The Crimson Giant and The Tower of Babel, bound!

I'm glad I sent all the chapters to Cheryl, she's the master of all boekies. I LOOOVE the binding, and it even comes with a hardcover! Needless to say I could never have done this myself. Thank you for this great present! And thank you to everyone who sent in their chapter(s), Cheryl, Bifidus, Sloan and Batgirl.

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Comment by De Villo Sloan on May 5, 2011 at 1:22am
Thank you, Wilma. I am humbled.

AWJ - you struck a chord there. I'll add "fixing a hole" & "Sea of Holes." MacLen did have a thing about holes.
Comment by Wilma Duguay on May 4, 2011 at 8:16pm

de Villo,

I would highly recommend that you cleary define the variables that you mention before making an assertive statement. Economizing on words is a first step.

Comment by Marie Wintzer on May 4, 2011 at 12:44pm
Comment by Austin Wills James on May 4, 2011 at 12:30pm
If we got them all together, maybe we could fill the Albert Hall.
Comment by De Villo Sloan on May 4, 2011 at 11:17am

Great hole by Erni. Wilma, the idea concept of holes was originally (1) to make the creation of the chapter pages part of a performance involving the physical activity of the artist (2) to break down traditional barriers between reader and page and encourage interaction. Erni Baer so eloquently stated the holes help achieve this. When Bifidus Jones first received the chapter, the response was to stick a finger in the hole. I couldn't have hoped for more. That IS my concept. Period.


Marie's hole puzzle shatters the hole itself. I see it as being akin to splitting the atom in the world of hole-art.

Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on May 4, 2011 at 10:10am

Beautiful blog/photos. Marie of a most beautiful Crimson Giant book, Cheryl! And Sir Sloan's "holes" was the beginning of the "whole" concept of holes and anti-holes! Erni in Germany contributed to putting the "whole" concept into sandpo as well:

Comment by Marie Wintzer on May 4, 2011 at 9:39am

Thanks DVS and Cheryl. I'm glad you're thinking this way, Cheryl, because that photographer I used to know seemed to think that one cannot be a photographer without studying the work of other (classic) photographers.


The middle photograph: arteries and veins!! :-))

Comment by cheryl penn on May 4, 2011 at 7:52am
Hello :-) DVS - good summary :-)).  Wilma, for sure, the empty spaces had GREAT impact.  The Hole Story - was quite a one wan't it! What about the Angry Holes? Marie - you asked me something in your email - can ONE be an artist without training? ABSOLUTELY!! You ARE one.  Your visual language is unique, your compositional skills are excellent and you THINK about what you do :-) - all adds up to being a REAL artist for sure.  Being an artist is about seeing the world differently and being able to express that altered reality.  That middle photograph - such a wonderful abstraction - I think I will have to paint it :-)
Comment by Wilma Duguay on May 4, 2011 at 4:12am

De Villo Sloan,

Rod Summers/VEC could shed some light on your concept. He is a master in this area.

Comment by De Villo Sloan on May 4, 2011 at 2:55am

That was only the beginning. Then Marie did a series of hole pieces that took the thing to another level. The first one I can recall that she did was this hole puzzle:


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