Added by Samuel Montalvetti on July 26, 2009 at 1:03am —
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Hagan Clik sobre la imagen y…
Added by Samuel Montalvetti on July 25, 2009 at 11:30pm —
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Added by DKeys on July 25, 2009 at 10:50pm —
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KART - magazine of multiplicity
KART is an edition of original artworks in a handcrafted folio box.
Curated by David Dellafiora at Karingal Community Living, KART is produced in limited editions of 40, each box containing 15 artworks.
You are invited to contribute to KART
Artists, writers, graphic designers, students, print makers, cartoonists, photographers, badge and zine makers, mail artists and members of the community are invited to contribute to…
Added by David Dellafiora on July 25, 2009 at 1:34am —
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Sorry to be so quiet in here of late but I'm having a whirlwind romance with my first love, music. I have been so on fire lately in terms of singing, writing, collaborating, and talking that talk musicians talk to each other, that I haven't had much else on my mind. Sometimes I have trouble eating and sleeping! It's like when I was studying music decades ago and then even more so when I was singing professionally for a while. This time around I'm determined not to let it get to the point where…
Added by Carla Cryptic on July 21, 2009 at 8:30pm —
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Pages arrived to the artist's book, sent by friend Keith Buchholz from Fluxus St.Louis -…
Added by Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas on July 21, 2009 at 7:00pm —
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We are pleased to receive the work of visual poet, Hugo Pontes, he sends us your collaboration to the project's artist's book.
Thank you Hugo.Greetings.
Added by Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas on July 21, 2009 at 6:48pm —
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de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, a artista Jacira Fagundes também nos envia páginas para o livro de artista.Muito obrigado Jacira.Gostamos muito de suas…
Added by Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas on July 21, 2009 at 6:44pm —
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A artista postal Maria da Glória da "Confraria de Arte Postal" de Porto Alegre, nos envia as suas belas páginas para o livro de artista.Agradecemos muito a sua colaboração Maria.Abraços de todos do coletivo…
Added by Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas on July 21, 2009 at 6:40pm —
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The visual artist and poet from Italy, Tiziana Baracchi, send last week, your contribution to the project of assembled of collective book.Thanks Tiziana!Love your
Added by Alexandre Gomes Vilas Boas on July 21, 2009 at 6:37pm —
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The Farrah Fawcett memorial bug will be going into the mail to the following people: ANGELA BEHRENDT/Hannover, Germany - RYOSUKE COHEN/Osaka, Japan - SNAPPY/Victoria, British Columbia, Canada - BOLDERAJA GROUP/Riga, Latvia - SAMUEL MONTALVETTI/Buenos Aires, Argentina - LYNETTE KILLAM/Surrey, British Columbia, Canada - DR. BRIGNONE/Cuneo, Italy -…
Added by Berube on July 21, 2009 at 2:33pm —
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Because part of the joy surrounding mailart for me is where the art is coming from, I've been keeping a detailed list of the addresses, countries, provinces, states, and towns that I have rcv'd work from.
A quick breakdown for you:
Added by Berube on July 21, 2009 at 2:34am —
On Sunday, I drove to Miami from New Orleans for a casting call in hopes of getting on a new Bravo show. Driving to Miami took about 13 hours but it felt like 5 hours because I was on a high and all I could think of was winning the hearts of the judges. The show will be titled "Untitled Art Project". I guess its something similar to what would be a "Top Artist" type of show. I would be competing with a few other artist in a reality show/drama. I arrived as number 25 of about 100 other artist…
Added by Terrance Osborne on July 17, 2009 at 2:13am —
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II BIENNALE OF SMALL ART. Maximum size is postcard size. Deadline for contributions is December 31, 2009. Free medium. Exhibition and documentation. Send to:
Luis Valera Escarré, Apartado 54, Zona P.2101-A Maracay, VENEZUELA.
Added by Guido Vermeulen on July 14, 2009 at 11:24am —
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I love bubbles. Inspire yourselves and send me your bubbles in any format and techniques( collage, recycling, drawings, stamps, paintings, poetry, photography, name it!) you like the most.
Only two requisites to follow:
1. Send me your mail art via snail post at:
Postfach 1140
82301 Starnberg
2.The dead line will be:
February 18.2010
Added by Ptrzia (TICTAC) on July 13, 2009 at 12:30pm —
Dear friends!
This year Russia has noted the 150 anniversary from the date of a birth of great Russian scientist A.S. Popov.
I will be glad to your participation. A deadline - October. The exhibition in the A.S.Popov Central museum of communications in December 2009 - January, 2010 will take place. Artworks do not come back. The documentation from an exhibition is dispatched in a current of year in process of material possibilities of a museum.
Best regards,
Added by Claire Silver on July 10, 2009 at 9:30am —
En novembre, aura lieu à Ouistreham (Normandie-France) un festival autour des Beatles organisé par l'association AMA'TALENTS qui souhaite impliquer les autres associations locales.
Dans ce cadre, j'ai proposé de monter une expo d'art postal.
J'espère que vous serez nombreux à être intéréssés par ce projet...
Pascal Minart
Site du festival
Added by Pascal Minart - ARTOTEM on July 9, 2009 at 3:44pm —
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A collection of small artists' books
dedicated to experimental, concrete and visual poetry,
or any work combining text and visual arts
in the spirit of dadaism or fluxus.
Miguel Jimenez
"El Pan Nuestro" (Our Daily Bread)
July 2009 - 40 pages - A6
Ver detalles en :…
Added by El Taller de Zenon on July 7, 2009 at 8:00pm —
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He pintado
ramas enjoyadas
en las ventanas del corazón
y cojines de terciopelo
sobre los sillones sacros
de la pobreza…
Sobre las paredes del boudoir
he pintado con acuarelas:
cumbres inviolables,
hayales y jardines,
pastizales y fincas.
Levanté con cuidado
balaustradas de mármol
sobre desniveles morales,
y decoré con tartán
el Arte de Dios.
Added by Eleonora Ruffo Giordani on July 3, 2009 at 1:28pm —
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Il mio libro di poesie "Fiori d'Anima"
Added by Eleonora Ruffo Giordani on July 2, 2009 at 11:29pm —