Svenja Wahl's Comments

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At 12:43pm on December 16, 2011, Kyra Matustik said…

Great works here Svenja, postcard from me to you on its way.

At 6:23pm on December 14, 2011, Jim SantAmour said…

viel danke für die's is great!

At 2:50pm on December 12, 2011, Kerri Pullo said…

Thank you Svenja for the beautiful post card!

At 2:08pm on December 8, 2011, cheryl penn said…

Hey Svenja - please confirm your participation in the VISPO collaborative book - put your address in the Collaborative Books confirmation discussion.  2 sheets A4 paper folded - 8 sides. Copies to be sent to all participants  - thank you :-) X

At 9:45pm on December 7, 2011, laurence gillot said…

Your profile photo is funny too. I love it ! 

I love your work too.

Do you want to become my IUOMA friend ?! 

At 11:48pm on December 6, 2011, Nancy Bell Scott said…

You're welcome, and thank YOU for the headless rabbit with goodies inside! Yes, I DO know where his head is. But I'll never tell. :--}

At 11:11am on December 6, 2011, Valentine Mark Herman said…

Dear Madamme President,

I am writing to thank you for your contribution to our ever-ongoing European venture, which, I hate to say, is more than can be said for your Dear Madamme Chancellor these days (although she and the Dear French President may have rescued the € this morning -- who knows? who cares anymore?). Specifically, Dear Madamme President, I wish to thank you for the 4 German Arty Slides that you sent me.

They are great! Really good. And I congratulate you on finding the first evervtoothbrush. (Did you know there is a Museum of Dental Hygiene in Dreisden?)

And it's very nice to know that someone else is inviolved in this project.

I'll send you some of my Arty Slides back soon -- perhaps some doubles, this time.

Thanks again, and

Liberté, Egalité et Arty Slides!


PS Last night I counted up what I have (and need) for my 2 Arty Slide Exhibitions next year:

* I have 70 20 x20 cm canvasses to exhibit single Arty Slides (4/canvas). The canvasses are prepared, but the slides are not mounted.

* I have 100 19 x 24 cm canvasses on order to exhibit double Arty Slides (3/canvas). The canvasses should arrive this week.

*I have 264 single Arty Slides, enough to fill 66 canvasses

* I have 291 double Arty Slides, enough to fill 97 canvasses

* That's 555 Arty Slides in total! (I must be mad. 'Yes', she says, 'You are mad'.)

* I still need more single and double Arty Slides as there is a 'do-it-yourself' element to my Exhibitions, and attendees will be asked to group Arty Slides on canvasses. So I have to keep on going.

At 10:26pm on December 4, 2011, yves maraux said…

hello ! enchanté !

more to come about this project files on my greatmother Readers digest subscription for a monument ;

actualy i collect @bout Readers digest

At 1:41pm on December 2, 2011, DKeys said…

Yes, now from the first picture it seems to prove you ARE a cougar AND a rabbit wife. Your rabbit husband must be quite a bit younger (ten years at least to qualify you as a cougar). He looks very nice! I hope he cleans up after himself

At 12:54pm on December 2, 2011, DKeys said…

Svenja, your fantastic envelope arrived and I am mesmerized with the wonderful things you sent me. Unbound trashbook? It makes me think of what Sue just sent Angie=emphemera to make a trashbook because she said she hasn't been able to make one yet. I particularly love the Violet Candy wrapper as I love anything to do with Violets and that's not a very popular scent/fragrance/flavor here in the us. Thank you so much I will be blogging it all soon. Apparently I have started this nasty rumor that you are a cougar. Can you please confirm or deny?  

At 8:21am on December 2, 2011, vizma bruns said…

Thanks for all your compliments, Svenja!

At 5:22am on December 2, 2011, Terry Reid said…

Svenja, you may not have this link: 

if you did not get details for the eXCHANGE, the address for Korea is:-

Tell Me Tell Me SECREts; MoCA; San 58-4, Makgye-dong; Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do; Seoul, Korea 427-701

the show will go to February 19

pass it on to your friends

At 5:01am on December 2, 2011, Valentine Mark Herman said…


Sometimes I'm amazed HOW the addressed mail ever gets to me, as the address is so interwoven in the art.

Don't worry about sending mail to yourself. You only need to really worry when you start replying to yourself! (Then you don't need IUOMA).

Here's one of my favourite quotes (that I used in last year's Envelope exhibition):

"I can't remember the last time I sent a letter to myself. Generally, the act of auto-mailing is committed only a) if you are entirely friendless, but particularly want to pretend otherwise; b) in quite complicated legal circumstances when a sealed, registered envelope can be used in proof of dating; or c) when drunk."

Of the 3, I hope c) is most appropriate!

Bon weekend!

Liberté, Egalité et diaPositives!


At 7:30pm on December 1, 2011, Frieder Speck said…

Hallo Svenja, vielen, vielen Dank für deine Post, wieder sehr schön! Werde versuchen demnächst zu antworten 

At 7:21pm on November 29, 2011, Nancy Bell Scott said…

Beautiful stamps, Svenja, and those large wooden numbers are gorgeous! Thanks for the photo, now they are in my head (I like them to be there). I have a very big wood and bronze "A" print block (antique)--too big to use, so it hangs on the wall in my studio. Your trifold is very much admired too, as you saw. You always come up with unusual, original ideas.

At 4:12pm on November 29, 2011, Nancy Bell Scott said…

That was straightforward, Svenja, with no secret. Thank you for letting me understand. :--}  Those stamps must be wonderful--maybe wood--and anyway the lettering is super nice and unusual (for over here).  Your comments about the trifold contribution are much appreciated too. I did all parts of it to be viewed vertically, as Judith had said it didn't matter. It looks like they'll be displayed horizontally, so I'm wishing that's how I'd done them, but c'est la vie, we might learn new things from looking at it sideways.

At 5:29am on November 29, 2011, Nancy Bell Scott said…

Hey, thank you very much for the most classy Botticelli book cover--with a truly beautiful gold heart, no less. Wow. Does the PFG have a specific meaning? Not that I have hope you'll be straightforward with me on that ... :--}

At 12:21am on November 27, 2011, PIRO said…

Hi Svenja

Thank you for the invitation!

At 10:57pm on November 24, 2011, Nancy Bell Scott said…


At 6:14am on November 24, 2011, Nadine Wendell-Mojica said…

Have a safe trip. Glad the offering made it. You're so much fun to made stuff for.


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