12-Pack Trashpo by Moan Lisa (Des Moines, Iowa, USA)

Moan - 7.3.2014 - 1

Mail-art by IUOMA member Moan Lisa (Des Moines, Iowa, USA)

July 3, 2014 - Apparently having exhausted the supply of available pizza boxes, Moan Lisa sent me FAB new work using a flattened A&W Cream Soda box (holds 12 cans). The piece is very long (physical length), so I scanned it in halves. I am not sure how it made it through the postal system:

Moan - 7.3.2014 - 2

For the first time, I recognize “in print” that Moan Lisa makes Trashpo and has been doing it for a long time. The work includes an original poem on the reverse panels:

Moan - 7.3.2014 - 3

You have to see this next panel to read the final stanza:

Moan - 7.3.2014 - 4

Moan Lisa also invokes “Zalop,” the Fluxus word invented by Ruud Janssen (Netherlands) and immortalized first by Cheryl Penn (South Africa) and Eduardo Cardoso (Portugal). Last year, Michael Orr (Georgia, USA) hosted a very successful, international exhibition using the Zalop concept. Moan Lisa has been a Zalop fan and promoter for a long time as well.

As ever, many thanks to Moan Lisa!

Views: 80

Tags: Sloan, Trashpo


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Comment by De Villo Sloan on July 4, 2014 at 5:54am

And no one has ever received a trophy or an all expenses paid trip to an annual awards ceremony either. So who is really behind the 8 ball?

I don't think any nominations have been turned down, but there were many that weren't made in the first place. Moan Lisa is a perfect example. Moan has been overlooked by the Trashpo establishment. It's like Kiss or Steeley Dan having to fight with petitions to be included in the RR Hall of Fame. This will be a great vindication for Moan. 

Comment by DKeys on July 4, 2014 at 4:45am

KDJ work?  oh yeah, I forgot you aren't married to her.  Her 'consideration' sessions involve a 3 drink minimum and a magic 8 ball.  I don't think anyone has ever actually been turned down for an award have they? In the, what is it? 3 or 4years it has existed?  I only know of one time she came close to denying a nomination and that was quickly remedied by an undisclosed amount of cash.

Comment by De Villo Sloan on July 4, 2014 at 2:48am

I'll give a nod to the Dean Martin connection too. It also makes me think of Richard Canard: I know, they seem like two different animals.

I'll clear the nomination w/KDJ. I also think KDJ deserves an award for all her work too. So nominations forthcoming.

Comment by DKeys on July 4, 2014 at 2:36am

Could be a faux Dean and a nod to his naked mailing technique.  ML does deserve the TrashpoLitzer. KDJ is now giving out $5 gift cards to Dumpster, Dumpster,& Dumpster Home Furnishings!

Comment by De Villo Sloan on July 3, 2014 at 11:34pm

DK, glad you saw this. Moan's 12 Pack Trashpo caused that Beavis & Butthead lightbulb to go off in my mind. I realized Moan has been doing Trashpo a long time & I never recognized it. I'm sure everyone else figured this out a long time ago. At least I'm up to speed now.

Yes, the thing is really long. I didn't know you could mail things like this. I'm also thinking Moan might be due for a TrashPo Litzer.

Comment by DKeys on July 3, 2014 at 10:38pm

the box reaches all four corners of the kitchen


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