Nancy Keystone
  • Los Angeles, CA
  • United States
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  • marina minou
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  • Carien van Hest
  • Amy Kiessling
  • Nancy Nosegay
  • marlies wilding
  • Adam Roussopoulos
  • Samantha Price
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Mikel Untzilla left a comment for Nancy Keystone
Apr 24, 2024
Mikel Untzilla left a comment for Nancy Keystone
Feb 15, 2023
Kiki left a comment for Nancy Keystone
"Hello! Thank you for a friend request. Please feel free to message me if you ever want to exchange mail art with me :-)"
Feb 3, 2023
Nancy Keystone left a comment for Charlotte Geister
"Hello Charlotte! Happy New Year! I was thrilled to receive your gorgeous Christmas card. Thank you so much! I love the print--what a special memory of your travels. And the whole composition with the different materials is so festive. I'm glad…"
Dec 30, 2022

Profile Information

Mail-Artist since:
I don't remember ever not doing it.
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Making artful connections with people, mediated by the postal services of the world. Tactile. Casual. Immediate. Surprising. Markings of the journey... One of my top-10 favorite art exhibitions was a mail-art show at the Musee de la Poste in Paris in 1994. Mail Art is a gift.

Please no Add/Pass.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
P.O. Box 41435
Los Angeles, CA 90041-0435

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Comment Wall (13 comments)

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At 9:49am on April 24, 2024, Mikel Untzilla said…

At 9:43pm on February 15, 2023, Mikel Untzilla said…

At 11:15am on February 3, 2023, Kiki said…


Thank you for a friend request. Please feel free to message me if you ever want to exchange mail art with me :-)

At 9:41am on November 11, 2022, Charlotte Geister said…

Hi Nancy, now I read your comment on my page! we have moved alright, but it was a real exhausting business! staying 17 years in a very large apartment is much too long, so we had to reduce everything! But now it is okay and we live in a little wood cabin house in a small town. The rooms have no 90° corners and so you have to fit everything, it takes a lot of time, but it is very individual. I will send you a card with our new address soon! Best wishes and hugs Charlotte

At 9:10am on August 16, 2022, Charlotte Geister said…

Hi Nancy, Yesterday your wonderful card arrived! and you have such an expressive handwriting; have you ever performed calligraphy? It looks really special on such a transparent paper. I have come across a lot of scraps and small bits of everything by packing and sorting my atelier-space, so I hope that I will be able to make a witty card for you by all these things before our "Moving-time" is rolling over me. 

And it is hot, hot and hot. The Rhine, Germany most famous river is falling dry: it is absolutely frightening! That has never happened in my lifetime!

Hope you are well and healthy! Stay creative and many hugs


At 5:19pm on June 28, 2022, Charlotte Geister said…

Hi Nancy, thanks for your note, that the card arrived well! I never know how long the mail will be on its way in the USA; it differs much among the states! But I am really glad you liked it, I had to do something with a certain humour, having this big pie in the middle of the card. Here it is hot for weeks and in certain towns it is forbidden to water the flowers; the climate is really going crazy! Stay well and best wishes! charlotte

At 5:29pm on June 3, 2022, Charlotte Geister said…

Hey Nancy, thank you for your friendship! How did you come to know about my art???

I am not very good with Computer things and do not scan my works regularly....

But I will send you something soon! 

Best wishes from the middle of Germany


At 9:30pm on May 1, 2020, Nancy Nosegay said…

Hi, Nancy! I just sent you something, out in the post today.

At 6:02pm on March 27, 2020, Samantha Price said…
hi n! got ur msg (but d/2 constant long lived glitches in not able 2 respond via PM). happy it arrived. looking 4ward 2 receiving urs! take care, stay safe & most importantly, stay sane.....xx
At 8:48pm on March 22, 2020, stan askew said…

Hi Nancy ~

Thank you for the friend request. Will send you something this week. Am very partial to Los Angeles as I was born and raised there.

Best to you and yours ~  Stan

Nancy Keystone's Blog


Posted on August 1, 2022 at 10:22pm 2 Comments

I'm sorry that I have not posted photos of mail I've received. I don't have technology very conducive to sharing images (no smart phone, and until very recently, a very old computer). However, I think I figured out a way to do it, now. So here are a few of the most recent mail art treasures that have blessed my mail box! 

Thank you so much Stan Askew, Luís Filipe Gomes, Charlotte Geister, and ML Stephens!…



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