kay rodriques
  • Female
  • Pleasanton, CA
  • United States
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Kay rodriques's Friends

  • Toni Hanner -- tonipoet
  • Richard BAUDET
  • Heleen de Vaan
  • Sharon Silverman
  • E

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kay rodriques's Page

Profile Information

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I wish to exchange ideas and art and maybe do mail collaborations with an artist from Finland, an area that is totally different than where I live, which is the San Francisco Bay Area of California (U.S.A.). Am also open to communicating with others far and near, who are interested in art collaborations/conversations.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
email: kayrodriques@gmail.com

Kay rodriques's Blog

"South of Market" and "Biochemistry International"

Posted on February 6, 2016 at 8:00pm 1 Comment

Interesting art received in the mail this week -- my first two pieces from IUOMA members. The first, a postcard of an art piece (paint on plastic?) is set out in grid-like fashion, much like the streets in the "South of Market" area of San Francisco (or any other city/street-scape for that matter). The second was simply two stickers and a…


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At 12:19am on May 21, 2016, Heleen de Vaan said…

Thank you again, Kay, for your mail art! 

I finally posted it there (it = your complete work, not only the 'whom / what is she staring at'. Thanks a lot, I love it!!

At 1:56pm on February 26, 2016, Richard BAUDET said…

Welcome Kay !

At 4:36pm on February 22, 2016, Heleen de Vaan said…

Thank you for your reply, Kay!

I'll post my mail art for you tomorrow :-) Hope you'll like it.

You can find my address on the back  of the envelope, and on my IUOMA profile page.

Funny, the time difference: while you're going to work it's evening here, off to get ready to prepare dinner!

At 9:57am on February 22, 2016, Heleen de Vaan said…

Sorry for the grammar and typing errors, I see now! (well, English  grammar errors I don't see, as I'm a non-native English, and native  Dunglish speaker :-) )

(And if you want to exchange mail art with me, you're welcome, let me know :-) )

At 9:52am on February 22, 2016, Heleen de Vaan said…

Welcome, Kay!
I just read your message in the 'Start here at IUOMA' group, and since I am not a member of that group (and not new to IUOMA) I cannot reply there, so I'm writing here.

I haven't had such request, or I  might have forgotten it.
In the past  years I've got a few friendship requests by people of whom I couldn't find any mail art related info (to my opinioin this is the case when 'meeting' a private page in combination with no mail art info at all when searching their name via google). And and I tend to ignore these.
Every now and then there are spammers here! You can find more info about this in the 'Spammers mail-art' group. On the other hand I can understand why people don't want  to share all info about themselves on the public internet, it  is too public.
However, a friendship request by someone totally unknown and untraceable, as said, I would ignore.

At 9:38pm on February 19, 2016, Bruno Cassaglia said…

At 9:38pm on February 19, 2016, Bruno Cassaglia said…

Hello dear friend, I ask friendship? I can no longer ... I embrace you, Bruno

At 11:50am on February 13, 2016, Carlos I. Botana said…


Las Meninas by Diego Velázquez
Size: Free
Technique: Free
Deadline: August 15, 2016
Exhibition: September, 2016
No sales. No jury. No return
The work is publisehed in the "blog": mailartlasmeninasdecanido.blogspot.com
Send your work to:
Carlos I. Botana
C/. Javier López López
Nº 11 - portal 2 - 3º E
15009 - A Coruña - Spain
At 5:56am on February 1, 2016, Toni Hanner -- tonipoet said…
Welcome Kay ---- I''m not from Finland but if you want to exchange with me, my address is on. my. page.


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