

United States

Profile Information:

Mail-Artist since:
1992, with a long gap between 1993 and 2013
My Website (without http://):
Why I am involved in Mail-Art:
Mail doesn't need to be boring.
My Mail-Adress (snail and/or E-mail)
Phillip Lerche
877 South 3rd Street
Columbus OH 43206-2009

Comment Wall:

  • Richard BAUDET

    Nice to meet you here  Phillip ! Welcome ! How are you ?

    Didn't you received  this  mail art sent on March ?

  • Petrolpetal

    Welcome! Nice blog. I'll be sending you some mail soon!
  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

  • Guido Vermeulen

  • Eva (Mail Adventures)

    Thanks for your postcard, Phillip! It arrived this morning.

  • Celestino Neto

  • Petrolpetal

    Thanks for the bright envelope and note!

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

  • DKeys

    Hey Finn! thanks for the 'bad' art you sent. I quite liked it. It has also qualified you to be the judge of the next Sorta Monthly Bad Mail Art Contest!  if you would join the group that would be fantastic. if not-you're still not off the hook for judge. all it means is that people will be sending you some crappy art

  • JOB [5Blanks]

    hi finn!
    it is not too late...we will wait. :-)

  • Petrolpetal

    Thanks for the hat!

  • Rebecca Guyver

    HI, I got your bananas!  Will try to send something soon.  I have posted it here: and blogged it on the postal ledger:

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

  • Celestino Neto

  • Cernjul Viviana María

  • liketelevisionsnow

    Thank you, FinnBadger, for sending your collage to the Plagiarized Invisible Art group! The deadline has been extended to January 1, 2016.

  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

    This is very special, Richard! thanks a million ;-)

    it is blogged here:

    Jenny Upside-Down

  • Nina Hermus

    Now I see that I forgot to tell you that I also got your triangle envelop. It was already there on the 26th of November. Thank you so much. And Katerina for pointing out the Upside Down Jenny. I had heard of it, but didn't notice it.

  • Linda French

       Is that a real Jenny?  --Linda

  • Linda French

    Oh hi, Finn. I know NOTHING about stamps. I have heard of the Jenny, and know they are rare and extremely valuable. You can imagine that I was startled to see such a thing on the IUOMA site.  LOL!  --Linda

  • Mail Art Martha

    Hi thank you for amazing posting, FinnBadger, it came with an apology from your US Postmaster addressed to Dear Valued Customer! Never have I felt more important. You will be soon able to read the full story in the Trashpo group.

  • Mail Art Martha

    The Grand Opening of the Envelope is in teh tube

  • Mail Art Martha

    Was it damaged in the post? to me it looks perfect as it is. And the detective work was simple, I wrote Phillip in Members and got here, although Katerina calling you Richard confused me again. By the way, it is a clever way of making an envelope.

  • Nina Hermus

    I received your wonderful mail art and collage. More in my blog. Thank you.

  • Heleen de Vaan

    Thank you, dear FinnBadger, your great version of the 2015 Snail Mail Snail has landed safely into my mailbox!Really beautiful!!

    Probably next month I'll post your snail and the other received coloured/colored snails on my RWA-blog.

  • Ray Johnson Estate

    Thanks--great to be here.

  • Tomoe N

    Hello from Japan. Thank you for Banana mail. Nice to meet you!

    I may send something back when I have a chance.

    (I have been slow and accumulate past un-reply mails but I will put "never sent persons" priority.) 

    Tomoe N 

  • Tomoe N

    Yes it seems to get here early. 

    Good I got 2 banana mails in one day. 

    Ok I will... Thanks for the new friendship. : )

    Would you like banana or trashpo? lol 

  • Tomoe N

    Ok.... It does not need to be one or the other but I see your preference. lol

    Thank you. : ) I collect mainly Japanese snack trash and also found objects. 

  • jon foster

    Thanks so much for getting in touch with me about those two collages. I'll add them to the big post of your work next week. Thanks.

  • Valentine Mark Herman

    Erni has left IUOMA because he had had enough of his comments being censored.

    This is very sad indeed.

  • Tomoe N

    Hello. I made a postcard for you. I will send you soon! 

  • De Villo Sloan

  • DKeys

  • De Villo Sloan

    Finn, I found the book you sent at the PO today - total masterpiece in my estimation. Many thanks.

    I'm thinking about the best way to document it, as I believe it should be seen. So more on this later.

    Meanwhile, thanks again. - DVS

  • De Villo Sloan

    I didn't know how to say it. I picked it up. It arrived. I usually am only able to get to the PO once a week, so never lost but there is sometimes a delay in terms of receiving.

    I'm pretty much limited to scans right now due to my own ineptness. The thing is a class Trashbook in a sense. I'll figure out something.

    Regards, DVS

  • Mick Boyle

    Hi Phillip, Your Red Show mail art was so good. I liked everything about it. The handmade Gerhard Richter envelope and the red stamps. Wow. I also liked the postcard inside. Thanks.


  • Mail Art Martha

    I got your super zine, thank you so much! I shall create something suitably trashy to send you

  • Bruno Cassaglia - netpoetartist

  • Carlos I. Botana


    Las Meninas by Diego Velázquez
    Size: Free
    Technique: Free
    Deadline: August 15, 2016
    Exhibition: September, 2016
    No sales. No jury. No return
    The work is publisehed in the "blog":
    Send your work to:
    Carlos I. Botana
    C/. Javier López López
    Nº 11 - portal 2 - 3º E
    15009 - A Coruña - Spain
  • Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat)

  • Tony M

    hello! nice to see you...happy new year...

  • Toni Hanner -- tonipoet

    Heck Yea--I'd love to be involved in the Leap Day Mail Art! My birthday is the 27th so I almost had the quatrennial (is that a word?) birthday.

  • The Blessed Father

    You should receive some Blessed Crap on Tuesday. Artistamps and a "Get Out of Hell Free" card. All the best. . . . the Blessed Father.