A beautifully decorated envelope came and in it? A handful of small clippings with close attention paid to every last little detail-specimen A: a hand calligraphied assortment, including an old tock label with my name (SPELLED CORRECTLY!) on it, a personal note to me that actually did get me thru another day of COVID, all bits and pieces, all cherished and now perma-installments into my IUOMA wall of fame...(P.S. and hey everybody, guess what I did to recieve such tender mail art? Zip. Zilch. Nada. Dada-style! The story is this: the day I signed up I got a note of advice and welcome from him & since two great packets. THANK YOU AGAIN, RICHARD & KEEP IT COMING!)...((P.P.S. And a note to richard himself: I know I said I'd mail you something soon but it just got out today-I really tried to make it special and I get a little O.C.D. so sorry for the belation but you won't be disappointed I promise :)) Yours, Hilary.
This was a fun read, not confusing at all (just kidding). Easy for me, I have only received mail from Richard B., and never Richard C. (that's right - I am feeling very much overlooked). Also, has Richard A. been recruited yet?
OKAY: so, I think I've got it all straight now and again: MY HUUUGE APOLOGIES! I am so embarassed but more than that I want the right people (both artists) to receive the correct props accompanied by the correct pics etcetera...SO! I know now how to ID Richard B. (that is, Baudet, of Marseilles, master of calligraphic artistry, yes???)-and how to ID Richard C. (that is, Canard, of Carbondale, master of informational xerox art as well as master of wordplay I know now thru his helpful comments and posts after I posted the offending/mixed-up posts...)-SO! One more question, this one is for De Villo Sloan from last Friday's comment: You say that you 'anticipate someone will ask for Richard A," and then you express the importance of containing the situation before it gets out of control...But who is this "Richard A" you are referring to here? I thought I had it all down but now I'm a bit confused again & would welcome some help in clearing everything here up needs cleaning up!!! (and a note to Richard C.: I am working still on a masterpiece mail art packet for you, please be patient as I'm a bit slow and would have been more on top of it had I comprehended earlier on this big mix-up of id's! CHEERS & THANX TO YOU BOTH FOR THE CHARMING MAIL ART PACKETS already recieved...! ~Hilary.
The Richard situation is clearly becoming confusing to Yomans. We must clearly delineate:
Richard B
Richard C
I anticipate someone will ask for:
Richard A
Please let's contain this situation lest it spiral out of control.
And one last question...is it common to know who everyone is around here on this site? Seems to big to know everyone but every corner I turn it's friendly quarters, I'm loving it here...
So Richard Canard-you sent me the xeroxed pages? Just getting thins straight!
Oh no oh no oh no!!!! Apologies, my mistake, I'm the new guy tripping over myself with mail art...! Well now I feel even more blessed-and hey, guess what: my father and my husband's names are ALSO RICHARD! But they do not send me nice art...thank you thank you for A-the mail art packet (my blog explains all I do love about it and more) and thank you B-for pointing all this out to me! It is important to know in the end after all-now I have another pack to create for YOU! Please, as I tell all my correspondents too at the outset I'm a bit slow both making and getting to the P.O.-I live rurally, and am slow due to chronic lyme-which is also my #1 reason for having entered the world of mail art too, so the good comes with the bad. Now wait- I think it's you, Richard Baudet, (BTW, Richard Canard-my dad's FULL name is "Richard Konrad"...eerie, really) who I sent a package out to today-please, and this goes out to Richard C.-can I confirm your mailing address, please? I'm all confused now as I only have one address on my wall and it's definitely to Marseille so it's yours I am missing-please, lmk by confirming, you are from Carbondale, yes?
03.09.20 Dare Ms.Hilary K., ....uh, yes indeedy. The world is full of "Richards" [ & even the the so-called "art world {& even the much smaller "mail-art world"} (esp. their nicknames)]...& so, no doubt.... it's somewhat easy to become confused. This mailing is from Richard "B". (Richard Baudet: the prolific & elegant calligrapher from Marseille.-(as in "Baudetcious" er...bodacious)........the other missive ( which you may have had in mind) comes from Richard "C". (as in" Canard" & or sometime "Clown" ) & from Nawf Karolina by way of the state of Illusion. It's really quite easy to tell the difference once you get use to it. SinCelery, Richard C.
Yes, I am Richard Baudet , from France !
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