Hello, I received this work from “Saint Clown” Minnesota but I’m not sure who sent it. Can anyone please help? 

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Comment by Dean aka Artist in Seine on September 8, 2023 at 9:45am

Hello, I found this quite funny.  The town is actually called Saint Cloud, MN 56301.  I liked the take on Saint Clown and this made me laugh.  I had friends who went to University there.  It was always my joke that they studied cloud formations at this University.  I always thought that the grading system used was cirrus, stratus, and cumulus, instead of the A, B, C system. (or the 4.0 system)

I looked as well on this site to find this person, but I found nothing about RCBz.  So for sure he/she/they are now on my mailing list.  Clearly someone with a sense of humor.  But I think up in those Northern parts you have to have a sense of humor otherwise you will freeze. ha ha

Thank you for posting.  This was fun.

Comment by Cascadia Artpost on September 7, 2023 at 11:10pm

The envelope was sent by RCBz.

Comment by Maxima Strange on September 7, 2023 at 5:22pm

I saw that in the envelope but wasn’t sure what I was looking at. The artist has been around for a few years, it seems. But no IUOMA  profile. 

Comment by Maxima Strange on September 7, 2023 at 5:08pm

Thank you. 

Comment by Carien van Hest on September 7, 2023 at 4:28pm

from RCBz


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