Time: December 27, 2014 at 6pm to February 14, 2015 at 7pm
Location: The Mercury Theatre, Colchester Ipswich
City/Town: Colchester, Essex, UK
Website or Map: http://spiritoftheforestmaila…
Event Type: mail, art, exhibitions, open, to, all
Organized By: Rebecca Guyver
Latest Activity: Feb 9, 2015
The 2015 mail art call in collaboration with THE PIMLOTT FOUNDATION will coincide with a performance of the opera HANSEL AND GRETEL http://www.pimlottfoundation.co.uk/hansel-gretel/ by E. Humperdinck at The Mercury Theatre in Colchester, England Wednesday 11 February - Saturday 14 February MAIL ART will be exhibited at The Mercury Theatre DEADLINE February 1st 2015 Please send mail art to:
Rebecca Guyver
Nayland Farm
Mill Road
Ringshall Suffolk
IP14 2LS
All welcome, no returns, no fee, no sales. Mail art will be displayed online at: http://spiritoftheforestmailart.blogspot.co.uk Work will also be shared on facebook. All mail art suitable for a mixed audience will be hung at The Digby Gallery at The Mercury Theatre on February 9th.
The exhibition at the Digby Gallery in Colchester has been hung! It was challenging to find a way to hang more than 200 pieces in a gallery with a hanging system! We did manage to wire in some branches, netting and other folliage. It looks great. many thanks to all who took part. I have photographed everything, so you should be able to find your work if you visit the spirit of the forest blog!
Meanwhile here a few photos to get you going!
Here is a list of the people I have received mail art for Spirit of the Forest from! One or two people may not have sent in for this specifically but I have included them here and will hang their mail art at the Mercury!
Aaron Morgan (USA)
Alessandra Gereschi (Italy)
Alvertina Nikonova (Russia)
Amy Irwen (USA)
Ana Garcia (Portugal)
Andreina Argiolas (Italy)
Anna Banana (Canada)
Antonia Mayol Castelló (Spain)
Bart Verburg (Netherlands)
Carina Granlund (Finland)
CecilieGymnasium (Germany)
Cedarwood Primary (UK)
Clemente Padin (Uruguay)
Dan Mouer (USA)
Daniel de Culla (Spain)
Dominique Guillemin (France)
Edna Toffoli (Brasil)
Emily Coles (Wales)
Garbriele astrid Hoppe (Germany)
Giovanni and Renata Stra DA DA (Italy)
Helen Thorne (UK)
Herman Kamphuis (Netherlands)
Hilal Turṣoluk (Turkey)
Jan Moss (USA)
Jane Lewis, (UK)
Junanne Peck (USA)
Katerina Nikoltsou (Greece)
Keiichi Nakamura (Japan)
Kommis Gar Hjuler (Germany)
Langham Primary School (UK)
Linda Pelati (Italy)
Lynne Tasker (UK)
Mailart Martha (UK)
Marcia Silva (Portugal)
Margita Sündermann (Germany)
Maria José Silva Mizé (Portugal)
Meral Ağar (Turkey)
Mirjam Mŏlder Mikfelt
Moan Lisa (USA)
Nancy Bell Scott (USA)
Overpool Brownies (UK)
Ozan Alperden (Turkey)
Pais Garcia (Portugal)
Pamela Yeend (UK)
Phillip Lerche (USA)
Raffaella Di Vaio (Italy)
Raphael’L (France)
Rebecca Guyver (UK)
Renata Solimini (Italy)
Roberta Savolini (Italy)
Stan Askew (USA)
Sticker Dude – Joel S Cohen (USA)
Taidgh Lynch (Ireland)
Teresa Maia (Portugal)
Theresa Williams (USA)
Trakya University Mail art (Turkey)
Türkan Elçi (Turkey)
Virginia MiLici (Italy)
Vizma Bruns (Australia)
I have put most of the work up on the blog. a few more to scan/post and there are still a few more days of mail. We are thinking of using branches to hang the work in the gallery. I'm not sure what that means but hopefully will understand / work it out soon! Huge thanks to all who took part and I will try to post pics of the work at IUOMA soon. for the moment, look here to see the work!
Brilliant to be getting a wonderful and varied response for Spirit of the Forest! I understnd that the Liverpool Brownies are sending some mail art! there are also students from a German school posting. I am posting everything over on the dedicated blog:
So you can see everything in its entirety there. I don't have time for long blogs, so apologies if you feel under-valued! You aren't. Above is from Domi Guillemin and was folded onto to envelope, a secret woodland, Beautiful.
This piece from Dan Mouer is interactive! When you put the glasses on the forest becomes 3D. It is definately alive! I want to turn everything into this quasi reality. a fabulous addition to the exhibition.
More ghosts for the spirited forest from Linda Pelati. BTW, I link everything on facebook too. Lots of people get to see it that way!
Ana Garcia has used the texture of paint to bring the forest to life. You want to hold, caress and look deeply into this piece. MOre to come soon, I need to read back the blog and see which things I've already posted. I have lots more stuff.
Size: free?
Sending something in the New Year 2015 :-)
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The money will be used to keep the IUOMA-platform alive. Current donations keep platform online till 1-september-2025. If you want to donate to get IUOMA-publications into archives and museums please mention this with your donation. It will then be used to send some hardcopy books into museums and archives. You can order books yourself too at the IUOMA-Bookshop. That will sponsor the IUOMA as well.
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