Super Megathon Blogarama Deluxe-a Go-Go IV: The Umpire Strikes Back

Brooke C. of Seattle sent my mom this fresh collage/painting. Alas, to complain about too much rain is not something we ever do in New Mexico. Would that we could. But your collage is still lovely, Brooke.

And she sent me this colorful card which invites a response. I think I did. I hope I did. Thank you, Brooke for both our cards.

Gü of Nottinghamshire in the Surrey Country also sent my mom one of her artful absurdities in this envelope.

Gü will be happy to note that yesterday, being a day that ends in Y, Mom played bridge. (Any mention of Mom requires me to state that she is 102 years old and we are about to have lunch).

And here, strictly for the hell of it, is a photo of mom checking her facebook likes just moments ago.

Jon F. of Winston Salem sent me these two screeds (and some other stuff) that tell various tales. Both of which resonate with me. We used to take cap rolls and slam them with a hammer to get that megatonage impact. A fleeting pleasure followed by a puff of smoke. Thank you, Jon.

Stan A. from Hawaii sent me the evidence which I have placed, according to our prior arrangement, into the Univac for proper parsing. Thank you, Stan. I sent you some headlines recently. I hope they can be of some use to you.

RCBz of far off Saint Clown makes his screeds from bits of random free-floating anger found around the house. Which makes me think if we all had toxic feeling detectors (battery-powered of course) they'd be screaming in unison and forcing us out into the streets. I think Mr. z will agree with me that voting this year is more important than usual (certainly if we ever want to find our way back to usual). Thank you, RCBz.

The Viz down under sent me one of her insanely stamped up envelopes and the collage within. "Something's not right, uhhh!" Yes, I think we have our theme. Viz, I sympathize about the postage. They're trying to make mail art something only the wealthy can afford. Little do they know (whoever they is) that when the lines go down, mail art networks will revive civilization single-handedly, awakening the ancient shipping lanes of communication to…And here he trailed off into a dusty rant which I will spare you. Best of luck with The Fighting Squids, Viz (Her local soccer team) and thank you.

Tony in Berlin sent my mom this eye-popping collage. We thank you from Santa Fe and Los Altos respectively. Above and beyond, sir!

Katerina de Thessaloniki also sent Mom one of her cool Grecian blue cards. I have, as required by law, turned it into a 60s dress pattern. Thank you, Katerina.

I think it was Alistair Cooke who said, "Nancy B. S's collages are like artifacts from an age lost to memory. Burnished by time they wait patiently for a Rosetta Stone to unlock their manifold secrets." Typically, Cooke failed to mention the iceberg lettuce. Thank you, Nancy for your cards and friendship.

Here are an entire page of Canards. Richard of Emerald Avenue is a master re-purposer who can lay down a broadside on the back of a Wendy's cup faster than Ray Johnson could draw a bunny on the back of his hand.  No one philosophizes about Mail Art's true nature more or more pithily than Mr. Canard. (Though DeVillo Sloan's comment will forever resonate with me: "Mail Art is the Special Olympics of the Art World.") Thank you, Sir Richard.

The Keys Family Experience sent me this DVD case (The contents are still being reviewed by the toxicologists) that features someone who looks like me or my doppelganger Walter White on the cover. Some day Diane and I will make a viral Youtube feature together. And I will house it in this case. This I do affirm. Thank you, Diane.

Finally Rebecca G of Merrie England, (which we are visiting in October for the London Mail Art Oktoberfest) sent me the dossier that has roiled American politics for the past year. Naturally, it's dirty. Also, like all of Rebecca's work, meticulously conceived and larded with textures, stitches, sutures, 60s babes, cryptic messages and statements of incontrovertible fact.

I think the message here is pretty clear and the implications enormous. Consequently, I have forwarded the dossier to Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell who has assured me he will sit on these revelations until the end of time. Paul Ryan has assured me that Mitch has the perfect ass for such a task. Rebecca has been very generous with her blogposts about my stuff for which I am happy to return the favor. Thank you, Rebecca. See you at Oktoberfest.

Thanks again to everyone. Errors of fact and judgment may have occurred. Please see my lawyer, Ms Rumpole, on your way out to lodge complaints.

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Comment by Nancy Bell Scott on December 30, 2018 at 11:52pm

it's always a surprise when the umpire strikes back, but it probably shouldn't be.   

another grand blog from david stafford.   thinking of you, dave.

p.s.  one has to have renewed appreciation for alistair cooke after this beaut.


Comment by David Stafford on September 17, 2018 at 4:51pm
You're welcome, Katerina. And Debra.
Comment by Katerina Nikoltsou (MomKat) on September 17, 2018 at 10:02am

Enchanting! So good to see your Mom on-line!!! Bless her!

And thank you for the Stafford Fashion Statement, fantastic! xxx

Comment by Debra Mulnick on September 14, 2018 at 1:59am

Incredible stuff!  Thank you so much for posting it all.

Comment by David Stafford on September 13, 2018 at 12:23am

You're welcome. Will we see you at the London Oktoberfest?

Comment by on September 12, 2018 at 11:50pm

Thanks for another great blog!


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