Petrolpetal's Comments

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At 9:30pm on April 7, 2014, Sophie Gibson said…
Thank you for the mail art! Its on my bookshelf..... I'll be posting to you soon. And thank you for taking the time to check out my website :)
At 1:04am on April 7, 2014, The Nitsirk said…
Ah yes, Camus was my first literary lover (it's okay to have imaginary famous dead boyfriends, yeah?). Glad you enjoyed!
At 10:57pm on April 6, 2014, James Jansen van Vuuren said…

Hi Petrol, thanks for the mail-art! Expect something from my side in the near future.

At 7:17pm on April 6, 2014, Guido Vermeulen said…

About P K Dick I suggest books like

Do Androids dream of electric sheep? (altered in the movie Blade Runner)

The man in the high castle

Martian Timeslip



At 9:50am on April 5, 2014, vizma bruns said…

Aaargh, sorry, I missed your comment, Petrol! I'm so happy that you kept snorting uncontrollably into your martini! Hahaha! What a visual!

As for the stamp, I didn't make it, I bought it on ebay along with a few other Modern Art ones. They're called Museum Stamps.

At 1:25am on April 5, 2014, James Warren Felter said…

Yes I did - Thanks very much- very nice piece - will post to you soon.


At 7:28pm on April 4, 2014, DKeys said…

I find it fascinating as well. I haven't followed this case as closely as some others but it really has brought SA into the international spotlight.  What kind of law did you practice? I know I could never be a defense attorney.  I am almost embarassed to admit that i watch Nancy Grace--not as much anymore and switch to CNN when I want to hear the 'real news'.  Such an interesting job and cool that you are also a mail artist. will send a puzzled peace your way:)

At 7:04pm on April 4, 2014, DKeys said…

lol, yes.  What confuzzled me is that is seems the judge plays a greater role.  The attorneys (very polite compared to US) address the judge very frequently. are you a Lawyer? I absolutely love and am totally confused by the South African accent. combo of King's English and  Australian  ? I think my self esteem would be significantly higher if I had been called M'Lady through my life. sounds so fancy pants!! Would you like a collage collab piece? no pressure if no but I have  2 more pieces. LMK  happy Friday:)

At 3:00pm on April 4, 2014, Dorina Harangus said…

Welcome! İ'm glad it arrived . quite soon i would say ... :)

At 8:23am on April 4, 2014, Emma Stanley said…

Yes it would be great to exchange mail with you. :) 

I shall message you my address.

At 6:27am on April 4, 2014, Alan Brignull said…

You noticed a significant detail on my card? I wonder what it was?

Your swirly stormy envelope arrived yesterday, with a golden crossing man inside. I noticed no appreciable detail but still liked it. Thanks!

At 5:32am on April 4, 2014, Murilo S Romeiro said…


my address:
Murilo S. Romeiro

Rua Porto Novo,  350 - apt 131
Jardim Satélite
São José dos Campos - SP

At 11:13pm on April 3, 2014, Ana Aguilera said…


thanks for your welcome message, sorry I answer this late. :P

At 9:39pm on April 3, 2014, Shellie Lewis | moved 2020! said…

Thank you! I will mail back. ☺ 

At 9:35pm on April 3, 2014, Valentine Mark Herman said…

Do send.

Do imbibe.

Wanna go for a drink on Saturday night ,with a non-invisible, non-light sensitive, non-disappearing, etc guy? I'll collect you about 8

At 9:09pm on April 3, 2014, Des Coutinho said…

She will most definitely appreciate your parcels. For quite some time I was the only one to write her. She has read both Nelson Mandela's biography and his published letters. When asked how long she thought her struggle might take she pointed out that his imprisonment lasted 26 years so she has worked for only half as long. Thank so you much. I hope you will keep in touch with her. She is very hopeful that her freedom is coming soon.

At 8:34pm on April 3, 2014, Des Coutinho said…

She's been adopted by Amnesty International who have a campaign current in the past Frontline Defenders 2010. I think Human Rights Watch also. According to wiki leaks the US Consul General Kolkata also supports her cause Basically there is an emergency legislation operating in disturbed areas of India for now J&K and the NE of India Manipur and Assam which grants the Indian Army absolute immunity from investigation prosecution arrest or trial in a criminal court. This has led to widespread use of rape and gang rape beatings and murder by punishment squads or to gain promotions medals and bounties. She decided to take up a non-violent satyagraha in her case that she would not eat or drink until the AFSPA (the Armed Forces Special Powers Act was removed from Manipur. That was in November 2000. So they force feed her by naso-gastric intubation to keep her alive she does not resist. So it's not really a hunger strike. They also kept her for long periods in extra-judicial solitary confinement. After High Court action they have withdrawn the formality of solitary but they just threaten and intimidate anyone who wants to see her. And limit the time for foreigners to make it unlikely they will visit. She also has a death threat against her on grounds of honor killing because she wishes to marry me once her ordeal is over. And the local mafia want to keep her under their control. She is not allowed to stand trial in Delhi because of the embarrassment it would cause the Governments of India and Manipur. As she puts it she is not special or eloquent she declined the offer to contest the elections for the new anti-corruption party. She is a simple woman who believes that the teachings of Gandhi-ji still have relevance and that an ordinary person who stands up for what is right should have a more powerful voice in a democracy than a politician backed by big business the Army etc. It's just taking some time for the truth to be accepted. What many feel not just me about her is the complete lack of bitterness, no desire for confrontation, she tries to underpower opposition with compassion and is more than happy to give the credit for the removal of the AFSPA when it comes to anyone and everyone else who wants it. Many call her Mahatma she is aware of her ordinariness. She is amazing and I love her.

At 8:03pm on April 3, 2014, Des Coutinho said…

Both you and Guido have been very kind, extraordinarily ordinary if you will accept this is a little offering one for you and one for Guido in return. She is very proud of her cell garden. She thinks its magickal the way some flowers bloomDSC08106.JPG most of the photos were of her flowers alone. But this one she is in the frame also. Many thanks. She is hopeful for next year. A Sanamahi priestess visited and made a prophecy for next year. They are like Tibetan Seers they go into a trance. I never mock what I don't understand. May you be happy. I know she will be uplifted by new connections.

At 7:57pm on April 3, 2014, Jessie said…

Sending something your way! ;)

At 2:28pm on April 3, 2014, Annefleur Casander said…

Thank you so much! I'm new and still figuring this out :)


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