Show us your Artspace!!!


Show us your Artspace!!!

Whether you create in a studio, atelier, shed, kitchen or on a coffee table, the artists' workspace has always been an intriguing place of information and interest to people.

Please share photos of YOUR mail art creating area. I want to see Artspaces in action, so no tidying up!! Let's see your pens, tools, glues, stamps, dirty wine glass, rubbish bin, storage space, etc!

Let's have a snoop in this group!!

Location: Down Under-a pile of art materials.
Members: 209
Latest Activity: on Wednesday

Discussion Forum

I just reorganized my artspace to make more room for more works in progress. 1 Reply

I work on many pieces simultaneously - not just mail art: paper, mixed media, collage, panels- and I had run out of space to place incomplete work as it dries. So I built a storage rack with many shelves, shown here in the back corner. Now my…Continue

Started by Michael French. Last reply by Carien van Hest Apr 10, 2021.

My artspace 15 Replies

Hi, I show you my artspace.Continue

Started by alessandro perini. Last reply by Carien van Hest Apr 10, 2021.

My two Artspaces 3 Replies

one space I make my mail art.Then I have a place to address outgoing and keep in coming ,mail art.

Started by April Jean Rocco. Last reply by Michael French Mar 2, 2021.

My Bitty Office March 8, 2016 3 Replies

Here's my artspace today, about like it usually looks. Semi-controlled chaos.

Started by Toni Hanner -- tonipoet. Last reply by Carien van Hest Jan 31, 2021.

Here's my little messy space 4 Replies

But I have a window, which I love.

Started by Toni Hanner -- tonipoet. Last reply by Carien van Hest Oct 7, 2020.

My space with my puppy!

I do everything when it comes to art... collage, paper, paint, jewelry, etc.

Started by Bonniediva Jan 6, 2017.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Suus in Mokum on January 26, 2013 at 8:53am

no more space for MailArt...

Comment by vizma bruns on January 26, 2013 at 1:03am

Hey, I was actually looking at a container last week! I went inside one but they're so dark and a bit too claustrophobic!

Next idea....!

Comment by Christine Jones on January 26, 2013 at 12:57am

Yep - keep  the water in it - OK in summer - not to great in winter - oh, scrap it - foolish idea - how about a converted container on stilts to get away from the snakes - they're air/conned -  I like what you found though - one each on your farm - you just have to build the water ways!!!!!!

Comment by vizma bruns on January 26, 2013 at 12:03am

Maybe like this? I just googled Green Design Architecture in images, and now I'm drooling! Will have to put some pics in the Dream Work Places page!

Chris, you mean with the water still in it?!!! A pool studio!!

Carina, that happens a lot here, artists move into the dingiest areas, make them groovy, then they get booted out because the rent's gone up and the rich move in. Hmph...

Louise, I got a blank page with that link. :-(

Comment by Alicia Starr on January 25, 2013 at 10:13pm

The last pic below is what I had in mind originally, but giving this further thought, how about a big plastic bubble, vented of course. Raised flat floor, lots of light and nothing could slither up the sides of it. You might even find a company to make it for you when they hear your story.

Comment by Louise Kiner on January 25, 2013 at 1:35pm
Have you ever heard about the subway train cars that have been converted into artist studios:!/entry/old-subway-cars-transformed-into-cool-london-art-studios,509c3162d7fc7b567050b1d9

Those water towers are really beautiful, Vizma.
Comment by Carina on January 25, 2013 at 9:29am

Beautiful towers and water tank!! Your story, Vizma, reminds me of my "brilliant" idea to use an old, forgotten prayer house to a studio. I went asking if it was possible, of course with paying a rent. But they just stared at me and shook their heads. And now these forgotten houses are either decayed or has the largest spread in an interior magazine (as a transformed house)!

Comment by Christine Jones on January 25, 2013 at 5:48am

Like the water tank idea - you'd keep cool??????

Comment by vizma bruns on January 25, 2013 at 12:58am

We sure do, Alicia! We have some great ones along the coastline, I always wanted to live in one as a child but my teachers said 'Oh don't be silly girl, the furniture wouldn't fit up against the wall.' Now they cost millions as transformed houses!!


 here are my faves in Adelaide!

Maybe I could make a studio from an old water tank!?

Comment by Alicia Starr on January 24, 2013 at 6:22pm

Perfect solution Carina, love it! 

Just finished your talisman Viz. It should get you through till the Finnish snake-free futurohouse can be built. Wonder if you could convert an old water tower?

Do you have these is Australia? 



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