Added by Marie Wintzer on October 16, 2010 at 1:30am —
A second Luftpost closely followed the first one. This is a mail art call from Roland Halbritter in Nüdlingen.
I love my scanner, but I have to say that it didn't do a great job with this texture. The postcard is actually shiny and has this metallic sliver/gold feel to it.
The call is about Otto von Bismarck, I refer you to Roland's blog about it:…
Added by Marie Wintzer on October 16, 2010 at 1:24am —
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I sent this postcard to Cheryl before knowing of the Crimson Giant. And when I look at it now I see it as a prelude to the book, or as a coincidence of some kind. I see the Giant, walking away from the Tower of Babel, feeling sad and lonely. Sad of not being able to communicate with people even though he understands all the languages they are speaking. Lonely not being able to approach them, so close yet so far.
Anyway, I'm glad the card…
Added by Marie Wintzer on October 14, 2010 at 1:17pm —
This is my first Luftpost, yey! Although I'm not quite sure what it represents, I like to think that the four fishes on the front of the card somehow echo the fishermen and fishes I have sent Arttower. It is probably nothing of the kind, but I find it interesting with mail art, how the "receiver" might interpret a work in a totally different way than the "sender" had.
The back of the card also has a nice collection of IUOMA…
Added by Marie Wintzer on October 13, 2010 at 1:39pm —
Added by Marie Wintzer on October 12, 2010 at 11:09am —
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This is no art, of course, but I believe everyone likes to receive postcards. I have made 6 of those to send out to my family in Europe. Tourist maps make great postcards and are so easy to do, it took me about 10 ridiculous minutes per card.
I have been to Onomichi this weekend, and I wanted the cards to contain the… Continue
Added by Marie Wintzer on October 12, 2010 at 11:07am —
Added by Marie Wintzer on October 12, 2010 at 12:07am —
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I have started a series of cards where other mail artists get a bit/bite/section of a painting/drawing. These cards are intended to deal with the fact that in life we never get everything, but the bright bits we DO get can make it all worthwhile".
Those are Cheryl's words that accompany the mail I got yesterday. What can I say, what could I add to those words and this card? It's utterly brilliant, so I'm not going to say much more. Just enjoy the art. I wish these pictures…
Added by Marie Wintzer on October 7, 2010 at 5:00am —
Quite proud to get this orphan card from RCBz today, and to close the loop of his (failed, apparently) experiment. It might be too small for you to read his explanation on the card, but basically, if I'm getting it right, RCBz has been sending the same card to several people, as part of the "Science Project", with the idea of sending back a symmetry card to each reply he would get. That sounds like a great idea to me, but…
Added by Marie Wintzer on October 5, 2010 at 12:53pm —
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Added by Marie Wintzer on October 4, 2010 at 1:41pm —
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That silly rabbit thought he couldn't burn. Well well well... Unbelievably cute doesn't mean unbelievably smart, does it? :-)
In any case, this is a fantastic envelope from the rodent lover (that sounds wrong) Miss James.
Rabbit looking at the moon.... Here in Japan the rabbit is highly symbolic, and strongly associated with the moon. I found an interesting article on the paradoxical and contradictory…
Added by Marie Wintzer on October 4, 2010 at 1:30pm —
My first piece of mail art from Canada. 3D, mind you!
Kiera Pannell sent me this great piece of art, a card, oh wait no, 4 cards actually, from the Museum of London. She carved out a branch with leaves in each of them, only slightly bigger every time, and superimposed them to give a sense of depth. Very cool!
The cards were then carefully sewn (stitched?) together with black thread.
On the back of the card she covered…
Added by Marie Wintzer on October 4, 2010 at 12:31pm —
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Everyone knows Julian Grant and the magic he does with his stamp carving craft. I can't even start to imagine how much patience it takes for this strawberry stamp to come out so perfect. Let alone his insect men, fish men and other fine creatures he's designing. Amazing stuff, really. Thanks Julian for sending a special piece of your…
Added by Marie Wintzer on October 3, 2010 at 1:34am —
More art from RCBz today. Receiving postcards from your friends is always uplifting, but receiving mail art from a mystery person takes it to a whole different level doesn't it? Nearly gives me chills :-)
This is a great collage, featuring various japanese characters, traditional and modern. They all seem to be part of a dance "odori" performance on stage, a traditional tatami room (love the way the head of the rocker guy pops…
Added by Marie Wintzer on September 29, 2010 at 1:30pm —
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A great piece of etegami arrived from Hokkaido yesterday. "A person's a person" is part of the oil spill series and pictures plankton swimming amongst blotches of oil. I'm very fond of Deborah's work, and I will proudly add this card to my growing collection, thanks dosankodebbie!
Added by Marie Wintzer on September 27, 2010 at 5:00am —
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Ain't Misbehaving is a movie from 1955. It's amazing how many American movies were aired in Japanese movie theaters at that time, if I believe the number of ads in those small Tokyo magazines from the 50's. Japan was still occupied by the United…
Added by Marie Wintzer on September 25, 2010 at 10:30pm —
Added by Marie Wintzer on September 25, 2010 at 2:45am —
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Do my postcards look like envelopes?
I've send this postcard to Art who leaves in a neighboring area in Tokyo, putting 70 yen of postage instead of the 50 required for domestic postcards. He got it with a note from the post asking him to pay the 10 yen that are missing within 10 days (10yen=0.1UDS).
Maybe they thought it was a letter, for which I should have put 80 yen of postage, but the reason they give it that it was too heavy, which it is definitely not.
Why they…
Added by Marie Wintzer on September 22, 2010 at 12:58pm —
Vintage DeLuxe Mayonnaise. Just because they're fishermen doesn't mean I can't add my goldfish...
Added by Marie Wintzer on September 21, 2010 at 1:00pm —
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A very local mail today. Let's see how long it takes for a japanese snail to go from one lab bench to the next one.
Added by Marie Wintzer on September 19, 2010 at 12:00pm —
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