Hear, hear, and read, read:

  Hereby, by the help of All-seeing Almighty Postal God,

I will need a help from other mail artists interested in participation in special activity known as ''Balloon mail''

  I will send letters (envelopes) attached to balloon. Whoever is interested could participate.

  This will go as following:

 I will put addressed envelope in the transparent plastic bag and attach it to balloon. Address of the receiver will be printed on the front side of the envelope.

 On a windy day, I will release balloon/s and those will fly through the air space and eventually will end somewhere.

Its destiny will be then in the hand of someone who will find those and may deliver or not, or send through ordinary postal system,  or deliver by hand (hand to hand) 

One can not be very optimistic about this, but we can try. Perhaps the wind will  carry balloons outside of my country and eventually someone may partlu help (and/or) deliver it to receiver.

 If anybody is interested, send me your address and I will keep the records of all envelopes I send this way so you will be informed with all available information (Photo/s will be included)

   All envelopes will have ''Dadaland'' inscription, or rubber stampings or else marking/s with exact date of sending.

Yours truly,

    Predrag Petrovic

    Chief of the Mission of Dadaland on planet Earth.



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hey Barbara, 

you are the 2nd participants. After 5 entries, I will make first 5 balloons and let it go on the windy day. I will publish photos. Thanx for participating. Cheers :)

This project is very beautiful and poetic! It reminded me of a work by a Brazilian artist, Brígida Baltar, recently deceased, in which she collected fog... It can be seen here... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVoNYVmLgoI

I'm in.

Caixa Postal 36

Santo André-SP

09015-970 BRASIL

Maria,  you are 3rd partipant ! Two more, and I will set off balloons on a windy day ! :)

I did exactly that, ages ago. Well, not exactly, it was a bit different. During a meeting of Field Study I released a string of special artistamps attached to a balloon. Unfortunately it was raining a little bit and the weight of the stamps increased enough to bring the balloon and stamps down on the river. They must have finishsed somewhere but I never heard anything. So the moral of the story is make sure it is a sunny day! Good luck. 


everything will be made of recycling harmless organic paper, so no need to worry.

I will check the wind-roses, so it will not end up in the Aegean see, too.

And if any fish or whale eat any organic paper envelope or letter, it will not harm them.

Best tegards,

Predrag Petrovic, Chief of the Dadaland Mission @ Planet Earth.

Predrag, did any of this work out?



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