Wonderful wild thing ,with (Blue) in background

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Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on January 14, 2012 at 7:15pm

Erni: talented, yes; nice, well let's not rush to judgement yet.

BEAR: I'm delighted to hear that you are built like a line-backer and/or a Hummer, 'cos that's what your name suggests. Somehow I didn't really imagine you with a sewing machine -- what I had more in mind was that you'd go out from your shack, wrestle a few grizzlies, kill a few moose, take a swim in a frozen lake, and then go off to your regular job as a CPA.

Erni: in Bear's case 'I can't get no satisfaction' is a mis-hearing of the lyrics 'I can't get no Singer sewing machine'.

Erni & Bear: (and perhaps getting back to where this whole thing started) the very last song that my pick-up rock band played at a gig at Vienna Town Hall about two years ago was...'Wild Thing'.

Rock on you guys, Val

Comment by Daniel Wayne Qualls (BEAR) on January 14, 2012 at 2:44pm
Post script . Try having a last name like Qualls ! Bear Qualls has no balls. Santa Qualls. DWQ = Dairy Queen. Dan Quail etc etc etc
Comment by Daniel Wayne Qualls (BEAR) on January 14, 2012 at 2:39pm
truth be known it was a euphemism I really don't own a sewing machine, not impossible. I think it would take more than needle and thread to dispose of my sexuality as a man with 3 children 6'1" 289lbs I don't worry. Val I'm just busting your balls ! Good point but I still would wear a wild thing costume and have some fun in it !
Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on January 14, 2012 at 1:06pm

Remember the book 'Real Men Don't Eat Quiche?' Its oft quoted (especially by me).

I raise this because I wonder if 'Real Men Don't Use Sewing Machines', especially if they are called Bear?.

Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on January 14, 2012 at 12:57pm

Hey Bear...do you know the lead singer in the Troggs was called...Presley? Not Elvis, but Reg Presley. It must have been almost as difficult for him to go through his schooldays with a name like that as someone called...well, Valentine.

Comment by Daniel Wayne Qualls (BEAR) on January 14, 2012 at 5:47am
I'm not sure who made me laugh more Erni or Val !!!!!
Comment by Valentine Mark Herman on January 14, 2012 at 5:26am

...you make my heart sing/you make everything...groovy!

Comment by Daniel Wayne Qualls (BEAR) on January 14, 2012 at 4:18am
Yall gona make me get my sewing machine out of storage and make something wonderful and watch me bust some trees down !


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