Cernjul Viviana María's Comments

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At 12:14am on August 25, 2011, Carla Cryptic said…
You're welcome! :D
At 12:16am on August 15, 2011, PIRO said…
Ahhhh, debes incluir un o unos gatos (cat) tambien.
At 12:15am on August 15, 2011, PIRO said…
CATaract of Iguazu , en ingles sera mas facil para todos. 
At 2:14pm on August 14, 2011, PIRO said…

Hola Viviana

Cuando entres al grupo sobre gatos encontraras el subgrupo CATplus.  El que se anote debera hacer una postal con una de las palabras en la lista que contienen el prefijo CAT. Yo escoji CAThedral.  Mi postal tiene de fondo una catedral con una pareja de gatos visitandola.  Prepare una postal para todos los que se anotaron ya que recibire de cada uno de cada uno de ellos tambien.  Envie 7 postales pero se han anotado 4 personas mas lo que enviare esta semana 4 postales mas a los de nuevo ingreso. Te pregunto para enviarte la tuya tambien. Si decides participar deberas enviar, hasta ahora, 11 o 12 postales en total.

At 5:08am on August 14, 2011, PIRO said…

Hola Viviana

Vas a participar del intercambio en CATplus?  Que palabra escogiste? 

At 9:22pm on August 11, 2011, Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist said…
At 6:56am on August 11, 2011, Terry Reid said…
Cernjul Viviana Maria, please give my regards to your friend,at Planet Susannia
At 3:55am on August 11, 2011, Xtina Solano said…
gracias Viviana, arte recibido. un saludo!
At 10:02am on August 10, 2011, Susanna Lakner said…


you received a comment on my blog:[Planet Susannia] New comment on Daily Post: Cernjul Viviana (Argentina).

mad max 71 has left a new comment on your post "Daily Post: Cernjul Viviana (Argentina)":


My wife's maiden nmae is Cernjul as well. Her parents are from Croatia and i was wondering if you knew where you parents originated from...... Max Barberena

At 4:34am on August 10, 2011, Amy Irwen said…
Received your awesome Face art today Plus the envelope...Thank You.. Will send something your way soon...your friend, Amy
At 1:55pm on August 9, 2011, Gail Anderson said…
Thank you for the cool card with letters!  I received it in the mail yesterday and it made my day! - Gail Anderson
At 10:04pm on August 8, 2011, jon foster said…

Got your work in the mail today, thanks so much. Gonna work on some stuff and send out a whole bunch very soon. Thanks again.

At 8:24am on August 4, 2011, Guido Bitossi said…

Hi Cernjul Viviana Maria, your blog is really nice! Me too I have a blog dedicated to mail art. Here's the link:

Send me something if you want. This is my adress:

Guido Bitossi

Via di S. Ignazio 39

00186 Roma


At 12:42am on July 28, 2011, Sharondipity Rutherford said…
Glad you like it.  Enjoy your day.
At 11:13am on July 22, 2011, Marie Wintzer said…
Viviana! Thank you for your beautiful autumn art, poem, envelope...!!!
At 8:28pm on July 21, 2011, Amy Irwen said…
thank you Viviana!
At 1:41pm on July 17, 2011, Nancy Bell Scott said…
Thank you, Cernjul, I am happy to be your friend and will send you mail art soon.  A friend who took me to a dance in high school -- he was an exchange student for a year -- is from Argentina also, and we still write once a year!
At 3:17am on July 15, 2011, Wilma Duguay said…

Hola Cernjul,

Thank you so very much for the lovely mailart pieces you sent me. I like your style. It is quite unique and so colorful. Your envelope is also a work of art.


I hope you have a great weekend.


Un fuerte abrazo,


At 11:13am on July 14, 2011, Georgia Grigoriadou said…

Very nice Viviana!!!

I am glad you have my "Face"!!!!


At 1:34am on July 4, 2011, Mandy Fariello (FarStarr) said…
Thank you very much for your kind comment!


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