Minneapolis Gnome
  • Male
  • Minneapolis, MN
  • United States
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Minneapolis Gnome's Friends

  • Lisa Lisa
  • Devin S. Turk
  • Gwendolynium
  • Crystal Kayh
  • Gary Horntvedt
  • Edamameg
  • Melanie Reed
  • allison
  • Carien van Hest
  • Amy Kiessling
  • Babett
  • Ilya Semenenko-Basin
  • Jayne Barket Lyons
  • Emory Banker
  • Amy Candiotti

Minneapolis Gnome's Groups


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Latest Activity

Minneapolis Gnome joined Maxima Strange's group

The One Page Zine

That is, an 8 page zine made with just one sheet of paper.  This group is for anyone who wants to make, share, and trade zines made with just one sheet of paper. The paper is folded to make an 8 page zine.  If you don’t know how, there are many tutorials on YouTube. Here’s one:https://youtu.be/vdrcCZJeabEYou can also share your creations here, along with any tips you’d like to pass along. Not a group for add and pass. Complete zines only. Let’s collect…See More
Jan 2
Mikel Untzilla left a comment for Minneapolis Gnome
Feb 15, 2023
Minneapolis Gnome posted a blog post

Wreck This Journal (by US Postal Mail!) Project Contributions from Robin J!

On January 28, 2022 Robin J from Arlington, TX sent in pages 71 through 76 of our Wreck This Journal project!  She also added prints and a cool envelope!  Check them out:This is the collage she made on the back of the envelope, above!Below are the…See More
Dec 19, 2022
Minneapolis Gnome posted a blog post

Cascadia ArtPost Sent SUCH COOL DOCUMENTATION of Cascadia to me on 1 24 2022

Cascadia ArtPost sent me the most amazing packet of information about Cascadia in January of 2022!  Due to difficulties I occasionally experience synchronizing and remaining within specific parameters of the space / time continuum, I'm blogging about it 10 months later in your time line.  For this I deeply apologize as I fully recognize that this is frustrating and…See More
Nov 26, 2022
Minneapolis Gnome posted a blog post

Wreck This Journal (by US Postal Mail!) Project Contributions from SaraMarie Bottaro!

Please accept my apologies for the recent slow down in my documentation of our WTJ (by US Postal Mail!) collaborative art project.  I've got a lot of very awesome art from a number of super cool, fun artists to share with everyone!  Today I'm sharing the groovy art of SaraMarie Bottaro!Pages 19 - 23 were mailed back to Minneapolis on January 19th, 2022 wrapped like the gift they are!…See More
Apr 25, 2022
Crystal Kayh commented on Minneapolis Gnome's blog post Wreck This Journal (by US Postal Mail!) Project Contribution from Richard Canard!
"pg. 44... LOL"
Feb 26, 2022
Triboulet commented on Minneapolis Gnome's blog post Thank you for the mail, Gwendolynium!
"Hello from Germany, Thank you very much for the Postacard, (you are the first :) ) I love you Typography, hope you'll enjoy mine Triboulet"
Feb 18, 2022
Minneapolis Gnome commented on Minneapolis Gnome's blog post Wreck This Journal (by US Postal Mail!) Project Contributions from David & Star McCoy!
"I agree! I think it should be everyone’s first gold star ⭐️ of the day! Nice job on the cholesterol busting oatmeal, by the way!"
Feb 14, 2022
John Gayer commented on Minneapolis Gnome's blog post Wreck This Journal (by US Postal Mail!) Project Contributions from David & Star McCoy!
"Page 56 is ace. I congratulate myself every morning with a bowl of hot oatmeal."
Feb 14, 2022
Minneapolis Gnome posted a blog post

Wreck This Journal (by US Postal Mail!) Project Contributions from David & Star McCoy!

