Got an unexpected mail surprise from New York this weekend...somehow I was lucky enough to have been chosen and entrusted with a shred of the Elgin Shroud (maybe with miraculous powers),  a Barbie valentines and a bit titled "cerealism"  that made me laugh.Thanks DeVillo, got some Lucky mail going out to you tomorrow with a promise not to carve RK, DK, OK or anything else into my forehead...ever!

Views: 216

Tags: DeVillo, Elgin, Shroud, Sloan, mailart


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Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on January 7, 2014 at 8:00pm

Is the use of the word 'Valentine' copyrighted?

Valentine Mark Herman.


This message is from the one and only Valentine Mark Herman, aka 'Dotty' (to his friends – nb plural – and cats).

Valentine Mark Herman asserts his moral and immoral rights for this message.

The right of Valentine Mark Herman to be identified as the author of this message has also been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Copywrong and Patents Act, 2014, and associated EU legislative measures, especially those concerning Mental Health and the Safety of Mail Art (Sending & Receiving Directive, EU 57/2012).

All rights and Dots reserved. No part of this message may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, microwave, existential, astrological, mechanical, Marxist-Leninist-Troskyist-Maoist, photocopying, recording, extra-terrestial, under-water, fracking or otherwise) without the prior written permission of Valentine Mark Herman – which will only be given if a request is submitted with a suitable amount of $100 or €500 bills accompanying it. Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this message may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims to damages for crimes against Mail Art and/or Valentine Mark Herman.. Furthermore, their hair will fall out, their cars won't start, their cats will scratch their furniture, their make-up will run, their glue-sticks will dry up, they will be Dotted with non-removable paint, AND their Mail Art will get lost in the post..

Details of all other matters concerning this copyright notice can be found in the small print below...(Sorry, it's so small that you probably can''t read it, but if you get a magnifying glass...)

Comment by Austin Wills James on February 22, 2012 at 1:58am

Actually, the phrase "Don't Mess With Texas" applies to British skinheads too.   >:-)


Comment by De Villo Sloan on February 22, 2012 at 1:51am

Seriously, with skinheads after him and Elgin Shroud complaints - he's in a pickle. I think I will insist he get his own PO Box.

Comment by Marie Wintzer on February 21, 2012 at 10:23pm

Dw is a cunning one for sure. As long as he doesn't use MinXus as a Trojan for DKULT it's fine. I'm keeping an eye on his mail though.

Comment by De Villo Sloan on February 21, 2012 at 3:38pm

If people are reporting burns from online sessions or in-person, this could be a complex recall &/or settlement. Dark wall is a member of DKULTNY, but D-Kollectibles is a separate entity. It looks like KDJ might be burning the midnight oil.


However, Dark wall is also in hot water with a British skinhead band over his MinXus music label. You don't want to mess with skinheads. To be honest I haven't seen him or what's left of the shroud in a while. Is it true DKULT owns a private island in some isolated part of the world?

Comment by DKeys on February 21, 2012 at 2:36pm

No Barbie card for Austin?  How discriminatory. Real men wear pink and play with Barbies if they damn well want to:)  Before the shroud became a shred, it was worn during a period of psychosomatic color blindness. I really feel I have to make excuses for it. It is not a DKUlt approved fabric OR color. The newest, most cost effective way of identifying DKulters (initiation rites) is a do-it-yourself branding method. you write "DK" in the Chosen location in salt, then hold ice over it until you have a heat reaction. this will leave the mark of the best on your and protect you from yourself. Marie, I hope you won't sue (but if you do talk to NBS) until you've tried this method of body modification. I think you will find it oddly exhilirating. I know Minxus is purist and all that, but if you sue you can get a hefty percent of DW's Dkollectibles' profits. And Arac--welcome to Dkult!!!! So glad you are now a member. Sorry we don't even know each other, but DKult works like those CD clubs that send you crap you don't want unless you tell them not to--even if you are completely unaware that you have been signed up. It's been working well for us. We also have craft night at DKult every Thursday night.  You might want to attend seance and levitation night. Those are particularly popular as is the live animal cloning demonstration and RK potluck. 

DKult--We Are A Kult--

A Kult Who Kares

Comment by Austin Wills James on February 21, 2012 at 1:49pm

D@mn! It would look SO good on the shelf next to my Barbie collection too! (And by Barbie collection, I mean Star Wars Legos.)


Comment by De Villo Sloan on February 21, 2012 at 1:45pm

Yip. only you don't get the Barbie card.

Comment by Austin Wills James on February 21, 2012 at 1:25pm

I am?


Comment by De Villo Sloan on February 21, 2012 at 1:05pm

Austin, the shroud is usually kept in an undisclosed location, but I see it when it's time to gather the shreds. I like the purple too, but there have definitely been some uncalled for comments about the color. (Dude, you know you are getting a shroud shred. You can run, but you can't hide.)


Marie, I hope this won't start another recall, as with the defective D-Koder rings. We did a session last fall where people were supposed to place their hands on the screen. Results were mixed. I think KDJ reported mild burns, but she's a DKULTer. Is Dw using the DKULT as a Trojan Horse for MinXus? He is a schemer for sure.


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