
Air mail, express, registered, however....
Send the novel to:
Alex Jones
Flat 1B
56 Marine Parade
East Sussex
At 9:33pm on February 27, 2010, Medwolf said…
CALL | Regina ATC | Regina ATC Celebrates 7 years; Show us your stuff! | MAR 31

Submit 6 of your best cards by March 31, 2010 to: ATC Celebrates
7, MacKenzie Art Gallery, 3475 Albert St., Regina, SK. Canada S4S 6X6.

Please include: 1. Self-addressed & stamped, return-envelope 2.
Brief statement: tell us a little about yourself & discuss your
techniques and tools, and your image content 3. How to reach you:
contact information and e-mail (so we can send you an invites & e-
vites to the display)

All cards submitted will be displayed in the Learning Centre at the
MacKenzie Art Gallery; Please tell us if you DONT want your work
to posted on the web. Opening reception: Sat April 25, 2pm.
Display Closing: August 2010, when you will receive 6 trades
mailed back!


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The money will be used to keep the IUOMA-platform alive. Current donations keep platform online till 1-february-2026. If you want to donate to get IUOMA-publications into archives and museums please mention this with your donation. It will then be used to send some hardcopy books into museums and archives. You can order books yourself too at the IUOMA-Bookshop. That will sponsor the IUOMA as well.

IMPORTANT: please use the friends/family option with donation on Paypal. That makes transaction fee the lowest.

This IUOMA platform on NING has no advertisings, so the funding is completely depending on donationsby members. Access remains free for everybody off course










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