David and Star McCoy sent back gloriously "wrecked" journal pages from St. Cloud, MN!  They're bright, playful, fun and I love them!  David took these first several pages and had at them, scroll down and you'll find Star's artistic work follows.  At the bottom of this blog I'll give you a look at the coolio envelope their art arrived in!This first page, above, which I…See More
Feb 13, 2022
Minneapolis Gnome commented on Minneapolis Gnome's blog post Thom C. improves world, provides balm to artist's soul
"Thanks, Gwendolynium.  Our Minneapolis Police Department has just murdered yet another black man, Amir Locke, on a no-knock warrant.  So angry, sick about it and sick of it.  Keep up the good fight, friends, it's the only thing…"
Feb 9, 2022
Gwendolynium commented on Minneapolis Gnome's blog post Thom C. improves world, provides balm to artist's soul
"Curious about how much black lives matter in this community, I typed it into the search bar and this post was the main result. Good one, Gnome!"
Feb 1, 2022
Minneapolis Gnome posted a blog post

Wreck This Journal (by US Postal Mail!) Project Contribution from Richard Canard!

Richard Canard's Wreck This Journal (by US Postal Mail!) pages arrived safely back in Minneapolis!  He had pages 44 through 49 and struck a very independent, free thinking pose befitting of a mail artist, in my opinion!  When the Journal asked him for his grocery list he asked "Why?", and why indeed!  We cannot simply bow, out of habit, to every arbitrary demand placed…See More
Jan 30, 2022
PATRICIA LANDON commented on Minneapolis Gnome's blog post Thank you for the mail, Richard Canard! 37 Year Old Re-mailed Envelope!
"Bradford has a very deep well of knowledge, gotta love it♥"
Jan 29, 2022
Minneapolis Gnome commented on Richard BAUDET's photo

View of PRAGUES !

"Richard:  I guess we'll just have to pull out our pencils, pens and watercolors and start practicing!"
Jan 28, 2022
Minneapolis Gnome commented on Minneapolis Gnome's blog post Thank you for the mail, Richard Canard! 37 Year Old Re-mailed Envelope!
"Bradford, thanks for the info on the sorting center!  I adore dip and fountain pens as well!"
Jan 28, 2022

Profile Information

Mail-Artist since:
February 2014
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
[UPDATE as of December 2019: (Then Revised December 2021)
I have SUCKED at mail arting for the past 4 to 5 years. I haven't been able to make it, send it, open it, post pictures or blogs about it, respond to it...life has changed significantly. I'm clearly unable to get back on a steady roll. I'm popping in and doing a Wreck this Journal (by US Postal MAIL!) art project right now, which is the only mail art I can commit to - but it's REALLY FUN AND COOL.]

What my bio USED TO SAY prior to 2019:
I like art, that of others and also making it. It's hard for me to make anything without knowing that it will have a place to go, so mail art motivates me by giving me a project with a purpose. Getting surprises in the mail ain't too shabby of a benefit, either.

When I started in mail art I made a lot of carefully cut collage postcards, which was fun, helped loosen me up and build my confidence. I now enjoy making and receiving original hand drawn or hand painted art, fun little doodles, sketches, drawings that take longer to complete, copies of zines, hand carved rubber stamp prints and lino / wood block prints.

Please don't be shy, I don't think you have to consider yourself "good" at drawing / painting or have ever even spent a lot of time practicing in order to doodle out and color a postcard that will delight me. My heart sings when I see people’s free hand drawings / paintings / carves, they are wonderful eye candy to me.

My mail art is often light hearted or whimsical, I hope to bring a smile and positive feelings to the recipient and also to focus my own mind in a happy direction while I create. I sometimes let myself make political or societal statements with mail art as well, though I walk a fine line trying not to bum the recipient out without offering some type of solution or hope in how we can make the world a better place.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
E-mail through IUOMA messages


[UPDATE DECEMBER 2019:  I bought myself a newer used scanner/copier/printer for my birthday.  Now that I have one that works properly, I'm excited to send back issues 1-9 and current issue #10 around to people.  Let me know if you'd like copies!  Since I'm currently a non-reliable mail artist who just went through 2-3 years of flitting in and out of mail art existence with barely any explanation whatsoever, I'm happy to send them out as "Guilt Free Mail - No Reply Expected".]

In August 2014 I made #6 of a mini-zine called "Another Crappy Mini-Zine".  These are printed on reused paper in black and white using my home laser printer, then individually hand colored.  The 8 page folded mini-zines usually have an easter egg which can be found by unfolding them and looking at the "unprinted" side.  I've done issues on: How cold it is in my office, how to leave an efficient voice mail, weird tidbits on raising chickens, a fan - zine of Scott drawing birds and a couple others.    

