Jayne Barket Lyons
  • Female
  • Lakeville, MN
  • United States
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Jayne Barket Lyons's Friends

  • Lulu Flanagan
  • Christopher Challen
  • DollyDotBoo
  • Jeff Bagato
  • Ifé Niklaus
  • Mark Rossmiller, Ph.D.
  • allison
  • Carien van Hest
  • Sam VanderWiel
  • Amy Kiessling
  • Fonda L. Portales
  • Sarah
  • Mary Anne
  • Tammy Riggins
  • Adam Roussopoulos

Jayne Barket Lyons's Blog

From: Richard C. - Postcards Galore!

Posted on September 11, 2020 at 11:45pm 1 Comment

Here are postcards I received from the FAB Richard C. in 2020:

Richard C. Mail Art (April 17, 2020)…


From: Olivia Arrow (0063-0420 & 0129-0720)

Posted on September 7, 2020 at 1:54am 1 Comment

In 2020 the Lyons' Den has received mail from a new correspondent - Olivia Arrow (Chicago, Il). . Mail art from Olivia arrived in late April and mid July. 

Olivia Arrow Mail Art (April 24, 2020)…


From: Jimmy Connors (0078-0520 & 0117-0720)

Posted on August 23, 2020 at 9:23pm 0 Comments

Mail Artist Jimmy Connors (Germany) sent a couple more homemade postcards with his signature 'cut out' windows. The more recent card is featured first. Take a look...

Jimmy Connors Mail Art (July 09, 2020)…


From: Keith Chambers a.k.a. Amalgamated Confusion (0070-0520, 0138-0720 & 0148-0820)

Posted on August 17, 2020 at 8:00pm 2 Comments

Updated: 08-23-20 - Added photos and text for the postcard from July 30, which was initially omitted from the post.

In recent months I received a few postcards from Keith Chambers, who also goes by Amalgamated Confusion (Anaheim, CA). The more recent piece is listed first - see below.…


Jayne Barket Lyons's Groups


"Patience is the companion of wisdom" ~ St. Augustine

Profile Information

Mail-Artist since:
February 2018
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
It's Mighty Fun!

I like vintage valentines, greeting cards and all kinds of ephemera. I'm cool with anything - vintage images, pop art, humor or anything you’d like to send me.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Jayne B. Lyons
P. O. Box 1043
Lakeville, MN 55044


Latest Activity

Janine Weiss joined Jayne Barket Lyons's group

A Touch of Vintage

Are you drawn to vintage magazines, photos and ephemera? Do you tend to incorporate vintage and retro elements into your art? Do you find yourself buying vintage inspired materials at your favorite arts and crafts store? If so, this group is for you!See More
Oct 3
Coco Muchmore commented on Jayne Barket Lyons's group A Touch of Vintage
"Vintage lovers!! I have a bunch of Nat Geos from 1956-1958. Message me and I will send you one. No sense hoarding all of the fun over here! Good vibes--Coco"
Sep 15
Coco Muchmore joined Jayne Barket Lyons's group

A Touch of Vintage

Are you drawn to vintage magazines, photos and ephemera? Do you tend to incorporate vintage and retro elements into your art? Do you find yourself buying vintage inspired materials at your favorite arts and crafts store? If so, this group is for you!See More
Sep 15
Eddie L O'Neill joined Jayne Barket Lyons's group

A Touch of Vintage

Are you drawn to vintage magazines, photos and ephemera? Do you tend to incorporate vintage and retro elements into your art? Do you find yourself buying vintage inspired materials at your favorite arts and crafts store? If so, this group is for you!See More
Aug 19
Mikel Untzilla left a comment for Jayne Barket Lyons
Jun 10
Jason Bartlett joined Jayne Barket Lyons's group

