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I'm just a cat that can read and write.

Paper, stamps, calligraphy, wax seals, inks, ephemera, maps, storytelling, luscious paint, printmaking, and little illustrations in the margins...I love them so much that I could eat them.

Literature major, bookbinder, embroiderer, ailurophile, sketchbook filler, collector of languages, shoestring vagabond (Beware! I have three passports, and I know how to use them...)

An eye for an eye.

I'm still looking for my mail ART soulmate.

I invest plenty of energy, earnestness, and effort in mail art. I know it's supposed to be non-precious, a rejection of bourgeois aesthetics, dada, punk, anti-beauty anti-art...but I can't help myself. If I'm going to do anything, I prefer to send stuff that is made from scratch, with care, by hand. I often spend a whole day on one piece...

That said, if you send a quick piece of craft store scrapbooking ready-mades, you will receive the same.

But send me an eye, by god, and you will get an eye. *winks*

PO Box 1032
Parap NT 0804

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Comment Wall (20 comments)

You need to be a member of International Union of Mail-Artists to add comments!

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At 10:53pm on June 29, 2019, The Artful Writer said…
I am so sad to hear this though we never got to exchange mail. She was so talented.
At 9:17pm on June 1, 2019, MUSEUM OF MAIL ART said…

sad news

At 5:31pm on May 25, 2019, Ruud Janssen said…

Received this sad news:

Hi Ruud,

Recently, I sent some mail art to MaoMao aka Nat from Australia ( I've had a letter back from her husband letting me know that she has passed away quite unexpectedly, and to please let the IUOMA members know as he does not have access to her account. 

I am shocked and saddened by her passing, as I considered her a dear fellow artist friend. I know that she was planning a trip to Oaxaca Mexico over Day of the Dead this year and I was so looking forward to all of the amazing art she was going to create and the stories she'd have to tell. 

Please let me know if there's anything I can do to get the word out, or if you'd like a copy of the letter her husband sent me. 

Thanks in advance,

Dawn Currin AKA Tiny Whisk

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CtlAltDel replied to MaoMao's discussion Looking for Signs of Life in Post-Armaggedon Australia Embassy group in the group Australia Embassy
"Yep, I'm here. In bloody cold Canberra. "
Jul 25, 2023
Jenny England replied to MaoMao's discussion Looking for Signs of Life in Post-Armaggedon Australia Embassy group in the group Australia Embassy
"Are you still mail arting. I am getting back into it after a long break. I live in Kiama NSW."
Oct 31, 2019
The Artful Writer left a comment for MaoMao
"I am so sad to hear this though we never got to exchange mail. She was so talented."
Jun 29, 2019
MUSEUM OF MAIL ART left a comment for MaoMao
"sad news"
Jun 1, 2019

Profile Information

Mail-Artist since:
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
I love paper, postage stamps, calligraphy, wax seals, inks, ephemera, maps, art materials, and little illustrations in the much that I could eat them.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
PO Box 1032
Parap, NT 0804

MaoMao's Blog

Personals Ad by Allen Ginsberg

Posted on February 20, 2019 at 1:30pm 2 Comments

[I love that in this original version of the poem, there was an address at the bottom, and it was Allen Ginsberg's personal postal address. I sometimes wonder if this post box still exists, or if they had to cancel it because the new owners keep getting mail from people touched by Ginsberg's poetry?]

"I will send a picture, too

if you will send me one…


Received from JIMMY CONNORS

Posted on February 20, 2019 at 8:00am 2 Comments

Fun postcard by Jimmy Connors, who thinks outside the box...I really like that.


received from CASCADIA ARTPOST

Posted on February 20, 2019 at 7:55am 0 Comments

Mandible, from Cascadia Artpost...and kitty cat artistamp, Bud. …20190220_142415



Received from BARBARGIRL

Posted on February 20, 2019 at 7:30am 0 Comments




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