Charlotte Geister's Comments

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At 3:06am on February 3, 2025, Mary Vogel Lozinak said…

At 1:20am on January 5, 2025, Mary Vogel Lozinak said…

Hi Charlotte, I'd love to trade with you. My address is:  

Mary Lozinak

2994 5th Street

Trooper, Pa 19403


Thank you!


At 6:22pm on December 22, 2024, Mikel Untzilla said…

At 4:13pm on November 16, 2024, Mikel Untzilla said…

At 3:50pm on September 20, 2024, Susan Gnaedinger said…

Thanks for letting me know about your vacation. It sounds wonderful. I will also be traveling for a couple of weeks in October. 

At 6:02pm on September 18, 2024, Carien van Hest said…

Lucky you! Bon voyage Charlotte XC

At 1:09pm on September 17, 2024, William M said…

Have a great time in France Charlotte! I'll look forward to more art from you in November!

At 10:07pm on May 29, 2024, Debra Mulnick said…

Greetings dear Charlotte!  I am fine, and apologize for not writing sooner.  I received two of your beautiful collages - the last one the black and white MOON, which I love.  I also loved your tulips!!!!  I am well, and busy planting in the garden, and helping friends who are not doing so well.  Taking care of plants and myself occupies my days.  I am baking, swimming, walking, and still trying to find time to make art.  I will go to Colorado in Julyto spend a week with a master printmaker learning Monoprint techniques.  I will write again, but you will see me in the mail first.  Xoxoxo dear friend.  Hoping you are well and enjoying springtime.


At 3:21pm on March 17, 2023, Debra Mulnick said…

Dear Charlotte.  I am so sorry to hear this.  It may be the first time I know of a piece gone missing from its envelope.  It may be my fault as the large envelope was quite thin and old, and I worried it could “fail”.  I liked the imagery on there and the address window so much I used it anyway.  It is a coincidence that this piece I sent you was a “sister” piece to another similar work, and so I’m thinking of sending you that partner piece.  So sorry that happened. Boohoo.  Xoxoxo, Debra

p.S.  I am so glad your English is soooo good - so that we can exchange these messages and correspondences.  Hope it warms up there soon.  I am busy making experimental prints!

At 5:23pm on January 31, 2023, Debra Mulnick said…

Of course I should have mentioned that we will credit you as the artist, & your name will appear beside your work!  I am co-curating this exhibition with a very young artist who I am just getting to know.  I am trying to let her make most of the decisions, as she has a professional Arts Administration background and works as a gallery director now.  
I will definitely share the call for entries with you as soon as it is finalized.  Hugs and many thanks to you.  Get well soon and take good care of yourself.  Xoxo, Debra

At 12:18pm on December 30, 2022, Nancy Keystone said…

Hello Charlotte! Happy New Year! I was thrilled to receive your gorgeous Christmas card. Thank you so much! I love the print--what a special memory of your travels. And the whole composition with the different materials is so festive. I'm glad you finally moved into your new place. I hope you enjoyed a happy Christmas there. I'm sorry I'm so slow in responding with mail art. Sending something to you very soon. -Nancy

At 2:00pm on December 25, 2022, Carien van Hest said…

Merry Christmas, Charlotte!

At 3:13am on October 15, 2022, Nancy Keystone said…

Hi Charlotte,

I was so happy to receive your latest art card! It arrived with only slight damage to the edges. I don't know if the background image is supposed to be a snowy landscape, but that's what it reminds me of, and I love the feeling of white, cold space. Have you moved yet? I want to make sure I reply to the correct address (you included it on the card). 

I hope all is well. Thank you so much!


At 1:41am on September 9, 2022, Susan Gnaedinger said…

I received your mail art!! I looked up frottage because I am not familiar with it. I've seen Max Ernst's work. I like the way it is abstract but the realistic bird adds some stability to it. 

At 12:57am on August 21, 2022, Nancy Keystone said…

Hi Charlotte! I'm glad that the card made it to you (it always seems like a miracle when a piece of mail can reach its destination 1/2 way around the world). Thank you so much for your kind words. I took a calligraphy class when I was about 12 years old, but not since. I've always loved to practice hand-writing. California is in a terrible draught right now, though that is not unusual. However, to hear about Germany experiencing this climate event is very scary. This seems to be the future we've been warned about. I hope you can stay cool, and that the move goes smoothly. Thank you, again! Nancy

At 11:21pm on August 10, 2022, Debra Mulnick said…

Thank you Charlotte for your quick reply.  I posted it again today.  The postal clerk said the address was too “low” on the envelope for the machine to read it.  Why that took 3 weeks to come back to me, I don’t know.  He scribbled all over the envelope so it looks terrible, but we’ll see if it gets to you.  Good luck packing and sorting through your beloved collections in the studio.  We collage artists are collectors, most of us anyway.  That makes it so hard but in the end your studio will be even more organized and streamlined.  Wishing you a good rest of the summer.  It’s been so hot here I am ready for the season to transition to autumn.

Sending you fat hugs too!  Debra 

At 12:19am on June 26, 2022, Nancy Keystone said…

Charlotte! I just went to my post office box and found your fantastic card! I love it--you made my day. Thank you so much! Now I will try to rise to that occasion and make something for you. I hope you're having a good weekend! Nancy

At 11:59pm on June 24, 2022, Nancy Keystone said…

Hello Charlotte! I'm sorry I'm just getting your message. I saw your beautiful artwork on this site--something you sent to another member. Very inspiring! I hope you are doing well. Thank you for your kind reply! Best wishes, Nancy

At 9:03pm on June 14, 2022, FromMNQ said…

Na das ist doch wieder eine tolle Restekarte. Sieht man ihr nicht an. :) Eine schöne Häuserfront mit einfachsten Mitteln. Und was wohl besonderes an dem Apfel ist? Ein Rätsel.

At 8:49pm on April 12, 2022, FromMNQ said…

Hi Charlotte, bei deiner Karte Liegt echt Frühling in der Luft! Ich mag den Druck + die genähten Hafer-Highlights sehr. Ein passender Hintergrund für die Meisen. Dir auch frohe Ostern!


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