Rain Rien Nevermind
  • Male
  • Chanhassen, MN
  • United States
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Rain Rien Nevermind's Friends

  • Umberto basso
  • De Villo Sloan
  • Henna Joronen
  • Sean Woodward
  • Bifidus Jones
  • Samantha Bragg
  • Inêz Oludé
  • Ana Spinu
  • Diana Marshall
  • liketelevisionsnow
  • Chris Day
  • Fast Eyes
  • Maria Grazia Galatà
  • virginia milici (virgy)
  • DKeys

Rain Rien Nevermind's Groups


Rain Rien Nevermind's Page

Latest Activity

carl baker commented on Rain Rien Nevermind's group SELF PROMO LTD.
Jul 24, 2023
carl baker commented on Rain Rien Nevermind's group SELF PROMO LTD.
"promotion in motion+"
Jun 24, 2023
Re Schmi joined Rain Rien Nevermind's group

Recycling Mail Art

Recycling Mail Art or Why I have been doing this for WAY TOO LONG... Ray Johnson Tibet Wheel of the Deadpan Duchamp Eon Spin Club ...soirée I am spoken for.Sadly enough end of 2013 Rain Rien died and wll no longer be moderating this group. It is kept online as a rememberance.See More
Apr 9, 2023
Heather Miller joined Rain Rien Nevermind's group

Recycling Mail Art

Recycling Mail Art or Why I have been doing this for WAY TOO LONG... Ray Johnson Tibet Wheel of the Deadpan Duchamp Eon Spin Club ...soirée I am spoken for.Sadly enough end of 2013 Rain Rien died and wll no longer be moderating this group. It is kept online as a rememberance.See More
Mar 23, 2023
carl baker commented on Rain Rien Nevermind's group Recycling Mail Art
Mar 8, 2023
Stephanie Lentz Morrison joined Rain Rien Nevermind's group

Recycling Mail Art

Recycling Mail Art or Why I have been doing this for WAY TOO LONG... Ray Johnson Tibet Wheel of the Deadpan Duchamp Eon Spin Club ...soirée I am spoken for.Sadly enough end of 2013 Rain Rien died and wll no longer be moderating this group. It is kept online as a rememberance.See More
Mar 6, 2023
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) commented on Rain Rien Nevermind's group Cow Ear Muffs Buffallo Affirmations
"moooo BarCOW: by Artist in Seine!"
Aug 7, 2022
Francis Lammé joined Rain Rien Nevermind's group

Cow Ear Muffs Buffallo Affirmations

COW on the LEFT...is that BUFF ELBOWS RIGHTis wearing EAR MUFFS odali$qued: Happiness I am now constrained to abundance, “happiness” or its absence infirmity. No, but be quiet and let me go on with my story. I get spam from Versailles.See More
Jul 31, 2022

Profile Information

Mail-Artist since:
* Ray Johnson was a sparkle on a wave *
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I am NOT involved ! WHO said I was involved ? Hope it doesn't involve me. Yours MUCH Too much too much george hairy song, rain rien neverinvolved ( stares straight ahead and makes a cheek noise ) the road less traveled is gravel-voiced
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
2101 baneberry way east
chanhassen, MN 55317 you sofa

Rain Rien Nevermind's Photos

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Comment Wall (53 comments)

You need to be a member of International Union of Mail-Artists to add comments!

Join International Union of Mail-Artists

At 11:14pm on November 13, 2016, Juan Carlos Vargas said…

I invite you to participate in www.mailartunidosporlapaz.blogspot.com.co

At 10:57am on January 16, 2016, Carlos I. Botana said…


Las Meninas by Diego Velázquez
Size: Free
Technique: Free
Deadline: August 15, 2016
Exhibition: September, 2016
No sales. No jury. No return
The work is publisehed in the "blog": mailartlasmeninasdecanido.blogspot.com
Send your work to:
Carlos I. Botana
C/. Javier López López
Nº 11 - portal 2 - 3º E
15009 - A Coruña - Spain
At 7:29am on July 21, 2014, Chris Reynolds said…

At 4:01am on March 24, 2014, Terry Reid said…

I had been intended to collect some Rain Rien word plays with his friends but, damn it, he is gone.

At 4:28pm on January 13, 2014, TIZIANA BARACCHI said…
At 4:36pm on October 28, 2013, Neil Gordon said…

Thoughts and prayers to the family and friends. He will not be forgotten!

At 7:06am on October 28, 2013, Ruud Janssen said…

At 6:32am on October 28, 2013, Valentine Mark Herman said…

My sincere condolences on the passing of a great guy.

May his soul rest in peace.


At 7:37am on October 26, 2013, Ruud Janssen said…

on Facebook:

Rain Rodgers (Rain Rien) has completed his journey on earth now... he left about 11:30 this morning. He had a peaceful night, after such a long struggle with colon cancer. I miss him so much already.
I know many people have been touched by his big heart, wild creativity, and generous spirit. I am happy that he is at peace now.
At 9:08pm on October 25, 2013, Oh Boy said…

"Rain Rodgers (Rain Rien) has completed his journey on earth now... 


Adiós my friend.



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