A Touch of Vintage

Are you drawn to vintage magazines, photos and ephemera? Do you tend to incorporate vintage and retro elements into your art? Do you find yourself buying vintage inspired materials at your favorite arts and crafts store? If so, this group is for you!See More
Apr 13
Richard BAUDET commented on Jayne Barket Lyons's group A Touch of Vintage
Apr 9
M. Mouser DiGerlando commented on Jayne Barket Lyons's group A Touch of Vintage
"Hi everyone! I am making to send some Vintage Braille Book remakes. The book is in outdated, over used Braille that is only good for sighted people. The pictures are true 1970’s charmers, pasted on the Brailled pages, trimmed to fit into 6x9…"
Mar 21
M. Mouser DiGerlando joined Jayne Barket Lyons's group

A Touch of Vintage

Are you drawn to vintage magazines, photos and ephemera? Do you tend to incorporate vintage and retro elements into your art? Do you find yourself buying vintage inspired materials at your favorite arts and crafts store? If so, this group is for you!See More
Mar 21
Amy Irwen replied to Jayne Barket Lyons's discussion WHAT KIND OF VINTAGE MATERIALS DO YOU LIKE TO WORK WITH? in the group A Touch of Vintage
"Hi Jayne 👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼 So miss you 💞 Old photos, linen postcards, small toys like crackerJack size! Id love some old watches or watch parts!!! I have some junkmen on the ephemera group on FB that I buy from, if I can get a good deal... Happy day and all my…"
Mar 19
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) commented on Jayne Barket Lyons's group A Touch of Vintage
"More vintage 1920's in the mail soon :-)"
Mar 19
LATRILLE MARTINE commented on Jayne Barket Lyons's group A Touch of Vintage
"bonjour, j'adore utiliser des images vintage, de la dentelle, des boutons, dans mes créations ART POSTAL MAIL ART;"
Mar 15
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) commented on Jayne Barket Lyons's group A Touch of Vintage
Mar 15
Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) commented on Jayne Barket Lyons's group A Touch of Vintage
"1920's vintage:"
Mar 15
Profile IconKaterina Nikoltsou (MomKat) and Lisa C joined Jayne Barket Lyons's group

A Touch of Vintage

Are you drawn to vintage magazines, photos and ephemera? Do you tend to incorporate vintage and retro elements into your art? Do you find yourself buying vintage inspired materials at your favorite arts and crafts store? If so, this group is for you!See More
Mar 15
Hemang joined Jayne Barket Lyons's group

A Touch of Vintage

Are you drawn to vintage magazines, photos and ephemera? Do you tend to incorporate vintage and retro elements into your art? Do you find yourself buying vintage inspired materials at your favorite arts and crafts store? If so, this group is for you!See More
Feb 13

Jayne Barket Lyons's Photos

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Comment Wall (55 comments)

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At 11:07am on June 10, 2024, Mikel Untzilla said…

At 2:37am on October 9, 2020, De Villo Sloan said…


Yo Jayne, here is a review of "Uproar" at Glam Faction. Thx for sending. DVS

At 2:26pm on June 6, 2020, Crystal T said…

Hi! Thank you for the awesome zine! I am sending mail out to you! 

At 4:18am on May 20, 2020, Mark Rossmiller, Ph.D. said…

At 1:01am on May 19, 2020, Mark Rossmiller, Ph.D. said…

I would like to cordially invite you to my mail art exhibition on July 25th at Christine Frechard Gallery, in Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

The theme is, "Rejoice"


At 12:21am on May 19, 2020, Mark Rossmiller, Ph.D. said…
At 10:17pm on February 19, 2020, Ilya Semenenko-Basin said…

I am very grateful for your publication.
I enjoyed working with these incredible money bills!..

At 10:31am on January 8, 2020, Sabela Baña said…

I´m happy you have received very thanks

At 5:30pm on December 15, 2019, Petrolpetal said…

Mail out!

At 7:20am on November 14, 2019, Mary Anne said…

I have tried to send an answer to your question (mail art animal) but cant find your site on my infernal machine and I guess I am too late.  never mind . . .



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