Dean Marks throws a punch and makes Holism history (8)

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Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on November 2, 2012 at 7:24am

Aw...gee wiz...I was away and not commenting here on this fantastic place with a Dean Holism Boekie!

Now this is a great creation, thus I await a boekie from the Master-in-Paris, too :-)

Comment by Dean aka Artist in Seine on October 31, 2012 at 11:36am

OMG OMG OMG OH MY GOD!  Hilarious!  I'm crying with laughter.  Is this for real?

   And brillant, it has my favorite German Disco song.  It was a BIG hit when I lived there.  I could never remember the name of the group.  But here they are after all these years:      Thank you

Comment by Marie Wintzer on October 31, 2012 at 10:58am

Has Dean not been initiated to Tisco Tansi?? (sorry again Carina)

Comment by Dean aka Artist in Seine on October 31, 2012 at 10:33am

Dance disco really well. No no non, that's the other country to the left with that singing group BAAB, or something like that.  Finland is the one on the right and has Reindeer who do the rain dance.  Ops that might be Norway, the one on the left.

  Lots of nonsense today, and no ideas for Carina's boekie yet.

Comment by Marie Wintzer on October 31, 2012 at 7:43am

Only three yes. Lucky for you Val and Erni commented on other photos of the book :-)) 

I don't know much about Finland, except they dance disco really well, and they go to saunas every day where they beat themselves with sprigs to open the pores while drinking beer. (sorry Carina this is just nonsense)

Comment by Dean aka Artist in Seine on October 31, 2012 at 7:26am
Well lucky for me that only three of us are following this blog. So just maybe I'll put my mind set in place and come up with one more. Although I said I would never make another one, and besides, my head hurts when I think. But who could resist a request from Finland ! The poor souls wrapped up like that on the beach in the middle of July. Ah did that give me an idea ... no, false alarm.
Comment by Carina on October 31, 2012 at 6:48am

True, when will I receive a boekie, Dean ;)

Comment by Marie Wintzer on October 30, 2012 at 11:03pm

So romantic, yes :-)) that's why my favorite one is the candle hole. Flour 2 Bred was a mysterious one, but I thought you might have meant 2-flour bread? I like a bit of confusion and space for interpretation. Thank you again Dean!! Now everyone is going to want a boekie from you. 

Comment by Dean aka Artist in Seine on October 30, 2012 at 10:59am

It was funny seeing these again as I did this one rather quickly. "Flour 2 Bred" I have been looking at this one for about 10 minutes. What was this about? It doesn't make sense! But then I saw it again. Flour (Flower) 2 (to) Bred (Bread). Meaning; Flour turns into Bread , Bread, (another work for money) turns into Bred (a bank in Paris which its logo reminds me of the flower punch.) Which reminds me to deposit those royalties cheques. Now where did I put them?

Thank you for blogging Marie, you're such a romantic. I liked the 32mm drill.  More manly.

Comment by Marie Wintzer on October 29, 2012 at 9:46am

Yes, can you believe it? A (w)hole and thick book. I was so happy.


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