washi-holics anonymous

My name is ....... and I am a washi-holic.

Claire Dinsmore gave me the first taste, and now I'm hooked. Let's discuss our addictions, latest purchases, dealers/suppliers and uses here!! Let's speak washish!


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Comment by Kim JungYoun on February 23, 2014 at 8:32am

Haha, Claire!
I saw those comments on facebook. :)
I wish I could fly to you to organize your messy studio and vizma's as well.
I'm quite good at organizing things,
but love messy studios because they look lively!

Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on February 23, 2014 at 8:17am

I applaud Kim's organization of all that washi! One day those notebooks and

index cards will be rare collections, worth millions! My studio definitely needs organization...sigh,

so do the dirty dishes in the sink. You are our inspiration, Susan! :-)

Comment by Kim JungYoun on February 23, 2014 at 6:14am

The brand is "Peter Rabbit ring notebook". (made in Korea)

Comment by Claire (aka Cleo) on February 23, 2014 at 5:36am

Thanks Kim! Ah well, I wish! There are even some Daiso stores in the US actually, but it seems all of them are on the west coast, I'm on the East ('tis a VERY large country indeed!) Do you know the name of the brand/company? Thinking maybe I can find them on Rakuten...? (Hmm, maybe I'll just have to print up some of my own....? %_^)

Comment by Claire (aka Cleo) on February 23, 2014 at 5:31am

Hi Susan! "... napping, in between reading and saying phooey to the dirty dishes in sink..." sounds very good to me - lol! %_^

No problem about cutesy on iuoma - lots of people here are!  ^_^ I've just found myself (personally) more inclined to correspond with folks who have the same kind of taste I do... it's just, well, "relating aesthetically" I suppose you could call it. It's like any kind of friendship, loves/tastes/penchants in common you know... %_^ A few of the names that come to my mind of cutesy oriented artsits on iuoma are stripygoose, Amy Irwin, janine Weiss & Judy Staroscik. There are tons more, I'm just not the person to ask I don't think. A good group for that look is the ATC grp. as I recall -

You'll find like minded, kindred spirits I'm sure!

Comment by Kim JungYoun on February 23, 2014 at 4:56am

I bought these index card books at Daiso.

(I’ve been to Daiso in Japan and Singapore too. I love Daiso!!!)

There are 4 kinds.

The price is $1 per one. (W1000 = $1, Won is Korean currency.)

But the paper is quite thin.

Comment by Susan Setter Cherry on February 23, 2014 at 4:48am

hello! managed to sneak on a computer long enough to say hi.  I wish I could say that this break from computers has inspired me to create art. but the truth is , I'm napping, in between reading and saying phooey to the  dirty  dishes in sink that need to be washed. ; ) ah, life is good.

I've managed to gather 17 rolls of washi tape....yay!  Want to do mail art, but am afraid I am whimsically challenged.  I love cute.  there, I've said it. I love cute.     I've received a few pieces of mail art but have been afraid to send any .  BUT, I'm reading a book on mail art and it said the #1 cardinal rule of mail art is ; "thou shalt respond to Any and All mail art, lest thou shalt be thrown off a cliff". Or something to that effect.  Its time for me to man up and do some mail art, my way. ; )  

Comment by Claire (aka Cleo) on February 23, 2014 at 4:26am

Yay - thanks for the info Kim! ^_^

Comment by Claire (aka Cleo) on February 23, 2014 at 4:21am

that should read "freaks"

Comment by Claire (aka Cleo) on February 23, 2014 at 4:21am

"12 so far!" Holy crap madwoman! lol - Really nice to have though, imo. I'm also a record and book xcollector, and all of my music collector friends are list frewaks - mad for cataloging their collections. I started a few years ago, but after 6 months at it I gave up the seemingly never ending task (I have thousands of CDs)... Well, those index card bks are especially beautiful; imo. btw, where did you get those cool index cards with the "No. _______________" on them (greedy wench want to get 'um! %_^)?

Comment by Kim JungYoun on February 23, 2014 at 4:18am

Those numbers stand for date and time.

22. XI. 13 : November 22, 2013

12-18 : the period the post station accepted the mailing matter from the sender

It means from noon (12:00) to 18:00.

Comment by Kim JungYoun on February 23, 2014 at 4:14am

The index card book is quite small to put the tapes.

So I bought new notebooks again at Costco.

I’ve made 12 notebooks so far.

Comment by Kim JungYoun on February 23, 2014 at 4:10am

I’ll use the index card book fort he free gift tapes (that I don’t know the names or are not so pretty) from the shops.

This is a big project, but I’m enjoying it.

It will be very fun if I see it in the future, maybe 10 years later.

Comment by Claire (aka Cleo) on February 23, 2014 at 2:58am

question here that i hope Kim can answer: i'm using a Jpn postmark on a piece I'm designing, and I want to make the date April 11, 2014. I can't figure out what the numbers are on this - do you know?

If you can help, I would appreciate it... Thanks! ^_^

Comment by Claire (aka Cleo) on February 22, 2014 at 11:59pm

Kim, you are impressive indeed! On FB I suggested we in the US should think of pooling our resources and paying you to fly out and come to organize our messy studios! But: what happened to those gorgeous index card books you were doing for this before? I really, REALLY liked those!

Check out this scrumptious beauty folks (yes, I want one - lol! %_^): btw, check out this beauty of a piece Kim did which she sent me a picture of:

(ok, I will be honest - as I said, I'm not a "cutesy" type so I would prefer it without the heart myself, but it's still so very beautiful!!!)

Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on February 22, 2014 at 9:07am

What a project, Kim: Washi notebooks

...then you will count and see how many "thousands" you have?

That is going to be a priceless archive. There will be many rare ones

that are or will be out-of-print? Amazing collection!

Enjoy the weekend everyone!

Comment by Kim JungYoun on February 22, 2014 at 8:18am

Hello~! :)
Are you girls having a good weekend? (I hope so!)

Well, I'm making washi notebooks these days.
I just wanted to make a record of my washis.
Who knows these notebooks will be very expensive in 100 years! :)

Comment by Kim JungYoun on February 22, 2014 at 8:13am

Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on February 21, 2014 at 4:27pm

...and Kim's Butterflies-on-BLUE for Spring (here)...Autumn coming to Oz?

Any sign of "cooler" weather for you, Vizma? Hope so!

Claire sent, amongst all the other gems of washi, a strip full of "bottle caps",

I shall put to good use immediately :-) Thank you ALL for ALL!

Comment by vizma bruns on February 21, 2014 at 2:29am

Cut-up-journal, I like it, "Assy, sassy Kat"! HAAAA!! Sassy indeed!

And that middle folk art tape is very a nice one!! And the striped jumper cat! Sigh, so many to love!!


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