With thanks to The Sticker Dude, Mikel Unzilla, James Chester, Heidie Monster, Sue Vallance and Hanna Wright.Thank you, Karerina Nicoltsou, Cascadia Artpost, Dr Zack, Fleur Helsingor, Bonniediva and Alan Turner

Thank you, Alan Brignull, Non Local Variable, Vittore Baroni, Katerina Nicoltsou, Carol Stetser and Ficus Strangulensis!
With thanks to Torill Larsen, Michael Leigh A1, Katerina Nicoltsou, Ficus Strangulensis, Cascadia Artpost and Heide Monster.

Thanks, Katerina NIcoltsou, Adam Roussopoulos, Heide Monster, David S. Aponte, Fike, Carien van Hest for your art and also tahnks to Peter Muller and Alan Brignull for sending back two snails full of Art!

With thanks to the Sticker Dude, Dr Zack, Heide Monster, Fleur Helsingor, Orlando Pacheco Acuna; Alan Brignull,Heleen de Vaan and Verity Birdie, the youngest Mail Artist ever, probably.

My dining room wall has  been a Mail Art Gallery since the start of this year.

You are all invited!



From CAROL STETSER, collages of work Carol has received


A Bookie with a surprise! It carries a concealed envelope with small artworks sent to Katerina.
A great way of sharing the art received


A deconstructed image of clocks and numbers, as in our society the person has been reduced
to ciphers and to slaves of time.


On the reverse a quote from Guy Deborde, the philosopher concerned with consumerism,
which creates a Society of the Spectacle



Views: 962

Tags: Artpost, Badger, Bennet., C., Carol, Cascadia, Duddek, Finn, Fleur, Gallery, More…Hanner, Helene, Helsingor, Ilya, Johnson, Kate, Katerina, Lagache, MailArtMartha, Mark, Mehrl, Nicoltsou, Semenenko-Basin, Shopping, Stetser, The, Toni, Trolley, Wallace, jennifer, u


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Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on May 28, 2024 at 12:11pm

So enjoying your "String" gallery postings, Martha!

I see that "EAT ART" arrived from Athens ( sent May 8, 2024  :-)

and that means that Onion Snail came too?

Thanks for this fabulous blog!

Comment by Mail Art Martha on October 22, 2023 at 2:14pm

Thank you Katerina, and Pagan Frog, I will find out what happened to your mail of April, appologies!

Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on October 21, 2023 at 8:28am

This is such a nice blog, thanks for sharing, Martha!

Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on July 19, 2023 at 10:31am

Aha, good to see that the summer boekie arrived, too, Martha!Thanks for posting.

Have a nice "cool" summer...and see you with mail art at the Tate Museum in October!

Comment by Heather Wilkie (paganfrog) on April 28, 2023 at 7:11pm

Oh mine never arrived? I’ll have to make you something else 

Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on April 28, 2023 at 7:01pm

What a nice collection of mail art arriving in England!

Nice blog, Martha!

Comment by Ilya Semenenko-Basin on April 4, 2023 at 7:43pm

Martha: Thanks for blogging! 

Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on March 25, 2023 at 7:57am

Nice to see mail art from Greece is arriving "fast" to the UK!

Thanks for blogging, Martha xxx

Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on February 21, 2023 at 9:44am

Yay! Glad to see that the "boekie" arrived in England,

and even with a little heart "in time" for Valentines!

Hope it brings "Winter to Spring" to you, now as the days grow warmer!

Thanks for blogging, Martha, xxx

Comment by Mail Art Martha on January 29, 2023 at 10:32am

Thank you IIlya, Carien, Mikel and Momkat!


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