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Comment Wall (58 comments)

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At 6:52am on February 15, 2023, Mikel Untzilla said…

At 8:20am on December 23, 2021, Sabela Baña said…

Yes.Merry Christmas

At 11:04am on March 16, 2020, Sabrina S said…

Hi Gnome, I wanted to send you a surprise Mail Art but then I found out: there is no address! Noooooooo! If you want something pls let me know your address. :)

At 3:25am on February 12, 2020, SaraMarie Bottaro said…

It would be wonderful to swap zines with you!

At 2:31am on February 9, 2020, Jayne Barket Lyons said…

Hi neighbor! Love, love, love the zines, zines, zines! Thanks so much! Read about it here!

At 7:43am on December 25, 2019, Sabela Baña said…

Yes, The picture is very nice.

At 9:40pm on August 14, 2019, Toni Hanner -- tonipoet said…

My dear Gnome, do you still walk among us? I miss you.

At 5:54pm on April 25, 2018, Norma Soulet said…

Hi Minneapolis Gnome,

Something went out in today's mail for you.

Be on the lookout! LOL

At 9:23pm on March 24, 2018, Toni Hanner -- tonipoet said…

Esteemed Gnome, in spite of your warning, I opened the mail. Perhaps this was because you warning was INSIDE the mail. Oh well, I seem to have survived but there is now a giant woolyworm creeping around my house. He seems rather starry-eyed. Maybe he thinks he's made it to Hollywood instead of plain old Oregon. I LOVE HIM, and your delightful letter, even though it has woolyworm poop on it. Thanks for attempting to save me from this menace!

At 10:11pm on March 17, 2018, Jayne Barket Lyons said…

Hi Gnome! Just sent a friend request. I have mail art friends from afar, and thought it would be neat to have one near - and since we're practically neighbors (I'm in Lakeville). Hoping we can swap mail art! 

Minneapolis Gnome's Blog

Wreck This Journal (by US Postal Mail!) Project Contributions from Robin J!

Posted on December 19, 2022 at 12:01am 0 Comments

On January 28, 2022 Robin J from Arlington, TX sent in pages 71 through 76 of our Wreck This Journal project!  She also added prints and a cool envelope!  Check them out:

This is the collage she made…


Cascadia ArtPost Sent SUCH COOL DOCUMENTATION of Cascadia to me on 1 24 2022

Posted on November 26, 2022 at 10:27pm 0 Comments

Cascadia ArtPost sent me the most amazing packet of information about Cascadia in January of 2022!  Due to difficulties I occasionally experience synchronizing and remaining within specific parameters of the space / time continuum, I'm blogging about it 10 months later in your time line.  For this I deeply apologize as I fully recognize…


Wreck This Journal (by US Postal Mail!) Project Contributions from SaraMarie Bottaro!

Posted on April 25, 2022 at 12:35am 0 Comments

Please accept my apologies for the recent slow down in my documentation of our WTJ (by US Postal Mail!) collaborative art project.  I've got a lot of very awesome art from a number of super cool, fun artists to share with everyone!  Today I'm sharing the groovy art of SaraMarie Bottaro!

Pages 19 - 23 were mailed back to Minneapolis on January 19th, 2022 wrapped like the gift they are!…


Wreck This Journal (by US Postal Mail!) Project Contributions from David & Star McCoy!

Posted on February 13, 2022 at 11:59pm 2 Comments

David and Star McCoy sent back gloriously "wrecked" journal pages from St. Cloud, MN!  They're bright, playful, fun and I love them!  David took these first several pages and had at them, scroll down and you'll find Star's artistic work follows.  At the bottom of this blog I'll give you a look at the coolio envelope their art arrived in!




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The money will be used to keep the IUOMA-platform alive. Current donations keep platform online till 1-february-2026. If you want to donate to get IUOMA-publications into archives and museums please mention this with your donation. It will then be used to send some hardcopy books into museums and archives. You can order books yourself too at the IUOMA-Bookshop. That will sponsor the IUOMA as well.

IMPORTANT: please use the friends/family option with donation on Paypal. That makes transaction fee the lowest.

This IUOMA platform on NING has no advertisings, so the funding is completely depending on donationsby members. Access remains free for everybody off course










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