Denise Souray's Comments

Comment Wall (22 comments)

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At 6:08pm on March 27, 2020, Samantha Price said…
hi d! got ur msg (d/2 NING glitches in not able 2 respond via PM). ur welcome, happy it arrived. glad u'll b able 2 use the goodies. take care, stay safe & most importantly, stay sane.....xx"
At 10:36am on March 10, 2020, Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) said…

It has all arrived!

Thank you so much, Denise,

see the blog:

At 12:25pm on March 9, 2020, Mail Art Martha said…

Bonjour Denise! Thanks for the lovely envelope I just now received. I am afraid it arrived too late to make the Spring show on the Front Door Gallery but it will be up for the Summer Solstice. In the meantime it is going up in the Envelope Group.

From Retailia with love

At 1:39am on March 7, 2020, Patricio - The Celestial Scribe said…

Your lovely envelope arrived in good shape, health and condition.  Thank you.  Best from Republik van Patland

At 12:16pm on December 8, 2015, Carlos I. Botana said…
Las Meninas by Diego Velázquez
Size: Free
Technique: Free
Deadline: August 15, 2016
Exhibition: September, 2016
No sales. No jury. No return
The work is publisehed in the "blog":
Send your work to:
Carlos I. Botana
C/. Javier López López
Nº 11 - portal 2 - 3º E
15009 - A Coruña - Spain
At 10:32am on September 7, 2015, Tulio Peraza said…

Dear mailartist, here an invitation for you, thanks in advance!!!!

"The Camel” International Mail Art Project Tenerife, Spain 2015"

At 1:46am on July 13, 2015, Patricio - The Celestial Scribe said…


At 7:26am on July 9, 2015, P. Teles! said…


Amanda Telo created the project "stories that only exist when told" where she makes videos with stories that your grandparents share. I, Pamela exchange mail art for two years and found interesting join the two ideas. Stories told through a postcard.

Lived history, told by parents, imagined, Morality or without connection, but stories that to exist need to be told. Any story that wanted to share.

All cards will be virtually exposed in blogs: /


Theme: Stories only exist when counted
Techniques: Free
Format: Maximum A5 (210mm x 297mm)
Send to: November 2015

No postage will be refunded.
All postcards will be photographed and displayed virtually in blogs, with author identification.
If there is physical exposure will all be notified.


Pâmela Teles

Caixa postal 2596
Guarulhos - SP
CEP: 070710 - 972




At 3:19pm on July 4, 2015, JUAN CARLOS CABALLERO CIFUENTES said…

Denise thank you very much.

At 11:11pm on July 3, 2015, Heleen de Vaan said…

Thank you very much, Denise, for your wonderful mixed media Dragonfly mail art!

I"ve also posted it  there.

At 5:48am on June 22, 2015, Mail Art Martha said…

Of course I will exchange art with you Denise, these are the things I like to be busy with! Would't it be nice if we could all be in our own little island  making art only?

At 5:05pm on June 12, 2015, Denise Souray said…

You are so welcome Katerina! I'm happy it made it to Greece and is safe and sound ;)

At 3:45pm on June 12, 2015, Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) said…

Thank you, Denise!

Nice surprise ORANGE arrived in Greece!

Something soon on the way to you, too :-)

You are blogged:

From Denise Souray in Canada...ORANGE!

and also posted at Orange Lovers group 

At 3:50pm on May 2, 2015, Erin Young said…

aw thank you :) that means alot! I can't wait to start sending art :) i still need lost of supplies though. lol see you in the mail soon

At 10:40pm on April 14, 2015, Bruno Cassaglia said…

At 10:39pm on April 14, 2015, Bruno Cassaglia said…

Ciao Denise! è arrivata la tua lettera!!! GRAZIE !!!!!! un fraterno abbraccio ... W IUOMA! e la pace fra i popoli!  poetamailartfluxus :)

At 10:54pm on April 10, 2015, Bruno Cassaglia said…

At 2:19pm on April 4, 2015, JUAN CARLOS CABALLERO CIFUENTES said…

  Hello Denise always good to have another friend.You are kindly invited to participate in the “I International Mail Art call the Art Gallery Getafe”.

At 8:54pm on March 31, 2015, Bruno Cassaglia said…

At 8:52pm on March 31, 2015, Bruno Cassaglia said…

Grazie!!! a Presto! un fraterno abbracciom, bruno :)


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